12 Goals for Living the Best Summer
Goal Setting & Planning

12 Summer Goals for Living the Best Summer

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How can you have a fun yet productive summer? Well, here are 12 goals that could help you live the best summer ever – and I’m here to share them with you!

In my previous post “How to Prepare for Summer in 6 Easy Ways”, one of the points was to set flexible goals. Make sure to not miss out on that post, as it covers how goals and (dis)satisfaction could actually ruin your summer…

But, if you’re looking for inspiration to set your new goals, then you’ve come to the right post!

Are you ready to discover the 12 top goals for living the best summer? Then, let’s get started!

Last updated on: May 11, 2024

Why Adopt Flexible Goals This Summer?

While you read the list of summer goals, I would like you to keep in mind that the following is a list of flexible goals.

Why flexible goals?

Well, I firmly believe that there is a season for everything:

  • Fall is for nurturing
  • Winter is for resting
  • Spring is for thriving
  • Summer is for enjoying

After a long winter, I’m sure you’re ready to leave your cozy blankets at home and go out to have fun with your loved ones, soaking in all the vitamin D.

That’s great! That’s exactly what you should be doing!

This summer, please don’t beat yourself up if:

  • You’re not as consistent as you hoped
  • Things don’t go as planned
  • Your energy is low
  • You’re not motivated
  • You simply want to go out spontaneously with your friends instead of following the rigid schedule you set for yourself

This is not the season to grind.

This is the time of the year to be present and go with the flow.

So, if you want to have the best summer, you’ll want to tag along in this journey and set flexible goals πŸ˜‰

The Best 4 Mental Goals For Summer

1. TRY new things

The summertime is also when most – but not all – people have a less busy schedule than during the rest of the year.

For this reason, there’s no better time to try new things than during the summer months!

Even if it’s true that you should slow down and relax, adding the goal of trying something new could turn summer 2024 into one of your best ones yet!

I mean…what if you find your next hobby?

Or your life-long partner?

Or what if you finally find a way to launch your blog?

And all of this, just because you allowed yourself to try something new.

I want you to do a simple exercise with me: go grab a blank paper and a pen, and close your eyes for 10 seconds.

Ask yourself:

“What would I want to try if money, time, and others’ opinions didn’t matter?”

Set a timer of 2 minutes, and jot down any ideas that might pop up in your head.

Once the time is up, I want you to look at your full list and pick at least ONE thing that you will try over the summer. (If you really can’t pick just one, then feel free to pick two or three)

Now, you have to promise me and yourself that this would be one of your goals for the summer. That you will give it a try, for real. No excuses. No overthinking.

Also, don’t think that it should be something huge or extravagant!

Here is a list of new and simple things you could try this summer to make it the best one yet:

  • A new workout class (spinning, yoga, pilates, kickboxing)
  • Some healthy but yummy recipes
  • Creative arts (painting, dΓ©coupage, watercolor)
  • Read a different genre of books
  • Go for an experience you’ve never done before (road trip, bonfire at the beach, camping)
  • Train for a marathon
  • Launch your blog

Let your creative juices flow and just try!

2. Disconnect

Another great goal to set for the summertime is to disconnect from technology, only to reconnect with yourself and nature.

Do you really want to stay curled up in bed all day long, when the sun is shining bright?

Don’t get me wrong: I’m a huge fan of re-watching my favorite TV show, but there’s a time and season for that. (And I think summer is not the right one…)

While in the winter it’s alright if you self-indulge and keep pressing “Next Episode” on Netflix, you should try to limit your screen time during the summer.

There are so many things you could do outside:

  • Wander in nature
  • Explore a place you’ve never been to
  • Go to the beach and tan
  • Try gardening
  • Set up a picnic at the park
  • Take your dog on a walk
  • Read in your backyard

The worst thing you could do to yourself is scroll on social media, only to envy others who seem to be having the best summer of their lives.


3. Learn a new skill

As mentioned in point N#1, during the summer you’re most likely to have more free time than usual. How could you take advantage of this?

Well, one of the best goals you could set for yourself would be to learn a new skill over the summer.

Just because you’re not going to classes or you’re off from work, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t nurture your brain.

Here is a list of skills that you could learn in the summer, in case you need some inspiration. You could learn:

  • A new language
  • Coding
  • Bullet-journaling
  • A new sport
  • New recipes
  • Blogging
  • Online Trading
  • Photography
  • Video Editing
  • Graphic Design
  • Copywriting

Thanks to technology, the possibility to learn new skills is only a few clicks away. Why not make the most out of it?

4. Planning

The last mental goal you could set for the summer is to plan, either for next month or quarter.

As the end of June determines the end of Q2 of 2024, you might want to set aside some time to reflect on the past months and create a plan for the upcoming quarter.

Or maybe you’re reading this at the very end of the summer, and want to take action upon that “fresh new start” feeling that September brings.

In both cases, I have the right solution for you! If you’re looking for a planner to help you stay on top of everything – you must not miss out on this!

What are you waiting for? Grab below your FREE “Weekly Planner”!

Even if your summer is not that packed with meetings and to-do’s, you will certainly benefit from sticking to a planner.

The Best 4 Personal Goals For Summer

5. Flexible morning routine

If you want to feel “put together” in the summer months – but without giving up on freedom -, one of the best goals you could set is to create a flexible morning routine.

If you’re currently following a morning routine, I highly recommend you create a new one suitable for the summer months.

There’s a lot of power in starting your days with a flexible morning routine. It’s a gentle way of waking up and enjoying the slow morning, while still feeling productive.

What’s the difference between your current morning routine and the summer one? Well, here are some examples:


  • Wake-up time: 6 AM
  • 1h at the gym
  • Meditation for 20 minutes
  • Reading for 30 minutes


  • Wake-up time: from 6 to 8 AM
  • Movement for at least 30 minutes
  • Meditation for a minimum of 10 minutes
  • Reading 1 chapter at least

While it might seem to you that you’re not making any progress – or that you’re taking three steps backward -, this is far from the truth.

By adopting a flexible summer morning routine, you’re allowing yourself to keep working on becoming the best version of yourself, while not precluding saying ‘yes’ to spontaneous events or invites.

Summer is also for fun, not only for sticking to a rigid schedule πŸ˜‰

Learn to embrace this season of life!

6. Read daily

One of the best goals for summer is to read every day. Because yes, you can learn while you’re on vacation too! πŸ™‚

Whether you need a companion to push away the boredom, want to train your mind, or simply want to do something new to distract you, reading is the answer!

If you’re more of a digital person, then you can bring your Kindle to the beach.

If you’re like me, you’ll always have a paperback book in your beach bag. (Please, don’t get too frustrated though when there will be sand all over it – like I do!)

You don’t have to set big goals for reading, even 10 pages a day are enough to make the difference.

7. Journal daily

If there’s one habit that, no matter what, I’ll always find the time for is journaling.

Whether you’re new to this habit or have been sticking to it for a while, I recommend you carve out some time in your daily life to journal!

One of the best ways to not feel stressed and all over the place during the summer months – when life just happens – is to keep a daily journal.

Every day, find something different to journal about so that you don’t get bored with it. For example, you could journal about:

  • Your days
  • The things you’re grateful for
  • Places you’ve visited
  • New goals you want to set for the Fall
  • and…if you’re looking for more inspiration, don’t worry – I’ve got you!

If you don’t know what to journal about, you can grab my FREE “50 Journaling Prompts for Self-Discovery” – that will give you plenty of ideas!

8. Daily meditation

The last personal goal you should set for this summer is to meditate daily.

As I’ve mentioned earlier, summer is the season to go with the flow and embrace the present moment.

How can you do this? By meditating, of course!

Keep in mind that you want to stay flexible with your goals.

So don’t set the goal of “Meditating daily for 30 minutes” if you’re new to meditation or already know you’ll struggle to find time for it.

Dissatisfaction is created when the reality is not up to the expectations. Set realistic goals to actually meet your expectations. That’s one of the rules to live by if you want to live a guilt-free summer!

Here are some of my favorite meditation practices – all under 10 minutes:

The Best 4 Spiritual Goals For Summer

9. Romanticize your life

And just like that, summer goes by in a blink of an eye.

It always comes sooner than we hoped. So many plans, ideas, and spare time…and now it’s all gone!

This is your gentle reminder to romanticize your life – especially during the summer.

Don’t wait for that vacation to find joy. Or for that concert to happen. Or for your friends to invite you to hang out.

I mean, obviously, those are all great things to wait for. The point is that you shouldn’t wait to give yourself joy.

It’s all about the mindset you have, and the perspective through which you see things in life.

Romanticize the small things.

Make the ordinary things extraordinary.

Find joy in mundane tasks.

Here are some examples of ways to romanticize your life this summer:

  • Try a new coffee order
  • Have your morning routine outside, rather than inside
  • Go on a silent walk, only to listen to the world around you
  • Make a treat for yourself because… – why not?
  • Create a summer playlist
  • Journal and read at the beach
  • Style an outfit differently than usual
  • Create a scrapbook of your favorite summer memories

Those are not huge things, but that’s the point. To romanticize your life you don’t need to be “extra”.

You just need to be yourself, do the things you do – and find joy in the process.

10. Make time for fun

If there’s a season for everything, summer is the season to have fun!

Even if your load lightens in the summer, those three months will go by so fast that – unless you plan something – you won’t find the time to do all the things you want to do.

Flexible goals require flexible schedules. That means that, yes, in your planner you should actually block out time for fun!

If you only have a list of things you want to do but then don’t schedule them, here’s what will happen: at the end of the summer you’ll still have your full list of things you wished you had done (if only you had the time)

Well, you have more time than you think!

You don’t lack time, you lack organization.

So, here is your goal for the summer: every week, make time for a fun thing! (Really, schedule it in your calendar)The point is not finding the time, it’s all about making time for [insert whatever is important to you].

11. Self-compassion

As you will slow down during the summer months, you’ll fall into the trap of “Self-Loathing”.

You will blame yourself for all the “lost” progress.

You’ll feel guilty for not being productive enough.

Or you will feel miserable when looking at others’ Instagram stories, asking yourself why your summer is not as fun as theirs.

It’s so easy, unfortunately, to be so hard on yourself. To feel the pressure from the outside, from a world that constantly tells you to “do more”.

This summer, rather than dragging yourself down or living up in your head – in a toxic headspace -, I would like you to learn the art of self-compassion.

Learn how to be kind and gentle with yourself, and do it every day.

Accept that it’s ok to slow your pace down, from time to time, and not live life always “on the go”.

Understand that you’re not wasting your time when you’re relaxing or having fun with your loved ones.

Realize that it’s fine if things don’t go as planned. Life happens.

Be proud of yourself for showing up every day and doing your best. Even if doing your best means different things every day.

12. Embrace spontaneity

Last but not least, one of the best aspects of the summer is its spontaneity.

Summer is the ideal time to let go of your rigid schedule to embrace the unpredictability of life! It’s time to embrace spontaneity!

Change your plans a million times – why not?

Do you always order the same thing on the menu and you feel like switching up? Switch it up!

A friend of yours offers to teach you how to surf. Cool, let’s do it!

Reinvent yourself with a new haircut – why not?

Say ‘yes’ to things you normally say ‘no’ to – and the other way around!

There’s no better time than the summer to learn to be spontaneous and simply ‘go with the flow’.

You will never, ever, and ever regret making memories!

This is one philosophy to live by:

Make your summer full of memories, not of “What if’s”

Book and flowers at the beach

Hopefully, this list of 12 summer goals for living the best summer got you inspired!

But I’d like to know from you: “What flexible goals have you set for summer 2024?”. Share your thoughts in a comment! πŸ™‚

Remember: there’s a season for everything! Embrace the season πŸ˜‰

I wish you the best summer ever. Enjoy!

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19 Comments on “12 Summer Goals for Living the Best Summer

  1. Love all your ideas for summer self-care! Journaling is my favorite one. I look forward to reading more articles!

  2. Such excellent ideas and advice for embracing summer. Getting outdoors, reading more, being flexible on your morning routines… all things I’ve started doing in LIFE since leaving corporate and becoming a blogger. Building that all into one’s reality is something I highly recommend and I love how you’ve put it together in a blog post.

  3. Such an insightful article! Disconnecting from technology and immersing ourselves in nature truly allows us to recharge and rediscover the beauty around us. Thank you for the reminder to unplug and connect with the world outside our screens!

  4. There are a lot of wonderful goal setting ideas in this post! I also love all your free printables in this post, so helpful!!!

    1. Yesss, love that! <3 My go-to is an iced vanilla latte with a sprinkle of cinnamon on top!

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