Are you tired of being overwhelmed by personal development “mentors” claiming they have the ultimate secret for boosting your productivity?
How many times have you heard contradictory advice – whether that’s about having a healthy lifestyle, working out, sticking to your habits, or being more productive?
Every minute, we get overloaded with a ton of information. It is getting harder and harder to screen it all out and decide what’s good and what’s bad advice. But fear not, I’m here to help you out!
In this blog post, I share the 6 most common myths about productivity, so that you can make sure you’re not wasting your time and energy to chase a bunch of…nothing!
Are you ready? Then, let’s get started!
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Last updated: February 18, 2024

What Is Productivity?
Productivity is an abstract concept – at least to me.
Why? Well, because what I consider as productive might not be the same to you.
After all, productivity is all about priorities.
Since blogging is one of my top priorities, I feel really productive only when I manage to get some work done for my blog during the day; but not everyone has a blog or side hustle.
Someone who’s into leading a healthy lifestyle will prioritise movement and healthy eating, and won’t feel productive unless they get a daily workout in.
So, before moving forward with the article, you need to create your own definition of productivity.
When you get clear on what matters to you, only then you’ll be really productive.
PS. If you want to learn how to do more of the things that really matter to you, then you’ll love Ali Abdaal’s bestselling book: “Feel-Good Productivity: How to Do More of What Matters to You”.
6 Common Mistakes That Aren’t Making You Productive
Now that you’ve got clear on what “being productive” means to you, it’s time to unpack the most common mistakes you’re making – and that aren’t making you productive at all!
This is a huge NOPE!
Do not envy anyone who’s busy all the time!
It doesn’t mean that they’re being more productive than you…actually, it might be the opposite.
If you look in the Oxford dictionary, the definition of productivity is:
“the effectiveness of productive effort, especially in industry, as measured in terms of the rate of output per unit of input”.
Hopefully, we are aiming to obtain the maximum output with the lowest input – or effort.
Now, there is only one question you have to ask yourself: “Are you being productive or just keeping yourself busy?”
Most of the time, people who are always busy are also the ones who are working towards increasing other people’s success, not their own.
You can have 10 items on your daily to-do list, but if none of them is relevant, then what’s the point?
The best way to make sure you’re focusing on what matters is by following the 80/20 principle.
It’s simple: what are the things that will determine the biggest outcomes – aka what is going to bring you 80% of the results?
Ensure you spend most of your time doing those things.

Here’s another of the productivity myths we are all guilty of!
People still believe that multi-tasking allows you to accomplish more in less time. (Seriously?!)
What do they forget about? The quality of the work.
If you put in 70% of your attention and 50% of your time, how do you expect the result to be 100% good?
There are some areas of your personal life in which multitasking works.
For example, when you fold the laundry while listening to a podcast. You should totally go for it! But only because you don’t need to put attentive thinking into folding clothes.
On the other hand, there are some other areas of your life in which you should be putting 100% of your attention.
In your professional, social, or academic life, multitasking is a HUGE no.
One of the motivational quotes that I love the most is:
“Failing to plan is planning to fail”
– Benjamin Franklin
PS. If you don’t have a planner yet, go ahead and grab the FREE DREAM LIFE PLANNER to help you stay on top of everything!
While I am a huge fan of planning, I think that most of us get stuck in the planning part and forget about the doing.
Sure, it is essential to have a detailed plan. But, at some point, you have to realize that the only way you’re going to achieve your goals is by starting to work on them.
You don’t feel ready, I know. You will never feel ready, though! (Wow Giada, so reassuring!)
If you want to start a blog, the truth is that there will always be more information out there that you could learn from.
Do you also know what’s one of the best ways to learn? By doing! (Do you think I felt ready to launch my blog? Spoiler: I didn’t, but I’ve done it anyway!)
So, start with a plan but then take action. That’s where the magic happens!
Of course, I could not help it but mention one of the trendiest productivity myths. I mean, somewhat it has turned into a competition of “Who wakes up the earliest?”. The earlier, the better.
I am aware that some people must wake up early for work, or because they truly enjoy doing it, or for other reasons. Nothing against you, really.
If waking up early is something you must do or want to do, then go for it. You’re doing great!
Here, I am talking about the toxic assumption that if you don’t wake up early enough, then you have already screwed up your day…
Waking up earlier than you normally do, for obvious reasons, gives you more time in the day.
Most people wisely choose to invest in themselves, so this turns them into being more focused and productive. That’s great!
That being said, if you tried for years to wake up early and you can feel it in your body that it just doesn’t sit with you…move on!
Invest your mental energy into something else rather than forcing a habit that will never come naturally to you.
Remember this: you can turn your day into a productive one at any moment!
It could be 2 PM. At 7 PM. Or even 11 PM – that’s going to work especially if you’re a night owl. (And that might also explain why you could never be an early riser!).
If you’re not sure about what’s your chronotype and would like to find out whether you’re an early riser, a night owl – or somewhere in between -, then I suggest you take “The Chronotype Quiz” by Sleep Doctor.
Work, meet friends, spend time with family, go to that event, clean the apartment, get groceries, pay the bills, study, and expand your side hustle. This is on the loop 24/7.
No wonder why you feel so tired all the time! You’re literally always “on the go”!
We societally accepted that it was healthy for people to constantly be doing something, being with someone, or working on something.
We commonly agreed to one of the worst productivity myths – we did that to ourselves!
How much time is left only for you? When can you do the things that bring you joy? Or cultivate your hobbies? Maybe spend time in nature? Or simply allow yourself to not do anything?
If you’re on your bed but you’re constantly thinking about some deadlines, you’re not resting.
If you’re enjoying a night in but you’re feeling guilty because you declined a friend’s invitation, you’re not resting.
In short words: if you’re beating yourself up because you’re apparently resting, you’re not really resting!
Allow yourself to take a break, mentally and physically.
Remember: you’re not quitting, you’re just charging your batteries up!
Productivity and mindfulness are strictly linked together.
One of the most effective ways to be more productive is letting your mind be where your body is. If you’re resting, rest. If you’re working, work.
Be fully present where you are, any moment, and in any place.
“Eat the frog first” is a productivity technique invented by Brian Tracy and explained in detail in his book “Eat That Frog: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time”.
What I am going to share next is based on personal experience – and you might agree with it or not.
To “eat the frog first” means to tackle first the most challenging task on your to-do list.
When I tried this, I had disappointing results.
Ok ok, it might be only a “me problem”; but, if you tell a person who’s likely to procrastinate to start working on the hardest task first – and maybe there’s also a lot of unclarity around that task – the result is that the person won’t move a finger. It’s too overwhelming.
So, to “eat the frog first” might be helpful for some, but it’s definitely not for everybody!
I like tackling first things that I can easily do and don’t require a lot of time.
After checking off from my to-do list the accomplished tasks, I feel a sense of reward and I build momentum.
That momentum leads me to start working on the hardest task.

So here is the truth: there is no rulebook for productivity!
You’ll always hear “experts” promoting the trendiest productivity techniques – but not everything works for everybody! You do you.
So, if you’ve heard the same old tips to be more productive, you tried them, and still got no benefits…it’s ok!
Find your own ways to be more productive.
Q: “What are some of the productivity myths that you’d like to bust?” – Share them in the comment section below 🙂

I absolutely hate multitasking- spikes my anxiety through the roof. Everything should be one thing at the time.
Doing things mindfully is key 🙂
Great post! I love the tips. Thank you for sharing.
Glad to hear that!
Thanks for sharing! For me, rest really is productive.
It’s essential for sure 🙂