How to Have More Fun in Life

How to Have More Fun and Live an Exciting Life: 8 Ways to Make Your Routine More Fun

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I don’t know about you but, to me, learning how to have fun in life as an adult means unlearning all the rules, limits, beliefs, and “no, you shouldn’t have ice cream for dinner” I’ve heard growing up.

Why is it so hard to make life more fun as we age? Isn’t that a paradox?

We have more freedom and (hopefully) more money – yet fun is often left out of the equation!

Here’s the good news: just because you’re an adult now, it doesn’t mean you can’t have fun in life!

In this article, I want to share with you 8 small things you can do to add more fun to your days.

Are you ready to make life more exciting and live it to the fullest? Let’s get started! 

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Why Is It Hard to Have Fun As an Adult?

As we grow older and learn how to navigate our 20s, we unconsciously learn about what we should and shouldn’t do.

For example:

  • It’s ok to take on more responsibilities at work, as it makes you a better employee
  • Hitting the gym regularly will make you healthier
  • It’s ok to say ‘yes’ even if you want to say ‘no’ as long as you’re making others happy (I mean, who cares if you’re the one being left disappointed?)

But, it comes at a cost.

As we take on more responsibilities, chores, and tasks and our schedules get busier – at the same time, we are saying ‘no’ to fun, spontaneity, and freedom of being.

  • Why would you spend your time doing something if that’s not going to make you more money? 
  • How dare you trust your gut and go for it, and so disappoint others?
  • Why care about making life more fun if all you have to do now is pay the bills, do groceries, cook, and clean? 

Yet we wonder why so many are unhappy in life…

Why Do You Need Fun in Your Life?

Having fun in life has many benefits.

To name a few, adding more fun to your life can:

  • Improve your relationships
  • Reduce your stress levels
  • Increase your lifespan
  • Boost your focus
  • Improve your memory

So, if you’re still wondering whether you need to make more time for play in your busy schedule…

Here’s the short answer: YES!

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”

– George Bernard Shaw

How to Have Fun in Life As an Adult: 8 Simple Ways to Make Life More Fun

“Having fun is not a diversion from a successful life; it is the pathway to it.”

– Martha Beck

Before starting, I want to mention that the concept of “fun” has a different meaning for everyone.

The key to enjoying your life more is to discover what you consider “fun” – and simply do more of it.

Despite “fun” can assume many shapes and meanings; in this post, I want to share 8 simple strategies to bring more fun into your life, no matter what!


Ways to Make Your Life Exciting and Fun

Approach Life With Curiosity

As our brains are wired for survival, it’s normal to look at new experiences from a fear-based perspective.

We’re constantly on the lookout for possible threats, dangers, and enemies in any given situation. It’s stronger than us – it’s just our normal behavior!

So, if you want to have more fun in life, you need to train yourself to approach life with curiosity. 

Begin to see every situation as a way to learn something, test your limits, and expand your understanding of the world.

But, how can you do that, practically? Here are some examples:

  • As you meet someone new, be open to hearing their stories rather than be focused on forming first impression-based judgments
  • Seek out the benefits you could get from a new challenge rather than focus on its obstacles
  • When learning something new, embrace the “beginner mindset” instead of dragging yourself down for your limited skills

A huge part of having more fun is all about the mindset you have as you navigate through life.

Look at the world as a place of limitless possibilities rather than a place full of uncertainties and threats. 

Take Your Power Back

When you were a child, family, teachers, and relatives told you what was appropriate to do and what wasn’t. 

So you grew up with a set of rules that’s highly dependent on the physical and social environment you were in.

But, now that you’re an adult you don’t have to stick to those rules anymore – if you don’t want to!

Sure, eating ice cream for dinner is not the healthiest option, but there’s no one stopping you from doing it if that’s what you crave!

The workout class you signed up for but dread going to every single time? No one is forcing you to renew the membership (but yourself)!

One of the hardest yet most freeing realizations is that you get to decide everything! (Yep, that’s an amazing thing called free will! ;))

This is your sign to take your power back and fully acknowledge that your life is yours!

You get to decide how you want to live it!

Take On a New Challenge

One of the best ways to add more fun to your life is to start a new challenge!

The great thing about challenges is that they push you beyond your limits, but healthily.

Why? Cause you know that you won’t be doing it forever! (Unless you want to)

Here are some ideas of challenges you could take on:

  • 75-day hard (or soft)
  • 30-day self-care challenge
  • 30-day self-discovery challenge
  • No-spend challenge

Just think about one area of your life you’d like to improve – and take on the challenge!

Do Something Unexpected

Predictability – that’s a key ingredient to a boring life!

If you get up and do the same things every day, how can you expect that your life starts feeling fun, all of a sudden?

“Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life.”

– Robin Sharma

What’s one twist you could give to your life?

Do it for the plot!

What’s something that, if you did it, would leave everyone (including yourself) speechless?

And yes, it could be something extravagant like completely reinventing yourself or getting a 1-way ticket to the other side of the world!

But, it could also be something as small as: 

  • Taking a different route to work
  • Ordering a new dish at your favorite restaurant
  • Organizing a surprise party for a friend, for no reason at all
  • Sleeping in a tent (even if it’s in your backyard)
  • Going skinny dipping at night

You got the gist of it! 😉

Life is more fun when you let spontaneity flow into your life!

Spice Things Up

“If it’s not fun, you’re not doing it right.”

– Bob Basso

Life is made of small moments.

What we often forget is that there is so much beauty in those moments of simple mundanity…

We live on an autopilot, as every day starts feeling the same.

RELATED: “11 Crucial Signs It’s Time for a Change in Life”

If you resonate with this, it means it’s time to “spice things up”.

How can you do that? It can be as simple as:

  • Playing music as you cook
  • Signing up for a new workout
  • Hosting a cute dinner at your place
  • Re-arranging your furniture
  • Cooking a new recipe
  • Adding a new spice or creamer to your regular coffee

Learn to be present enough to appreciate the beauty of the small things in your day. And, when you feel like life has lost its beauty – don’t be afraid to spice things up! 😉

Things to Do to Have More Fun

Keep a Fun Journal

Maybe you’re realizing that you don’t have any fun in life because you don’t even what’s fun for you…

If that’s the case, keeping a fun journal is a good remedy! Do you want to know how it works? Let me explain it.

For the next 7 days – or longer – you’ll write every activity, habit, event, or hobby you engage in.

For each, you’ll give it a score from 1 to 5 – with 1 being the least fun and 5 being the most fun.

In this way, you’ll be able to understand what adds fun to your life and what doesn’t.

Soon enough, you’ll get more information about what you truly enjoy doing.

What’s next? Make sure you do more of the things with the highest score! 🙂 

Start & End Your Day on Your Terms

There are two times in the day that you should be 100% intentional about: after waking up and before falling asleep.

Why? As the world will try to grab your attention throughout the rest of the day, you can regain clarity and balance by creating the right morning and night routines.

You can start by asking yourself two important questions:

  • “What energy do I want to carry with me as I begin a new day?”
  • “How do I want to feel as I get ready for a night of peaceful sleep?”

Start with this.

Start with how you want to feel – then, you will build your habits and routines around that answer.

Here are some examples:

  • If you want to be productive early in the morning, you could include in your morning routine the habits of working on your goal for the first hour of the day (following the 90/90/1 rule)
  • Or, if you want to feel energic, you could do some yoga or schedule a workout
  • If you want to fall asleep with a positive mindset, you could start keeping a gratitude journal to write on every night
  • Or, if you want to feel at peace, you could meditate right before falling asleep

Remove Instead of Adding 

Often, we think we need to add more things to our lives…cause they will make us happier, right?

But what if, instead of adding, you’d try to remove something

Ask yourself:

  • What’s weighing me down?
  • What’s making me unhappy?
  • And, what’s making life not fun at all?

And yeah, while filing your taxes is not fun but you still gotta do it, there are so many things you keep doing that are completely unnecessary.

The only reason why you keep doing them? Because it’s easier to follow the paved path than go for the unknown one. 

So, look at your life and think:

“What are the unnecessary things I don’t have to keep doing, in order to feel better?”.

Maybe you decide to finally:

  • Step away from that toxic friend
  • Quit the job you hate
  • Delete some social media apps
  • Spend less time on your phone
  • Stop people pleasing

The only way to make more room for fun is to remove from your life anything that takes the fun out of your days. 

Ways to Add More Fun to Your Life


That’s all for me today!

Hopefully, you’re leaving this post with some more ideas on how you could add more fun to your life.

Remember: if you want to live a fun life, you’ve gotta make it fun!

Also, don’t take life too seriously because your time here is temporary! Soo…just make sure you make the most of it and have fun along the journey! 😉

Q: “What are the 3 things that add more fun to your life?” – Share them in the comments! 🙂

Until next time,

Giada Crepaldi

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