7 Best Time Management Tips to Get It All Done
Productivity & Time Management

7 Best Time Management Tips to Get It All Done

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If you’re reading this post, something tells me that you’re not quite happy with the way you spend your time…Maybe you want to launch your blog, read more, and spend more quality time with your loved ones, but you never seem to have enough time to get it all done!

Well, in this post I’m going to share with you the 7 best time management tips to do it all! So that, by getting out of the way of all the things you have to do, you can finally focus on what you want to do.

So, are you ready to learn the 7 essential time management tips to maximize your productivity? Then, let’s get started!

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Let’s start with this simple rule, also known as the “2-Minute Rule”.

The 2-Minute Rule was first created by David Allen, in his book “Getting Things Done”.

What does it mean? If there are tasks you can get done in 2 minutes or less, do them now!

Yes, it’s as simple as that.

How many times did you remember out of the blue that you had to do something, but then thought “Nevermind, I’ll do it later” and then forgot about it?

Every day, our heads are spinning around thousands of ideas, yet it’s also true that we can focus only on one task at a time.

To both boost your productivity and make sure you don’t forget about doing important tasks, my go-to rule is “If it takes you less than 2 minutes, do it immediately!”

Here is a list of tasks that usually take less than 2 minutes to complete (who knows, maybe they will ring a bell):

  • Answer an email
  • Wash the dishes as you cook
  • Call a friend or loved one
  • Tidy your desk
  • Plan your day ahead
  • Drink a glass of water
  • Repeat your daily affirmations
  • Make your bed
  • Take your vitamins

The value of tackling those tasks immediately lies in the “compound effect” they create.

Sure, maybe you don’t see the benefits of taking your vitamins today but, if you do it every day, those 2 minutes will improve your overall health.

If you tidy your desk each day, it will feel like you’re “wasting” 2 more minutes when all you want to do is relax. In reality, you’re preventing it from becoming a mess – so that you don’t have to spend 30 minutes cleaning it on Saturday morning.

Or simply, if you commit to drinking a glass of water whenever you have 2 free minutes, you’ll hit your goal of water intake without even realizing it!

7 Effective Time Management Tips


The second best time management strategy to make sure you get it all done is to create a distraction-free environment.

How many times those 10 minutes on Instagram ended up in 1 hour of wasted time?

I mean, how are you supposed to get anything done when it is so easy to numb your mind with meaningless videos on TikTok?

How can you put yourself to do what you really don’t want to do, when watching Netflix would be so easy and pleasant?

For this reason, the best solution is to remove all distractions!

What do they say? “Out of sight, out of mind”.

So, next time you have to work on a big project, here are some ways you could cut distractions:

  • Put your phone on DND
  • Even better, hide your phone or place it in another room
  • Turn off the TV
  • If you want to play music, opt for classic music
  • Go to a library (a place that naturally removes all distractions)
  • Have your water bottle right next to you
  • Prepare a snack ahead of time

By adopting these strategies, you’re setting yourself up for success! You have all that you need right next to you – and what you don’t need is far, far away!


One of the best time management tips that will maximize your productivity is setting timers to complete your tasks.

Why do timers work so well for our productivity?

Well, I haven’t looked for any research to back this up but, to me, the answer hides in the “Parkinson’s Law” principle.

What is it? The Parkinson’s Law states that:

“the time required to complete a task will extend as much as the time that’s available to complete it”

In simple words: if you have 30 minutes to do something, it will take you 30 minutes to do it; but the same goes if you have 2 hours.

So, that would explain why timers would boost your productivity.

By setting a timer, you’re telling yourself that you have only a limited amount of time to work on a specific task.

In this way, you’ll be able to get it all done without even realizing it! YAY!

7 Proven Time Management Tips for Productivity


The Covey Matrix is also known as the “4 Quadrants of Time Management Matrix”.

If you’ve never heard of it, I’ll guide you through this time management tip that will make you more efficient in no time!


  • Grab a blank piece of paper
  • Draw two lines (one vertical and one horizontal) that meet in the middle
  • Besides the vertical line, write “important” (at the top) and “not important” (at the bottom)
  • Under the horizontal line, write “urgent” (on the left) and “not urgent” (on the right)
  • Now name the 4 quadrants as follows:
    1. DO (for the upper-left)
    2. SCHEDULE (for the upper-right)
    3. DELEGATE (for the bottom-left)
    4. ELIMINATE (for the bottom-right)

If you’ve done it correctly, you should have something similar to this:

Four-Quadrant Matrix of Time Management - Do, Schedule, Delegate, Eliminate

What does go inside each quadrant?


Important and urgent tasks:

  • Write research paper
  • Edit a blog post for Monday


Important but not urgent tasks:

  • Health check-up
  • Organize Christmas trip


Not important but urgent tasks:

  • Book table for dinner on Friday
  • Schedule social media posts


Not important and not urgent tasks:

  • Finish Netflix TV show
  • Scroll TikTok

This exercise is especially beneficial if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the number of tasks you need to tackle.

It’s one of the best time management tips out there, as it clearly shows you what you should be spending your time on and what you shouldn’t even bother about.


Having something to look forward to is a great extrinsic motivation.

Even if we all wished we had to accomplish only what we want to do, the reality of life is that – for the majority of the time – we have to tackle external projects or take on responsibilities we’re not excited about.

Still, regardless of how we feel about some tasks, we need to get things done. Am I right?

In this case, one of the most effective time management tips to boost your productivity is to reward yourself for your progress!

Here are some examples of small ways to reward yourself:

  • Finished writing 500 words for your 3.000 words research paper? -> Take a 5-minute break playing your favorite song!
  • Worked out on a day you didn’t feel like it, but did it anyway? -> Reward yourself with your fav coffee order!
  • Worked on your project for 2 hours? -> Watch a video on YouTube!

Not only celebrating your small wins will make you feel good about yourself, but it will also motivate you to keep working! (especially if you know you’ll get some nice rewards)


On the same lines as tip #3, setting deadlines has the potential to maximize your productivity.

While with timers you’re more focused on the task at hand, by setting deadlines you’re setting yourself up for long-term success!

In fact, having a deadline for a specific goal or task will enable you to track your progress over time and make the proper adjustments, if needed.

For example:

  • Do you want to launch your blog? -> Decide on your launch date
  • Want to improve your running? -> Sign up for a marathon
  • Are you learning a language but seeing slow progress? -> Book a test to assess your level
  • Do you want to write a book? -> Set your launch date

If you’re new at setting deadlines for yourself and your goals, it is likely that you will not meet all of them…

Don’t panic, though! That’s the beauty of learning more about yourself and your working style.

EXTRA: I’m real proof that setting deadlines for your goals really works! Before (re)-launching this blog, I have been learning about blogging and working on my blog for way too long! I had put so much work into something that others couldn’t even benefit from – so what was the point?

Finally, I decided that it was time to make the move. I chose March 13th as my date to launch my blog (hurray!). I decided on all the goals that I needed to accomplish and, then, on the 13th my blog went live!

Have you been dreaming since ever of launching your blog? Grab this FREE “Blogging Plan” to help you launch your blog in the best possible way!


Last but not least, one of the most effective time management tips is to focus on results.

What does it mean?

Whenever you need to accomplish a task, you need to be as specific as possible about it, clearly defining what’s the desired outcome you’re hoping to achieve.

Here are some examples:

Instead of saying…

  • Work on the blog for 1 hour
  • Clean house
  • Study for 2 hours


  • Create and schedule 15 Pins
  • Vacuum and mop floors, wash bed sheets
  • Study the first 5 chapters

You might think that there’s not much of a difference between the left and right columns, but there is – and I’ll tell you why!

If you set goals similar to the ones on the left, you’ll rarely feel satisfied and accomplished. You’re working without a clear direction in mind. You focus on how much time you have, so that you’ll end up always thinking you could have done more.

On the other hand, if you set goals like the ones on the right, you’re focusing on the results you aim for. And, when you’ll hit those goals, you’ll feel accomplished and proud of yourself. Why? because you’ll see the tangible results of your hard work.

So next time, if you want to boost your productivity, remember to set goals based on the results.

How to Efficiently Manage your Time and Get It All Done!

Those are the top 7 time management tips proven to maximize your productivity!

Are there any other tips you use and would like to share? Feel free to share your thoughts and ideas in the comments!

Until next time,

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14 Comments on “7 Best Time Management Tips to Get It All Done

  1. Love this!!! Thank you so much for all your tips. I used something similar to the matrix that you listed and it has proven to be super successful for me. And yes to eliminating distractions, this is something I definitely need to get better at, especially when it comes to the mobile phone….

    1. I’m glad the time-management matrix worked for you too! It’s one of my favorite tools 🙂

  2. I always love to learn more time management strategies. The 2-minute rule was new to me, but will definitely try it out! Thanks for sharing.

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