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How to Make Yourself Happy: 100 Reasons to Be Happy in Your Life Right Now

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Today is the happiest day on Earth, also known as “Yellow Day”. For this reason, I’ve decided to dedicate a whole article to happiness. After all, we’re all on a pursuit of happiness – aren’t we? Are you ready to know more about what real happiness is and how you can make yourself happy, every day?

It’s time for you to stop chasing happiness, and start finding it within.

Being happy is quite simple, yet we tend to overcomplicate it. 

So, if you’ve been wondering why you can’t just feel happy in your life – stick around! In this article, you’ll get to know:

  • What is “Yellow Day”
  • Why you never seem to be truly happy
  • What real happiness is
  • A list of 100 simple things that can make you feel happier

So, are you ready to be happier in your daily life? Then, let’s get started!

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100 Simple Things That Can Make You Happy Every Day

Yellow Day: What Is It?

Maybe you’ve already heard of “Blue Monday” – typically the third Monday of January -, as it’s known to be the saddest day of the year. 

Well, the good news is there is also its opposite: “Yellow Day” – also known as the happiest day on Earth!

After conducting studies on people’s happiness, the British psychologist Cliff Arnall came up with what’s known to be the happiness equation:

O + (N x S) + Cpm / T + He

Based on his findings, happiness is determined by the:

  • Time spent doing outdoor activities
  • Time spent in nature
  • Levels of socialization
  • Positive childhood memories
  • Temperature
  • Holidays

Given this formula, the happiest day of the year couldn’t be anytime else than on the Summer Solstice – the day when the sun shines for the longest time. 

The reason why it’s also called “Yellow Day” is because, based on the psychology of colors, the color yellow should transmit:

  • Positivity
  • Joy
  • Playfulness
  • Light
  • Hope
  • Energy
  • Warmth
Happy Colourful Smile

“Why Can’t I Just Be Happy?”

I’m sure that, at least once in your lifetime, you’ve asked yourself: “Why can’t I just be happy?” or “Could I be happier? How can I make myself happy?”

Unless you’re struggling with physical or mental health issues or have recently gone through some trauma, happiness shouldn’t be too out of reach for you. 

Still, if you’re living a good life yet find yourself unhappy, here is an article you should read next: “7 Reasons Why You’re Unhappy With Your Life”.

Some additional factors threatening your happiness level are:

  • Stress
  • Social media
  • Social interactions

While social media should have brought us closer, they ended up making feel us lonelier than ever. The problem is not only how much time we spend online though… 

Most of us have it completely wrong on happiness.

We believe we’ll be happy “only if” or “only when”. Let me tell you: that couldn’t be any further from the truth!

But, let’s move on to the one-million-dollar question:

What Is Happiness?

Happiness is not feeling good and excited all the time. 

Real happiness is more of a state of general well-being.

Happy people feel like they’re living a good life. A life that has a sense of meaning and purpose, and overall contentment.

The truth about happiness is that it’s not something that can be found outside…

Why? Because a new car, house, job, or fiancé will never feel the void you feel deep inside.

Only you have the key to your happiness.

Studies have shown that happiness is:

  • 50% due to genetics
  • 10% linked to external events
  • 40% determined by individual choices

So, the key message here? Your level of happiness is your choice.

You can decide to focus on that 60% you have no control over, or you can take action on what’s in your power: that 40% of choices and actions that can determine what makes you really happy.

Hopefully, if you’re reading this post, you’ve already decided that investing your energy into the 40% of things you can control is more worthwhile. 

But, without further ado, are you ready to move on to what you can do to make yourself happy?

Find Joy in Everything

100 Simple Reasons to Be Happy

Below, you’ll find a list of 100 simple things that make me happy. 

The reason why I’m sharing this is that I believe those small things have the power to make you happy too!

Therefore, here are 100 small things that make me – and can make you – happy:

  1. That first sip of coffee in the morning
  2. Driving with the windows down and loud music
  3. The feeling of the sun on your skin
  4. Swimming in the ocean
  5. A warm hug
  6. Boarding on a plane
  7. Stumbling upon someone you haven’t seen in a long time
  8. Looking at the blue sky
  9. Gazing at the stars at night
  10. Dancing like no one is watching
  11. Watching your favorite movie
  12. Hearing an old song on the radio that brings up lots of memories
  13. Eating ice cream on a hot day
  14. The smile of a kid
  15. Going on a dreamy vacation
  16. Feeling good and confident in your skin
  17. Reading a good book
  18. Having someone who listens to you
  19. Giving a gift to someone you love
  20. Rainy days and having nowhere to be
  21. Receiving a thoughtful gift
  22. Taking care of something (a small plant, your dog, or your apartment)
  23. Trusting your intuition
  24. Chasing your dreams
  25. Saying yes to spontaneous plans
  26. Watching the sunset
  27. Waking up early to watch the sunrise
  28. Saying “I love you”
  29. Eating your favorite food
  30. Stumbling upon all green lights
  31. Smiling
  32. Doing something you love for the pure joy of doing it
  33. Being mindful
  34. Starting your days on a slow note
  35. Taking deep breaths
  36. Expressing your creativity
  37. Feeling heard, seen, and understood
  38. Being alone without feeling lonely
  39. Chasing experiences, not things
  40. The sound of birds chirping
  41. Getting lost over the horizon
  42. Seeing a butterfly fly
  43. Someone remembering a small detail about you
  44. Flowers
  45. Drinking water after feeling thirsty for long
  46. Coming home after a long trip
  47. Taking a hot shower after a long day
  48. Wearing a new pj set on the same day you’ve washed your bedsheets
  49. Your birthday – it’s your special day
  50. Singing out loud
  51. Tanning at the beach
  52. Palm trees
  53. Seeing a shooting star
  54. Working on a side project you’re passionate about
  55. Full moon
  56. A gentle, warm breeze touching your skin
  57. Writing
  58. Making someone smile
  59. The sound of the waves crashing to shore
  60. Eating fresh fruits
  61. Chocolate
  62. Believing in yourself
  63. Buying a new book
  64. Being with someone who makes you forget to check the time
  65. Entering the state of “flow”
  66. Candles
  67. Cuddling a puppy
  68. The smell of coffee
  69. Rainbows
  70. Waking up with no alarm
  71. Have planless days
  72. Reading your favorite blogs
  73. Walking barefoot on grass
  74. Listening to someone playing the piano
  75. Seeing soap bubbles
  76. Going on a hike
  77. Being fully present, in the here and now
  78. Inspiring someone
  79. Saying something nice
  80. Feeling loved
  81. Receiving a genuine compliment
  82. Watching a movie that either makes you cry or laugh
  83. Getting a massage
  84. Experiencing those runner’s highs
  85. Putting a nice perfume on
  86. Laying on a hammock
  87. Going on the swings and feeling pumped like a 5-year-old kid
  88. Enjoying a slow breakfast
  89. Walking in the woods, fully surrounded by nature
  90. Having goals to work towards to
  91. Being healthy
  92. Biking
  93. Doing more of what you love
  94. Picnics in the park
  95. Meeting someone new yet feeling like you’ve known them forever
  96. Feeling free
  97. Laughing so hard that your stomach and jaws start hurting
  98. Handwritten letters
  99. Listening to live music
  100. Being alive


100 Small Things to Be Happy in Life Every Day


Our brain is wired to negative thinking, as it’s constantly scanning the environment looking for possible threats.

If you want to be happier in life, you have to make an effort for it.

How? By being on the lookout for good, positive things.

Focusing on the good makes the good better.

I don’t know about you, but I want to focus on being happier.

I want to start doing more of what makes me happy. Because I’ve learned that happiness is not the end goal.

You deserve to be happy throughout the journey; otherwise, what’s the point of the whole journey in the first place?

What’s the point of moving in one direction if you hate the whole process that leads you there, to where you want to go?

So, if you only can take away one thing from this whole article, let it be this: happiness is simple, so don’t overcomplicate it.

You can be happy – so just let yourself be it!

Q: “What are 100 things that make you happy?” – I would love it if you shared your list with me! You can either write it in the comments or email it to [email protected] 😉

Until next time,

Giada Crepaldi

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