
Feeling Uninspired? Here’s How to Deal With It!

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This summer got me feeling…so out of it! No amount of sunny days, hot weather, and days spent at the beach seem to do the trick. Is it just me or are we all collectively feeling uninspired?!

After having completed the 90/30/1 challenge I set for myself, in July, my creative juices are dry AF. (That’s why I’m planning on taking a one-month break from blogging but – if I’ve done a good job at planning – you won’t even notice it 😉 )

Whether you’re stuck in your creative pursuit, or you’ve just been feeling uninspired from life lately – I’m here to help you out!

In this article, you’ll learn what you can do to stop feeling so uninspired when even the idea of doing something – literally anything – drains you.

So, are you ready to stop feeling so demotivated and get your creative energy back? Then, let’s get started!

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The Reasons Why You’re Uninspired

Before you get ready to fight against it, you need to understand where the lack of inspiration is coming from. 

  • Did you face major life changes lately?
  • Are you stuck in a stressful situation?
  • Is perfectionism holding you back?
  • Are your basic needs met?
  • Do you feel lost and lack purpose?
  • Are you burnt out?

You must understand where you’re at. Why? Because the solution is different depending on the root cause of your problem!

For example, if you’re feeling uninspired because you’ve been dealing with a lot of changes in your life lately, maybe the best solution isn’t to set a list of new goals to tackle.

On the other hand, if you’re uninspired because you feel lost in life, it’s a great idea to try something new to spark your creativity!

Or, if you realize you haven’t been eating properly and getting enough sleep, no amount of new hobbies and creative outlooks will do it for you – you just need to take a nap!

So, before you move on to the solutions to help you stop feeling uninspired – it’s fundamental you first understand why you’re feeling so in the first place.


Things to Do to Feel Inspired

The Lazy Girls’s Guide to Stop Feeling Creatively Uninspired

The tips I will share below are what I’m doing to fight against my lack of inspiration.

I’m sharing them hoping they will help you get unstuck and get your creative energy back!

Here’s what you can do:

1. Give Yourself a Break

How often do you allow yourself to take a break? To really rest? (And not mindlessly scrolling on social media or watching TV…)

Even if you think that you’re just chilling by scrolling on Instagram – the truth is that you’re not giving your brain a break.

Sure, maybe your body is resting but your mind isn’t.

There are 7 types of rest:

  1. Physical
  2. Mental
  3. Social
  4. Creative
  5. Sensory
  6. Spiritual
  7. Emotional

What do you need? If you need:

  1. Physical rest → Take a nap
  2. Mental rest → Meditate
  3. Social rest → Set healthy boundaries
  4. Creative → Take a walk
  5. Sensory → Do a digital detox
  6. Spiritual rest → Sit in silence
  7. Emotional rest → Journal

It’s important to understand what type of rest you need in order to fully recharge. (Hey, it’s OK if you need all 7! 😉 )

So, that’s what I’m doing – I’m asking myself: “What type of rest do I need now?”, and then I permit myself to take a break.

2. Make a Bucket List

Pouring your heart, energy, and soul into a project is wonderful – until it isn’t.

When you’re worn out, you feel so empty that you don’t know how to get that creative energy back… (Yet you miss it so much!)

That’s how I’ve been feeling with my blog lately – that’s why I’m taking a short break. 

But, since I can’t just sit and do nothing, I’ve decided to create a bucket list! 

Sometimes, when you feel uninspired, it means that something is missing in your life.

If that’s the case, the best remedy is to try out as many new things as possible! (Yep, even – and especially – the silly ones!)

So, if you’ve been lacking inspiration lately, why don’t you try writing down a bucket list?

Make a list of goals you’d like to achieve, things you’d like to try, and dreams you’d like to fulfill! 

Here’s a shortened version of my bucket list:

  • Make charms necklaces
  • Learn how to play the guitar
  • Open an Instagram account to share my writing
  • Read more fiction books
  • Take on a no-complaints 30-day challenge
  • Try new recipes
  • Get a yoga training certification
Bucket List Ideas

The bigger you dream, the more inspired you’ll feel! 

3. Disconnect

The negative effects technology has on our mental health are evident. There’s no way to hide it.

Whenever I lack inspiration, I reach out for comfort: hence, I pick up my phone. But rarely, when I put it down, I feel better than before.

Actually, I feel worse…

I feel even more uninspired.

I feel behind in life.

And I feel guilty for having wasted so much time watching others living their life instead of trying to make my own better.

So, if you’re feeling uninspired, the healthiest thing to do – for your mental health and inner peace – is to put down the damn phone. (Ok, you can finish reading the article and then put it down 😉 )

Stop convincing yourself that you’re surfing on Pinterest for inspiration.

Or that reading self-help blogs is for your own personal growth.

Or that a quick scroll on Instagram won’t affect your self-confidence.

You know it too – you’re only lying to yourself…

Reaching for your phone is the easiest thing to do when you’re feeling uninspired but, think about it: “How many times has it helped you feel more inspired?”. Exactly…

So, do yourself a favor and disconnect. 

Disconnect online before you disconnect from yourself.

Hacks to Stop Feeling Uninspired

4. Be Creative in a Different Way

Doing the same thing for too long can get boring.

Sometimes, feeling uninspired to work on something means that you need to try doing something new – or doing something differently! 😉

I’m not saying you should quit whatever you’re doing at the first sign of boredom. I’m just suggesting that, sometimes, you need to “spice it up” to make things more interesting 😉

Take me and my blog as an example: I’ve been spending most of my free time working on it for the past 30 days. And, while I love what I do, I’ve also felt like I was neglecting other creative pursuits…

So, my creativity for new blog post ideas got all dried up.

But, I can definitely tell you that my creativity is still there – somewhere. I just need to let it out in a different way…

Here are some outlets I’m going to experiment with to let my inspiration flow easily again:

  • Dancing
  • Jewellery making
  • Cooking
  • Walking
  • Doing crosswords
  • Reading
  • Journaling
  • Taking photographs
  • Practicing more yoga

Your creativity is endless.

Your potential is unlimited.

Don’t let the feelings of being stuck and uninspired take control over your life.

You are creative by nature. 

Maybe it’s just time for you to explore different ways you could be creative! 😉

Hobbies to Try

5. Journal It All Out 

Journaling won’t fix all your problems – but 90%! 😉

One of the best remedies for a lack of inspiration is to grab a journal and a pen and start writing it all out.

Share how you feel. 

Here are some helpful questions to connect with your inner self:

  • Where do you feel uninspired, exactly? 
  • When did you start feeling uninspired? 
  • Did something trigger your lack of inspiration? 
  • When was the last time you felt truly inspired? What were you doing? Who were you with? 

And, if looking backward and inwards isn’t doing it for you – why don’t you focus on the future?

Some questions that might work best for getting your creative juices flow are:

  • If your life was a movie, what would be a nice plot twist now?
  • Whose life would you trade yours for in a split second?
  • If tomorrow you woke up being [insert your favorite person in the world], how would you behave?
  • What are the 3 dreams you’d like to realize now?
  • What does your ideal self look, feel, think, and behave like?

Why journaling? Because feeling uninspired – especially if for a long time – is a sign that something needs to change in your life. 

Journaling is the best way to gain more clarity and get specific about what is working and what isn’t in your life.

The best way to discover more about yourself is with a pen and paper.

Ready to take on a breakthrough self-discovery journey? Grab your FREE “50 Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery” and get to know the real you! 😉

6. End the Blame Game

Finally, the last tip to help you stop feeling so uninspired in life is to put an end to the blame game that, I’m sure, has been going on in your mind.

You’re blaming yourself for not being as creative as you were.

You feel guilty for not being productive

And you’re overthinking about why you’re not inspired, how long this is going to last, and if you’ll ever get your inspiration back.

Hear me out: you need to stop that negative self-talk.

You need to stop feeling guilty for feeling the way you feel.

Stop blaming yourself for your emotions.

Every feeling is there to tell you something – but you must be open to listening and embrace what it has to teach you.

You’ve been feeling uninspired – so what?

The world is still spinning.

The sun will rise again tomorrow. And the day after.

Your family and friends still love you and always will.

It’s OK to feel uninspired at times.

Acknowledge that it’s temporary. You won’t feel like this forever, I promise.

Hacks to Stop Feeling Uninspired

Final Words

That’s all for me today!

I hope this article made you feel less lonely – cause you’re not the only one who ever felt uninspired! It’s a normal part of life 🙂 

Now that I’ve shared how I’m dealing with feeling uninspired, I’d love to hear from you:

Q: “What’s your #1 remedy when lacking inspiration?” – Let me know in a comment! 🙂

Until next time,

Giada Crepaldi

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  1. Hey Giada! I resonate with everything you shared in this post. Feeling uninspired can be such a drag, but your tips are super practical and relatable. I especially love the idea of trying something new, like making a bucket list or being creative in a different way—sometimes we just need to shake things up a bit! Also, disconnecting from technology is such a game-changer. It’s crazy how much better I feel after a digital detox. Thanks for the inspiration and the reminder that it’s okay to take a break and recharge. Can’t wait to see what you come up with after your blogging break! 😊

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