Positive Reminders for Hard Days

6 Uplifting Reminders for Hard Days (to Help You Stay Positive)

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Let’s be honest: life is tough. No matter how hard you try, at times you’re so stuck inside of a dark tunnel that you cannot even see the light at the end of it. But that’s exactly what I’m here for – to share some positive reminders that can (hopefully) help you go through those hard days! 

To reach the end of the tunnel, you need to first commit to going through it.

These 6 reminders are the motivation you need to hear when you feel so unhappy with your life that you think it will never get any better. Trust me: it will! 😉

If I can brighten up your day even a little bit, I want to do it.

So, are you ready to hear the positive reminders you didn’t know you needed? Then, let’s get started!

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6 Positive Reminders for Tough Times

1. Everything Is Temporary

A good tip for when you’re at a difficult point in life is to remind yourself that this moment is temporary.

Every moment is temporary. It will fade. It will become only a memory. 

While you’re in the messy middle, it seems impossible to think that it will get better. But, trust me, it will get better! 😉

Life is full of ups and downs. And, while you don’t know how long they will last, it’s good to remember that everything is temporary.

Maybe you’re going through a challenging time in your life. Perhaps you’re:

  • Dealing with a breakup
  • Finding yourself with no friends
  • Going through a health problem
  • Stuck doing a job you hate
  • Feeling lost in life

It has happened to everyone – even to the best of us!

Life is not all sunshine and rainbows – or, at least, not always.


Uplifting Reminders for Hard Times

Learn to embrace the dichotomy of life, as it makes every experience more meaningful.

The duality of life is what makes it worth living.

If you didn’t have bad days, you wouldn’t appreciate the good ones.

If you couldn’t lose people, you’d take them for granted.

And, if you’d never feel sad, you wouldn’t even know what real happiness is.

Life can be beautiful, amazing, and wonderful.

But it can also be scary, harsh, and cruel.

What makes every experience so unique and precious is that both conditions exist.

So, the best thing you can do is to learn to be in it – in this moment.

Whether you feel like it’s the best or worst time in your life, remind yourself that:

“This, too, shall pass.”

So, be happy when you feel content. But also embrace sadness when it comes. 

Both the good and the bad things in life won’t last forever.

And that’s bittersweet, but that’s also what makes every experience more precious.

2. It’s Your First Time At Life

It’s easy to beat yourself up when you mess things up.

To be upset when life doesn’t go your way.

Or to blame yourself when you feel like you’re a failure.

Let this be one of your gentle, daily reminders that: it’s all brand new for you.

You’re experiencing life for the very first time.

No one gave you a booklet or a guide on how to navigate through life – especially those messy 20s

Instead of tearing yourself apart, why don’t you recognize that every day – yes, even on the bad ones – you’re simply doing your best?

You’re showing up. And that’s the most important part.

You cannot – and shouldn’t – expect to give your 100% day in, day out.

You’re not a machine; you’re only human.

Give yourself some credit because you’re doing the best you can, no matter what. So, instead of focusing on everything wrong you did, why don’t you acknowledge:

You’re doing better than you think you are.

After all, it’s your first attempt at life. (And also your last – so make it count!)

Daily Positive Reminders for Hard Days

3. Your Happiness Is What Matters the Most

In your life, you’ll meet many people.

Some of them you will meet for a reason, others for a season. As for some others, you’ll never be able to get rid of (haha)! 😉

The problem?

Most times, we’re so good at making others happy that we forget about our own happiness.

We give up on dreams, desires, and aspirations only to meet others’ expectations. So, let me ask you this straight:

“Are you living life to make others happy at the expense of your own happiness?”

Because, let me tell you: if you don’t prioritize your happiness, nobody will.

So, instead of living life according to others’ expectations, why don’t you start being true to yourself?

Sure, the path to creating your dream life will take a long time. But, only because it takes time, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t even get started.

How can you start? Start by defining your idea of happiness.

“What does a happy life look like to you?”

For example, to me it looks like waking up in front of the ocean, spending my days traveling and writing, and getting paid for it.

“Getting paid to do what I love, so that I can do more of it while being free” is my definition of happiness.

What’s yours? 

Once you figure it out – go out there, and start doing more of it.

Move towards your dream life – a life that makes you happy and fulfilled! A life worth living!

PS. If you want to figure out who you are and what your dream life looks like, grab these FREE “50 Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery”:

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”

– Aristotle

4. You’re Not Alone (Even If You Feel Like It)

Statistics show that Gen Z feels lonelier than ever. Did social media make us feel more disconnected rather than serve the goal it was created for – and so to connect people? (Some food for thought) 😉

Want to hear the good news, though? You’re not alone in this loneliness epidemic

Especially if you’re going through some tough times, you’ll be familiar with the feeling that no one can understand you.

Sure, at times there’s someone that listens – but nobody ever really gets it, or gets…you.

Let this be one of your daily reminders that those feelings of:

  • Loneliness
  • Inadequacy
  • Low self-worth
  • Helplessness
  • Confusion
  • Worry
  • Self-doubt

…are all normal. And common.

You’re not the only one feeling scared about a big life change. Or small talks.

Everybody is self-conscious about their bodies – some to a bigger extent than others.

We all want to be liked. 

So, even if you’ve been feeling like you’re on this journey all on your own, let me tell you: you are not!

Everybody goes through hard days, months, or even years.

And, while the most natural reaction is to bottle up your emotions and step away from others – it’s always best to not shut your door to the world.

Not everyone can help, but some can.

Make sure you leave the door open so that the right people can enter your life.

The right people will understand without you having to say many words.

The right will make you feel like you’re not alone in whatever you’re going through in life. Because, let me tell you: you aren’t.

5. All Feelings Need to Be Felt

Since when I first got hooked up in the self-help world, I’ve always felt “uneasy” and a bit uncomfortable when experiencing negative emotions. 

It’s like I know what I need to do to feel better, so why can’t I just pull myself to do it?!

I know my mindset is key – so why can’t I change it?

If positive thinking leads to a positive life, why am I dwelling in self-pity and negative thoughts?

These are only some of the thoughts that pop into my head when I’m facing some hard days.

When I didn’t know better, I used to beat myself up for the way I felt.

Now that I’ve been in the personal development world for quite some time, I know the best thing I can do for my self-growth is to feel all my feelings.

Happiness. Sadness. Confusion. Anger. Joy. Frustration. Fear. Jealousy. Boredom. Excitement.

All of it.

I allow myself to feel it all.

Why? Cause all emotions can teach us something.

For example, your:

  • Sadness teaches you what you should avoid
  • Jealousy teaches you what you truly desire
  • Happiness teaches you what you’re called to do
  • Excitement teaches you what you should do more of
  • Anger teaches you what you still need to work on

Embrace all feelings, but don’t dwell on them.

Feel your feelings, then move on. 

Small Positive Reminders

6. Reality Is What You Make It

One of the final reminders you need to hear if you’re going through hard times is that: life is what you make it! 

YES, it is!

No matter how hard you try to convince yourself that’s not true – you’re responsible for your life!

You create your own reality!

Taking responsibility for your life feels scary yet so liberating at the same time.

Why? Well, it feels scary because it’s hard to acknowledge that, if you’re unhappy with your life, is your fault.

Sure, you might try to convince yourself (or me) it’s not your fault if you:

  • Hate your job
  • Are stuck in your hometown
  • Have no friends
  • Are broke
  • Have no passions or hobbies

But…here’s the truth: it’s on you!

No one is responsible for finding a job you love but you.

The ticket to your dream destination won’t buy itself.

You won’t meet any new people if you keep watching Netflix every night.

Your debts won’t magically disappear (or pay themselves out!).

No one will tell you what hobby you should try next.

And no, you won’t magically discover your passion (without even trying)!

So, let this be your much-needed wake-up call that: you’re responsible for your life!

Isn’t that so empowering?

Maybe you can’t completely change your life overnight – so you won’t be able to quit your job, travel to the other side of the world, and find your lifelong best friends by tomorrow – BUT.

But maybe, you can:

  • Launch your blog on the side as you plan on how to quit your 9-5
  • Romanticize your current employment as much as you can 
  • Put money in a glass jar to buy the ticket for your dream vacation
  • Attend a public event in your area, increasing the chances of meeting someone with your same interests
  • Explore activities you’ve always been interested in so that you can (hopefully) find your passion

You design your reality, which means you can create your dream life.

So, how can you start today taking a step towards creating your dream life?

List of Energy Givers for When You’re Feeling Down

Not only positive reminders can help you go through hard days.

Here is a list of activities that can instantly boost your mood:

  • Dancing
  • Sunlight
  • Nature
  • Whole foods
  • Working on your passion project
  • Time spent with the right people
  • Staring at water (have you heard about the “Blue Mind Theory”?)
  • Movement
  • Meditation
  • Reading
  • Resting
  • Gratitude
  • Breathwork
  • Journaling
  • Hydration
  • Talking to someone
  • Having a clean space
  • Healthy boundaries
  • Real laughs
  • Mindful breaks
  • Cuddling a pet
  • Doing more of what you love
List of Energy Boosters

Positive Reminders for a Good Life: Final Thoughts

That’s all for me today!

I hope these reminders inspired you to keep staying positive – no matter what you’re going through!

Remember: you’ve got this!

I believe in you. I see you, and I love you 😉

Q: “What’s one challenge you’re facing now in your life?” – Let me know in a comment! 🙂

Until next time,

Giada Crepaldi

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