Navigate Change

5 Tips to Mindfully Navigate Through Change

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If there’s one constant in life…that’s change. As creatures of habit, we don’t want things to change. Why? Because it feels scary and uncomfortable – yet, we will all inevitably navigate through some major changes during our lives.

Whether you’re about to graduate, switch careers, move to a new town – or you’re simply stepping into a different phase of life that feels scary because of its uncertainty…this post is for you!

In this article, you’ll learn 5 good tips to positively navigate through the discomfort of change. Change is what makes life interesting, after all – don’t you think? 😉

So, are you ready to finally embrace change rather than resist it? Then, let’s get started!


Tips to Navigate Change

1. Journal About It

One of the best rituals you could ever adopt when facing a major – or minor – life change is to simply write it all out.

If there’s one keystone habit that has completely changed my life, it’s journaling. There are many benefits of regular journaling; to name a few:

  • More clarity
  • Enhanced decision-making
  • Lower stress levels
  • Increased self-awareness

PS. Looking for inspiration on what to write? Grab here your FREE “50 Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery”

As you navigate through change, you’ll experience a wide range of emotions, thoughts, and sensations.

You must keep track of your thought patterns to avoid entering a negative spiral and ensure you gain the right perspective on the matter.

Some helpful questions to ask yourself when your life is changing are:

  • What am I afraid of? What’s the worst that could happen?
  • How does my body feel?
  • What are my expectations?
  • Am I resisting this change in any way?
  • What’s the best that could happen?

Take your time and mindfully reflect on these questions. 

Be honest with yourself.

Get in touch with your real emotions.

2. Shift Your Perspective

Every cell in your body will try to resist change.

You must endure.

The best moment to leap is when you don’t feel ready to jump. That’s exactly when you have to jump and go all in!

After all, life is all about change.

Think about it: you transition from school to college, then you graduate and get a job, and next thing you know you’re ready to buy a house and start a family (this, of course, only if you follow the traditional path).

Change is part of life, and, to avoid it, it would mean to avoid living.

Don’t be so scared of change that you never make a move, that you never try.

If you have a dream, be brave enough to go for it!

Any of your goals can be achieved, if you only put your mind to it!

Dare to make that move – whatever that is!

It’s ok to be scared.

It’s ok to not feel ready cause…guess what? You’ll never feel ready! Still, you can do it anyways 😉

If we wait until we feel ready, I’m afraid we’ll have to wait forever…

Both your time and my time are too precious to keep wasting it.

How to Navigate Through Change

So, let me ask you:

“What is the change you want to make but that you’re so afraid of making?”

The first answer that comes to your mind is exactly what you need to do – so go do it!

NOW! 😉

3. Acknowledge That No Change Is Permanent

There’s a feeling of warm comfort that comes from knowing that no change is permanent.

Why? Because it means that whether you feel like you’re about to step into one of the worst – or best – chapters of your life…it doesn’t matter.

It won’t matter in the long run – cause this change won’t last forever!

Adopting this mindset is beneficial because it allows you to welcome change rather than fight against it.

When you resist change, you’re resisting life.

You’re preventing life from naturally flowing.

You must allow for things to change, cause that’s the only way things can evolve.

Instead of dreading change in your life, ask yourself what you can learn from it.

Try to make the best of it while you still have it – cause the truth is you never know how long it will last.

Here are some practical ways to adopt a more positive outlook on change:

  • Moving to a new city is a big move – but you can always go back home if you hate it!
  • Switching careers feels scary and uncertain – but you can change jobs again if you don’t like the new one!
  • Going to college is one of the major life transitions so, naturally, you feel nervous – but you can always change course or drop out if you dread it!

Nothing is irreversible. 

You can always change ideas, change your mind, and change direction. Isn’t that so freeing? 😉

4. Open Up

When you open up with someone you love, sharing hidden parts of yourself – you’re healthily processing your emotions. 

To mindfully navigate change is essential to make space for vulnerability.

Being vulnerable is not a sign of weakness – actually, it shows a lot of strength.

Sometimes, all you need to do to feel better is to vent about the situation to someone you trust.

When you make an effort to open up with someone, you’re distancing yourself from the problem.

And…who knows? Maybe hearing someone else’s words of advice is exactly what you need! 😉

So, put your ego aside and reach out to your friend, partner, or relative and share with them what’s going on in your life.

I promise you’ll feel better if you open up instead of holding everything inside.

Tips to Navigate Life Changes

5. Distract Yourself

Finally, the final tip to navigate change is to simply…find ways to distract yourself!

You cannot be in your head the whole time – that’s the secret recipe to overthinking, worrying, and stressing.

If there’s nothing you can do to change the situation, why would you want to waste your time constantly thinking about it?

Here are some of the best ways you can distract yourself:

  • Do a puzzle
  • Call a friend
  • Go on a walk
  • Do crosswords
  • Listen to music
  • Dance it out
  • Watch your favorite show
  • Cook your comfort food
  • Try something new
  • Exercise

Q: “Are you going through a major life change now? If so, what does best help you navigate change?” – Let me know in the comments! 🙂

Until next time,

Giada Crepaldi

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