7 Habits of Highly Successful People - Atomic Habits book
Habits & Routines

7 Habits of Highly Successful People

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I read the daily routines of Oprah Winfrey, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Michelle Obama, Elon Musk, Mel Robbins, and Barack Obama. You name it, I’ve read it! What did I learn? Well, it came down to one conclusion: there is a pattern in the habits of all these highly successful people.

For sure, they don’t have the same routine. Yet, when finding out more information about their lifestyles, I was surprised by many similarities. 

You see, even if they don’t wake up at the same time, don’t have the same job, and live in totally different places, there is something that they all have in common. 

Today, based on this conclusion, I want to share with you the 7 habits that highly successful people stick to.

Are you ready to get inspired? Then, let’s get started!


The first thing they had in common was that all of them spent some time in their day being present and reflecting

Most of them – like Oprah Winfrey, for example -, do this right after waking up. 

They make time, before meeting other people’s ends and expectations, to sit with themselves. They simply allow themselves to be, before giving to others.

That’s a powerful thing that is often overlooked: in fact, many of us spend our days always “on the go“, doing what we have to do – because of some external obligations or forces. 

Think about it: how often do you allow yourself to be? No phone, no books, no TV shows, no other people around you. 

How much valuable time do you spend with yourself, allowing your thoughts to flow? If you never – or rarely – do it, just think that for most successful people, this is one of their most important habits. 

I don’t want to hear that you don’t have time. You don’t have to find time; you have to create it.

7 Habits of Highly Successful Entrepreneurs


The second habit that is worth mentioning is that they all follow a sort of daily plan or schedule -but it’s all different. 

Elon Musk, for example, works on a 5-minute time block; while famous authors, like J.K Rowling, can spend as much as 6 hours on the same task (in this case, writing). 

Even if they handle time and tasks differently, successful people always know what needs their undivided attention

It’s so easy to get distracted by the noise of the world. It’s too easy to get up caught up in things that need to be done but don’t bring us anywhere.

Therefore, I want you to answer an important question: “Are you running your days or are you letting your days run you?”. 

The truth is that if you don’t make it a habit to follow a daily plan, then each day you’ll let others define your priorities. 

Nobody knows what’s important to you better than you do. 

Most people think that routines are boring because they cut out all the creativity and “fun” of life. 

I think it depends. I mean, you’re the one choosing your daily routine, right? For sure there are some ways in which you can make it fun and let your creativity flow.

I think that routines are also good for one important reason: they reduce the “decision-making” process

If you wake up in the morning already knowing what your top 3 priorities of the day are, you’ll be more productive and focused. 

On the other hand, if you wake up without an action plan, you’ll have to spend time and energy defining what deserves your attention first. 

Why not do that the week before, or even just the night before

To me, it doesn’t seem like having a routine has endangered people from being successful – actually, it is probably one of the habits that enhanced their chances of success.

PS. If you’re still looking for cute planners to stay on top of everything, you can grab my FREE DAILY PLANNER:


I love meditation, and so does Oprah Winfrey. She meditates daily for 30 minutes. She’s not the only one, though. Ariana Huffington meditates too. So does Tim Ferriss. 

I mean, I can tell why. The 5 minutes after meditating are the ones in which I feel the most at peace, aligned, and present

I definitely want to try meditating for longer, but I am glad that at least is already a daily habit. 

It leaves you with a beautiful sensation. It feels like the entire world has just hugged you, and you can feel the warmth coming from within. 

I won’t lie to you: meditation is not the easiest habit to adopt.

Some days you will forget. 

On some others, you’ll convince yourself that you don’t have enough time. 

After three days you’ll want to cut it out from your routine because you won’t experience any benefit. 

If you were hoping for a breakthrough, that won’t come on your first day of meditation. I’m sorry. 

When I was just starting, there were some tricks that I used to adopt to make meditation a habit I could stick to. 

Here are some of the techniques that I tried to become more mindful when I wasn’t still fully into meditation:

  • 3 deep breaths before eating
  • Taking deep breaths while in the shower
  • Doing an awareness exercise by naming:
    • 5 things I could see
    • 4 things I could hear
    • 3 sensations my body could feel
    • 2 things I could smell
    • 1 thing I could taste
  • No headphones when walking somewhere
  • Gazing at the sky, in silence, even for a couple of seconds

I am fully aware that those are not meditation techniques, but they all help you be more mindful

If you can, meditate – even if it is just for 2 minutes or 5. 

If you’re still reluctant, try to at least incorporate one of the mindfulness techniques mentioned above. You’ll feel amazing, I promise!

7 Successful Habits for an Amazing Life


There is not a single successful person who didn’t mention exercising regularly as one of his/her daily habits. Not even one! (Ok, maybe only Warren Buffet, but he’s over 80 years so you have no excuse!)

Usually, they all do a mix of strength and cardio workouts – for 30 minutes, 1 hour, or more. 

Again, there is no set rule; but, the fact that they all exercise in some type of way speaks some truth. 

They invest in their health. Oh, and let me tell you this: none of them talked about their physical appearance; instead, they all talked about the mental benefits they gain from exercising regularly

It is a coping mechanism to lower stress, feel more mentally sharp, and have more energy throughout the day. 

You can decide what fitness goal best suits you, but try starting small and building your way up. 

Even more important: choose something you enjoy! Whether that’s walking, running outside or on the treadmill, lifting weights, or practicing some pilates or yoga. 

Listen to your body, but please take care of it! 

After all, we weren’t built to only sit for 8 hours at the desk and sleep. No pain no gain!


Yes, take the following as the golden rule: there’s no rule for what time to wake up!

For example, Barack Obama wakes up around 7 a.m., Mel Robbins at 5 a.m., and Malcolm Gladwell at 8 o’clock. 

The conclusion is: you do you! Or, you do what works best for you! 

If you’re a night owl, don’t force yourself to get out of bed at 5 a.m. – especially if you’re not sleeping by midnight!

There’s no worse thing you could do than operate on a less than 7-hour night of sleep. 

And, if you don’t believe me, I would like you to read this interview with Ariana Huffington about the real toll sleep deprivation takes on you. 

If leaders of the world, entrepreneurs, and bestselling authors have different sleeping habits and still manage to become successful, so can you. 

Try out different sleeping patterns, but always listen to your body. Your body knows best how much rest it needs. 

7 Habits Highly Successful People Have in Common


Another of the greatest habits of highly successful people is gratitude

They all try to express some gratitude throughout their day – whether that’s mentally, verbally, or written.

Some of them do it first thing in the morning: they wake up and instantly think about three things for which they are grateful. 

Others like to do it throughout the day when they’re experiencing something that makes them feel grateful. 

Some others prefer to conclude their day on a positive note by journaling about what made their day special.

And don’t think that “Oh, it’s easy for them to be grateful for what they have since they are all successful”. 

I believe that there are many small things, joyful moments, or amazing people to be grateful for. 

Count your blessings, not your curses.

A quote that I love thinking about when I’m focusing on all the things I don’t have or I am not, is:

“What you focus on grows”. 

– Robin Sharma

That sentence immediately brings me back, shifting my perspective. 

I don’t want more lack. I want abundance. So I shall focus on abundance

Share your gratitude with people, write it in your journal, or just send a positive thought. 

Say “Thanks” to the Universe every day because, the only fact that you’re experiencing life for what it is, it’s the most wonderful gift you could’ve ever received.

Find the positive in everything. Find the beauty within you, and all around you.


You weren’t expecting this to be my final habit, were you?

Even if they are the most successful – and probably busiest – people in the world, they still find time to spend with their loved ones

They attribute inestimable value to be present in the lives of those whom they care about. 

Barack Obama makes sure to have dinner with his wife and daughters every night.

Oprah Winfrey has breakfast with her husband.

Elon Musk makes sure that – even being a workaholic – he can dedicate some time to his family. 

After all, the most beautiful gift you can give to someone is your full, undivided attention

Life is not only about work, money, reputation, business, tasks, errands, and obligations. 

Life is about the love you put out to the Universe, the kindness toward others, and the memories you create. 

I want to leave you with this beautiful quote that Bill Gates wrote, in 2018, on his blog:

Today of course I still assess the quality of my work. But I also ask myself a whole other set of questions about my life. Did I devote enough time to my family? Did I learn enough new things? Did I develop new friendships and deepen old ones? These would have been laughable to me when I was 25, but as I get older, they are much more meaningful.”

The 7 Successful Habits You Must Try

We’ve explored the 7 habits of highly successful people, and it’s clear that there’s no secret formula to success. 

At least, by adopting these habits into your daily routine, you’ll be able to increase your productivity, stay focused on your goals, and build meaningful relationships

Remember that success is not just about achieving a certain level of wealth or status, but it’s about living a fulfilling life that aligns with your values and passions.

It’s not about how much time you have to determine your success; it’s about the quality of how you spend your time.

I’m curious to know how many of these habits you practice daily – and which ones you’d like to take on or improve.

Feel free to share your thoughts in a comment!

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9 Comments on “7 Habits of Highly Successful People

  1. Thank you! I needed to read this today! I used to mediate, and I guess like a lot of stuff, life gets in the way and you fall out of the habit.. I just felt better when I meditated. Tomorrow – I will start again – as life is busier than ever and I need to re-align myself!

    1. I’m glad to hear this! Yes, it’s especially when life gets busier and heavier that we need to keep sticking to our good, healthy habits 🙂
      “Small progress is better than none”, this is what I try to remind myself!

  2. Fantastic list! As a blogger, gratitude is one I love to focus on as a habit. The road to income is slow and it is important to stay grateful.

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