
3 Key Steps to Becoming the Most Successful Woman You Know

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There’s no secret formula to become a successful woman. But, there are some steps you can follow to increase your likelihood of becoming one. 😉

If you’re looking to level up your life and finally live up to your full potential – this article is what you were looking for!

Are you ready to become the most successful woman you know? Then, let’s get started!

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Steps to Become a Successful Woman

What’s your definition of success?

A successful woman knows what she wants.

She’s not afraid to step up for what she desires.

She knows her value and isn’t willing to settle for anything less. 

If you want to become the most successful woman you know, the first thing you must do is clarify your definition of success.

Success is not the same for everyone.

For some, being successful means climbing up the corporate ladder; while for others, it’s pursuing the free lifestyle of working whenever they want, wherever they want.

For some, success means having lots of money; while for others, success is having an empty wallet but a full heart – full of memories and experiences.

Or again, for some people reaching success pushes them far away from the people they love most. For others, success is exactly having the possibility to spend their entire lifetimes with the people they care the most about.

If you’ve never taken the time to get clear on your own definition of success, how can you know you’re setting the right goals and pursuing the right things in life?

Success can be anything you want it to be.

To me, for example, being successful means having the possibility to do meaningful work (aka writing), and positively changing others’ lives through my words and actions.

In my dream life, I am free to work wherever I want – so that I can travel the world. My life is full of deep and enriching connections, and I get to spend lots of time with the people I love most and with whom I can be my most authentic self.

What’s success for you? What does it mean to lead a successful life?

The truth is that, if you don’t find an answer to these questions, you’ll never know if you’re on the right path or not.

Get the right clarity in your life, because only YOU can know what you truly want. 

Steps to Be a Successful Woman

Identify your core values and life priorities

The next step to becoming a successful woman is identifying your values and priorities.

Not everything deserves a spot in your life, so make sure you’re not wasting your time on what doesn’t really matter.

Your time on this Earth is limited, so don’t waste it!

If you’re wondering how you can identify your most important values, you can grab my FREE Core Values Workbook:

Your core values are the compass that helps you navigate life authentically. You can never go wrong if you make decisions based on them.

For example, if your most important value is freedom, you won’t feel guilty for choosing a lower-paying remote job instead of a high-paying desktop job.

Or, if your core value is friendship, you’ll know what to choose on a random Tuesday when you’re unsure whether to keep working or hang out with your friends.

If one of your top values is passion, you won’t regret spending your free time working on your side hustle instead of going out on weekends – because you’re truly passionate about it.

It’s all a matter of priorities.

So, identify your core values and life priorities now, before the world will choose for you.

Over time your priorities might change – and that’s ok. Don’t hold onto things that no longer serve you, and learn to always embrace new versions of yourself. 

Create the right micro-habits

Finally, the last step to becoming the most successful woman you know is creating and adopting the right micro-habits – the ones that will get you closer to the life of your dreams.

Micro-habits are tiny steps you can take to make progress over your big goals and dreams. 

If you want to become financially free, some micro-habits you could set are:

  • Reading one page of a finance book per day
  • Tracking your daily expenses
  • Having a couple of no-spend days per month

If you want to become a writer, you could set the micro-habit of:

  • Writing 500 words per day
  • Reading 10 pages a day
  • Journaling daily to keep your creative juices flowing

Or, if you want to become a successful blogger, some micro-habits to consider are:

  • Looking for a guest post opportunity a day
  • Sharing a post on social media every day
  • Publishing engaging pins on Pinterest

The right micro-habits to set will come to you only once you get clarity on what you want.

So, if you haven’t yet, it’s time to ask yourself: “What is it exactly that I’m trying to achieve? And what will get me there?”.

The answer to the latter will push you in the right direction, highlighting the habits and practices that will help you get from where you are to where you want to be.


How to Become the Most Successful Woman You Know


That’s all for me today!

Becoming a successful woman isn’t impossible. You have all you need to make it – but you’ve gotta trust yourself and, even more importantly, trust the process!

If you want to succeed in life, remember you’ve got to:

  • Get clear on what’s your definition of ‘success’
  • Identify your life priorities and the core values hidden behind them
  • Create and adopt small habits that can help you manifest your dream life

You’ve got this!

Q: “What’s your rule #1 to become a successful woman?” – Let me know in a comment! 🙂

Until next time,

Giada Crepaldi

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