Wellness Routine
Habits & Routines

10 Easy Daily Habits to Add to Your Wellness Routine

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If you don’t have a wellness routine yet, this is your sign to create one – preferably now! 😉 

Wellness is fundamental and, if you don’t prioritize it, it’ll affect every area of your life.

Let’s not make wellness too complicated, though.

To be a “wellness girl” you don’t need to wake up extra early, drink green juices, have a 10-step skincare routine, and buy expensive gymwear.

Wellness is what you make it. 

Since I want to make it easier for you to step up your wellness game, I’ll share the 10 top daily habits and rituals you should immediately add to your wellness routine!

Are you ready to level up mentally, physically, and emotionally? Then, let’s get started!

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Effective Wellness Habits

1. Mindset routine

Whether you wake up and tell yourself you’re gonna have a wonderful or terrible day, you’re probably right.

Your mentality plays a huge role in the way you perceive reality.

You see the world for what you think of it, not how it is.

You create your reality in your mind first.

That’s why the first wellness habit you should incorporate into your life is having a good mindset routine.

For mindset routine, I refer to shaping your mindset in a way that works for you and not against you.

Whether that’s through:

  • Daily affirmations
  • Manifestation rituals
  • Positive self-talk
  • Meditation
  • Gratitude journaling

…Ensure the world you’re creating is the one you want to live in.

How do you want to feel? What do you want to be like? How do you want to show up to the world?

It all starts with your mindset.

If you want to be extremely confident, act like the most confident person you know.

If you want to be compassionate with yourself, start being nicer to your body.

Make your mind an environment in which you can thrive and the world will look like a better place.

2. Productive morning routine

It’s not about the time you wake up, but what you do first after getting out of bed.

The morning time is the most productive part of the day for the majority of people – so why not take advantage of it?

If you want to step up your wellness game, creating a productive morning routine is a must-do.

You don’t have to make it overwhelming. Here are some simple tips to start:

  • Pick one to three daily priorities
  • Set an increasing timeframe to work on each
  • Start waking up 15 minutes earlier than usual

For example, if your top priority is writing your first novel, you might decide to spend the first chunk of your day writing.

Or, if you want to get in the best shape of your life, you might dedicate the first hour of the day to working out.

Instead, if your priority is launching your blog, you might start working on your side hustle as soon as you wake up.

Don’t wake up only to waste your time scrolling. Make the most of those 24 hours as soon as your feet touch the ground.

3. Healthy micro habits

The biggest mistake many people make is thinking that a wellness routine requires a ton of time.

Actually, it can be super simple – if you want it to be. 😉

To level up, in fact, you don’t need to do much.

Sometimes, adopting the right micro habits will do wonders for every area of your life.

The great thing about micro habits is that you can get them done (almost) effortlessly!

When you don’t put too much pressure on your goals or aim at achieving high standards, improving yourself becomes quite easy.

The most effective micro habits can be as simple as:

  • Drinking 1,5L of water every day
  • Journaling daily
  • Meditating for 10 minutes
  • Stretching just for 5 minutes a day
  • Being grateful

If you want to change for the better, make it so easy for you to do so that you won’t feel the need to come up with excuses for not doing it. 😉

4. Mindful eating

Many benefits are connected to mindful eating, such as:

  • Better digestion
  • Stress reduction
  • Higher meal satisfaction
  • Better relationship with food
  • Increased hunger and fullness awareness

When you mindfully eat, you turn an unconscious habit into a sacred ritual.

There’s no need to eat while you work – your work can wait.

Turn off the TV as you enjoy your meal – instead, be present and join the conversation.

The last place you need to bring your phone is at the dinner table.

Allow yourself to carve that special moment for yourself.

Savor and enjoy what you’re eating.

Be grateful for the possibility you have to feed yourself. It’s not all granted, not at all.

Level Up Your Wellness Routine with 10 Daily Habits

5. Hot girl walks

Create your main character playlist, wear a cute outfit, and get out the door for a hot girl walk. (You’ll thank me later 😉 )

Bored and don’t know what to do? Go on a hot girl walk.

Need to make your daily errands more fun? Turn them into a hot girl walk.

Want to feel more confident and empowered? It’s time for a hot girl walk.

A hot girl walk is the answer to all your questions!

It’s exactly what you need – when you don’t even know what you need 😉

Step up your wellness routine by making hot girl walks part of your daily rituals.

6. Journaling

If you want to get to know yourself on a deeper level, you’ve gotta start journaling.

Actually, let me reframe that – you’ve gotta be willing to ask yourself some uncomfortable and scary, but necessary questions.

Journaling allows you to get honest with yourself, so you can finally get more clarity on what you want. 

Only by asking the right questions you’ll finally come up with the answers you were looking for.

Don’t know where to start? Grab my FREE 50 Journaling Prompts for Self-Discovery:

7. Daily connections

The quality of your social relationships is a key aspect of overall happiness.

In a world that’s getting lonelier than ever, a daily habit you must include into your routine is to get in touch with someone, every single day.

Whether that’s:

  • Calling a loved one
  • Hanging out with a friend
  • Reaching out over text
  • Talking to the barista
  • Visiting your family

…Ensure you have some kind of social interaction daily.

8. Positive mindset

Get rid of your negative thoughts and limiting beliefs, and welcome the power of a positive mindset!

As mentioned in point #1, your mindset shapes your reality.

Having a more positive mindset, therefore, is essential to have a better quality of life.

Instead of focusing on all you lack, why don’t you see the abundance in your life?

The way you speak in your own head affects the way you act in the world.

Start being more appreciative of what you have. 

Be grateful for all that you usually take for granted.

Why? Because once you start seeing the good in life, even more good will come to you. 

Simple Habits to Step Up Your Wellness Routine

9. Slow living

In a world that’s constantly asking you to go faster, slowing down is an act both of rebellion and self-love.

Adopting a slower lifestyle is a way to take back control over what feels out of control.

It’s deciding to pause and take a moment to reflect.

It’s tuning in to your body’s needs and following its rhythms. 

You are a human being – you were created to just be, not constantly do.

Don’t feel guilty for resting when you feel like you need to take a break. 

Embracing slow living means learning to listen to your inner self rather than the outside noise.

The world out there will constantly ask you to do more, move faster, and stay on top of things.

But, it is in your power to slow down and do what feels right for you, right now.

If you need rest, rest.

If you need fun, add it to your life.

And if you need a break, take it.

The world will keep spinning, even if you slow down

10. Relaxing night routine

Finally, the last way to level up your wellness plan is to create a relaxing night routine.

Don’t scroll on social media until your eyes shut down.

Don’t let Netflix soothe you to sleep.

And don’t fall asleep thinking about your to-do list for the next day.

Instead, find a way to create a night routine that makes you feel calm and at peace.

Some of the best rituals for a good nighttime routine include:

  • Reading
  • Journaling
  • Meditating
  • Stretching gently
  • Drinking a herbal tea
  • Expressing your gratitude
  • Listening to white noises

Think about the way you want to feel as you fall asleep and do everything in your power to create a night routine that makes you feel exactly that way.


Simple Practices to Level Up Your Wellness Game


That’s all for me today!

I hope you’ve found some great and simple rituals and habits to include in your daily wellness routine.

Remember: it doesn’t have to be complicated. Choose one or more of these simple habits, and start small.

Remember: wellness is what you make it…so make it simple! 😉

Q: “What’s the wellness practice you can’t wait to add to your daily routine?” – Let me know in a comment! 🙂

Until next time,

Giada Crepaldi

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