Goal Setting & Planning

How to Create a Dream Life Blueprint in 7 Steps

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Are you tired of living a life that doesn’t feel exciting and meaningful? Are you lacking a sense of purpose and direction? Do you crave novelty, alignment, and real happiness? It’s all possible – you can get it and feel it all, once you start living your dream life! 😉

Living your dream life means waking up every day feeling content about what the next 24 hours will bring because you know that you’ll spend them doing what you love. It’s going to bed grateful for all that you’ve lived, and excited for what tomorrow holds. 

You’re chasing your dreams, showing up as your best self, and making each day count. Isn’t that all we truly want?

So, if you’re ready to finally get over your excuses and start living your dream life, – let me help you with that! It’s time to go from where you are to where you want to go 😉

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1. Define what you don’t want

Most people get stuck because they don’t know what they want.

In a world with limitless possibilities and endless choices, making decisions has become harder and harder. If you’re too feeling overwhelmed and lack some clarity about what you truly want, here’s my advice: start with what you don’t want.

It’s easier to start in this way. For example, I know that I don’t want to:

  • Live to work, by accepting to do a soul-sucking job that I hate
  • Work a 9-5 office job
  • Stay in my childhood hometown or, in general, stay put in the same place
  • Make poor choices for my health that I will regret later on
  • Live a life full of regrets and “What if”s
  • Not try to go after my dreams and goals for laziness, fear, self-doubts

Knowing what you don’t want will help you say no to and avoid all those situations that don’t match and support the kind of lifestyle you’re trying to build for yourself.


Dream Life Blueprint

2. Make a list of what you want

Now that you at least know what you surely don’t want, it’s time to get clearer and more specific on what it is that you indeed want.

You’ve got to be as specific as possible!

For example, if you realized you don’t want a 9-5 job, there are still plenty of career paths for you to explore – so, which one do you prefer? Do you aspire to become a:

  • Freelance copywriter?
  • Travel blogger?
  • Content creator?
  • CEO?
  • Journalist?

The world is your oyster! But, to increase your chances of success you need to be as much detailed as you can. 

This is what I want:

  • A lifestyle inspired by the values of freedom, connection, and happiness
  • Overall health and longevity, with an active and healthy lifestyle
  • A life somewhere warm and sunny all year long and I’m close to the beach so I can go there to tan, swim, and surf every day
  • Amazing and adventurous friends, who inspire me to do and try new things, and with whom I can be my truest self, always feeling accepted and loved
  • A great romantic relationship, in which I feel safe, heard, seen, free, and loved
  • A remote job in a creative field – for example as a writer and life coach
  • To travel the world – solo, with my friends, and partner (I can do it all)
  • An adventurous life, seeing as many places and trying as many new things as possible. Whenever in doubt, asking myself “Why not?!” and then do the thing that scares me the most
  • Financial freedom and abundance

Get clear on what you exactly want and you’ll be more likely to get it.

3. Identify your core values

Look at your two lists, can you identify some patterns?

The first list will distance you from your dream life; the second list, on the other hand, is a clear reflection of what you’re truly looking for

As you can tell, my core values are:

  • Freedom
  • Connection
  • Happiness
  • Health
  • Adventure
  • Friendship
  • Love
  • Creativity
  • Passion
  • Wealth

The lifestyle I’m trying to create reflects all these values. They’re my compass, showing me the road I should take. 

If you make important life decisions guided by your core values, you will never make the wrong choice.

Get your FREE “Values Workbook”!

4. Design your vision board

Now, it’s time to get creative and make it fun!

If you don’t know what vision boards are, you can read this article on how to create the perfect vision board to manifest your dreams.

Your vision board is a mirror of what you want to attract and manifest in your life. What is it that you want?

  • If you want wealth, make sure to include pictures of six-figure bank balances, high salaries, checks, and a luxurious lifestyle
  • To manifest friendship, add pictures of group friends – even better if they’re doing what you want to do (going on trips, at the beach, hosting dinner parties, etc…)
  • If you want freedom, include pictures representing what a free lifestyle means to you (traveling the world, working remotely, being financially abundant, etc…)

Remember – if you can picture it, you can make it come true! 😉

5. Choose your BIG goal

It’s time to get a bit more practical.

Take your second list and observe it. What do you notice?

Most likely, you’ll be able to come up with 2-3 big goals out of your list. Those goals are your life goals.

Looking at my list, my big goals are:

  1. Traveling the world
  2. Making a living of what I love doing (writing and traveling)

That’s it. All the rest is either something I can’t control or that doesn’t matter.

Those goals, though, seem a bit overwhelming and unclear. What to do?

To avoid panicking over your goals, you need to set SMART goals. It means setting goals that are:

  • S – Specific
  • M – Measurable
  • A – Attainable
  • R – Relevant
  • T – Time-bound

Set SMART goals

Let’s use the goal of “Making a living of what I love doing” as an example:

  • S: I want to start as a freelance content writer, as my blog gets noticed and I become a full-time blogger and content creator
  • M: I want to start by earning 3.000 euros per month. I work for 3 websites and get paid 900 euros per month by each, while the remaining 300 are provided by my website
  • A: I find the time and energy to make this happen. I write 12 articles per month.
  • R: I can do all this from anywhere in the world. These jobs give me the freedom I’ve always craved
  • T: I find the first paying client by March. With that first money, I go on trips and spend a summer traveling and filming content
How to Create Your Dream Life Blueprint

6. Create an actionable plan

Ok, so by now you should have an idea of what your life goals are – but, how to get there? 

The secret of success is hidden in your daily habits.

When your dream seems so far away from you, how do you keep going? When your day-to-day isn’t a reflection of your aspirations, how can you love your life?

The truth is that we all underestimate the power of a good, solid daily routine.

The right routine will make you; the wrong one will break you.

To understand where you’ll be 3, 5, or 10 years from now, simply look at what you’re doing now. How are you spending your days? Where are you pouring your energy? 

Your dream life doesn’t happen by chance; it’s the result of your determination and consistency.

Continuing on the example above, it’s clear that what I must do is:

  • Create an appealing freelancing portfolio
  • Research potential websites I’d like to contribute to
  • Look out for freelance writing positions
  • Keep writing articles for Purposeful Dreamers
  • Create content for social media (especially videos)

But, if we want to break it down even further, to get more of a daily overview, that would look like this:

  • Reaching out to 3 interesting websites
  • Writing one or two articles per week for my blog
  • Filming 4 videos per week
  • Checking LinkedIn daily for open positions

This can be applied to any of your goals. You just need to break it down to the detail.

7. Come up with motivating affirmations

Along the road, you’ll find roadblocks and obstacles ready to stop you or slow you down. They’re part of the process.

But, you don’t need to let them have the best of you. Whenever your negative thoughts get too loud, take a breath and remind them who’s in charge.

If you envision your life in a certain way, it means you can make it happen. You can live up to your dream life!

Whenever you’ll be drowned in doubts, disappointment, or fear, I want you to pull out your emergency kit: in this case, a series of affirmations that can help you stay positive and motivated

Choose quotes that resonate with you and you know will give you that boost of motivation whenever is lacking. Your affirmations could be as simple as:

  • I’m worthy of love and success. I’m worthy of it all!
  • My dream life is achievable and possible. I can see it, so I can reach it. I only need to focus on my next step.
  • Will I regret most failing or not even trying? That’s why I’m doing it! That’s why I’m going for it!
  • I deserve to live a life I love. I deserve to wake up feeling excited for the day ahead and go to bed with a smile on my face for all the amazing things I’ve lived
  • The results will come when it’s the right time, but until then I need to keep plating the seeds


How to Create Your Dream Life


That’s all for me today!

Living your dream life is possible, and you can start now. Many people out there are already living a life they love, why couldn’t you be one of them? 

It’s quite simple: start by getting clear on what you don’t want, so that you’ll discover what you do want.

Then, understand why you value having those things. Get creative by putting your dream life on paper, with the right pictures 😉

Next, Identify your big life goal(s) and create an actionable plan for you to get to where you want to go.

Oh, last thing: don’t forget to cheer yourself up along the way! 😉

And there you have it: your 7-step plan to design your dream life!

Q: “How would you describe your dream life in 3 words?” – Let me know in a comment! 🙂

Until next time,

Giada Crepaldi

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