The reality you experience is just a reflection of your inner world. If you want to change your life, the first thing you need to do is to adopt these powerful mindset shifts. In this way, you’ll learn the life-changing strategy to be – and feel – fully in control of your circumstances.
So, what do you say? Are you ready for these 6 mindset shifts that will completely change your life? Then, let’s get started!
Many times I’ve tried to set some goals – such as eating healthier, exercising more, and waking up earlier. Countless times I’ve failed. Until one day, when it hit me.
I was doing a 10-minute abs workout, in the plank position – which is probably the exercise I dread the most. In my head, I was thinking on a loop “I can’t do it. 45 seconds is too much. I always stop at 30 seconds. This time too, I will stop at 30 seconds and skip to the next move”.
At that moment, I realized why I was struggling so much. I would always look at who I used to be in the past, rather than the version of myself that I was trying to create.
And for God’s sake, I know this for sure: my ideal self can do a 45-second plank! So why, every day, do I make the decision that only re-confirms my past self and not the one that can reinforce my new identity?
This mindset shift – realizing that you fail at achieving your goals because you refer to your past self rather than “future you” – will truly change your life!
Next time you have to make a decision, instead of going straight for the easiest choice – the one you’re used to -, stop for a second and ask yourself: “What would ‘future me’ do at this moment?”.

You might not be into “The Law of Attraction”, but hear me out: it’s not magic; it’s science.
You can use words of affirmation to rewire your brain.
Research has shown that, on average, an adult has around 36,000 thoughts per day. So, whether you’re aware of it or not, your brain is constantly crafting your reality.
Modifying your thinking patterns can drastically change your life.
How? Well, if you’re like most human beings, the uncontrolled thoughts you have daily consist of beliefs that can confirm what you already know.
Let’s connect this back with my previous example: I thought that I couldn’t resist for 45 seconds in a plank because that’s what I have been telling myself all along. Did I have any proof of this belief? Certainly not!
If you let your mind on automatic control, it will keep having the same thoughts; and those thoughts will become your reality.
So, what is it? What is the limiting belief that you’ve been telling yourself?
Maybe it is that you can’t lose weight. That you will never succeed. That you’re not an early riser. Or that you don’t deserve love.
I’m sorry to break it to you but you’re the one choosing to stay trapped in the reality your mind created. Your thoughts are creating your own misery.
The good news is: your thoughts can also help you break free! How?
Through daily affirmations!
It requires a lot of attention and intention. At first, you will think that you can’t control your thoughts; but you can. You can change your thinking patterns.
There are 2 moments of your day in which your brain is the most influenceable:
- right after waking up
- before falling asleep
To start, I would recommend you write one to three affirmations – or mantras – to repeat, either out loud or in your head, during those two moments of the day.
Try to choose mantras that speak to your heart and soul. What are the areas of your life that you would like to improve the most?
Here, I will share with you my 3 mantras with the hope of further inspiring you when writing your personal one(s):
- I am the best version of myself, and every decision or step I take makes me feel like I am living my dream life
- I recognize, appreciate, and am grateful for the little things in life
- Life is here and now. Breathe in, breathe out. I smile at life, and life smiles at me back
NB. Remember to write your affirmations in the present tense.
You already are the individual you wish to become, and you already have all you need!
Share this frequency with the Universe, and the Universe will confirm what you’re asking for.
I’m not talking about moving to another country, city, or apartment. No big changes in the environment are required to get out of your head. You could go to the kitchen to drink a glass of water, as simple as that.
I don’t know if this has ever happened to you, but sometimes I find myself stuck in a negative thinking loop. What’s worse than that? Recognizing that I am fueling this negative spiral, but still not lifting a finger. Why? Because it is way easier to sit in sadness than do something about it.
If you resonate with this description, I have found a trick that incredibly helps me to fight this: I move.
Moving my body, and doing any sort of action helps me get out of my head and connect with the physical world, instead.
Okay, let’s make this clearer by picturing some scenarios:
- You’re lying down in bed while feeling extreme guilt because of your hangover – last night you went over the line, per usual → Get up and drink some water!
- Maybe you’re telling yourself negative stories about your body → Go to your bathroom and put on a face mask!
- Or maybe, you’re repeating to yourself what a big failure you are → Then go out for a walk!
There’s not a handwritten rulebook to get out of your head, but moving your body – even in the smallest way – is a great place to start.
You don’t have to be stuck playing the narrative that your brain has created about you and your life; you have the ability to move.
Next time, don’t say “I am sad”, rather say “I feel sad”.
Why? So that your brain knows you’re just experiencing the emotion of sadness, without identifying with it.
Talk to your emotions – literally.
Once, I remember feeling extremely sad – and without a clear reason for it. So, what did I do? I sat down, opened the Notes app on my iPhone, and wrote a letter. The letter started with “Dear sadness”.
Your feelings are all valid. You shouldn’t be ashamed of any emotions that you may experience. What’s fundamental for you to do is to recognize that those emotions aren’t within you, they’re outside of you.
See your emotions for what they are: temporary clouds that might hide your sun for a while.
Maybe I’m taking a big step now, but you could even start feeling grateful for the duality that exists in the world.
Would you know what happiness and joy are if you’ve never experienced sadness? Would you recognize and appreciate the beauty and warmth of the sun if you first didn’t witness the rain?
Easier said than done but, next time you experience a negative emotion, try to follow these steps:
- De-attach yourself from your feelings
- Validate your feelings by talking to or writing about them as if they were an external agent (spoiler: they are!)
- Recognize that every feeling is temporary and has a reason to exist: without the lows, would you ever know what the highs are?
This is another mindset shift that – if practiced long enough – will change your perspective on life.
We all have an idea of what our dream life should look like – if you don’t, no worries: I created this FREE QUIZ to help you figure it out!
Although, often we perceive our dream life as something too far away from reality, something that feels (almost) impossible to reach.
This gap between your current life and your dream life, if not approached with the right mindset, can make you feel discouraged and helpless.
Thinking about all you desire in future terms does nothing but highlight the fact that, at this moment, there’s a lack of it.
Instead, you want to shift your mindset to create abundance in your life and avoid focusing on what’s missing.
One of the best ways to ensure you get closer to your dream life is to manifest it, every day.
How can you do this? Here are some tips:
- Use Pinterest as a visualization tool → Pin what aligns with your higher self. Use the images to create what your dream life looks like – feel free to surf my Pinterest board “Dream Life” for inspiration!
- Manifest your dream life by repeating your affirmations daily
- Practice the daily habit of meditation → It will help you create more space in your mind and get clearer
- Write in your journal about your dream life
Creating your dream life starts with deeply knowing yourself. That’s why I created this FREE Workbook “30-Day Journaling Prompts for Self-Discovery” as a gift for you. Feel free to grab it below!
You don’t have to spend hours manifesting your dream life to reach it! Two minutes or five are more than enough.
Now, are you telling me that you’re not willing to spend even those two minutes of your life? It doesn’t cost you anything, but the reward will be priceless.
Your values are the starting point to conducting a life that feels in alignment with you.
I will ask you a question: “Have you ever done something that made you feel extremely awkward and out of place and, the whole time, got you thinking that it didn’t sit right with you?”. If yes, most likely you were doing something that was not in line with your core values.
Values are the coordinates on the compass of your life: they tell you which direction to take, and which to avoid.
If you’re constantly following the wrong coordinates, no wondering why you’re not happy with your life!
Of course, the Universe will try to send you some signals. They can manifest as:
- Always feeling tired
- Feeling unsatisfied
- That feeling that something is just ‘off’
- Anger and frustration for the smallest things
- High levels of stress
Those are all signals that you’re moving in the wrong direction!
I want to share with you an exercise that I found extremely helpful: it made me realize that I wasn’t following my compass in life and that something had to change.
To make it easier and more practical for you, I created this FREE “Value Compass” Workbook that will help you get clear about your core values.
Once you set your values and define their priorities, you will then be able to take aligned actions that will put you on the right path.
This is your first step towards changing your mindset and – consequently – changing your life.
What are you waiting for?
Final note: it will not be easy to adopt these mindset shifts, and for sure they won’t change your life overnight.
I’m not saying this to scare you off. I’m saying it so that you don’t get discouraged when you find yourself stuck in the same old thinking patterns.
It takes time and effort but, with these daily mindset shifts, you’ll be able to completely change your life!
Let your mindset work for you – not against you!
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
– Albert Einstein

These are great tips & so relatable!
Thank you!
Great post! Thanks for sharing!
Such great tips. We get so caught up in the day to day that we often forget what we really want out of life.
So true! It’s essential, from time to time, to slow down and reflect 🙂
I totally believe in the acting like who you want to be before you are that person. It’s what has helped me become a morning person. Thanks for sharing!
Great work adopting that mindset and achieving the desired result 🙂
Keep up the good work, I’m proud of you!
Very much enjoyed reading this post! Thank you so much for sharing!!
Thank you for reading it! 🙂
Love this! theres so much power in future you thinking, and making decisions each day that future you would make.
Yes! If we want to see different results, we need to take different actions
I love these tips. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for your feedback 🙂