The Ultimate Checklist for an Effective Mid-Year Reset

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How is it going with your New Year’s resolutions? Are you making any progress, or can’t you even recall what goals you set in the first place? If the answer is the latter, let me tell you: it’s time for a mid-year reset!

In this article, you’ll understand the power of an effective mid-year reset and why you should do it, other than the 6 steps you must take when doing one!

Are you ready to tackle the ultimate checklist for an effective mid-year reset? Then, let’s get started!




In the article “How to Reset your Life for a Fresh New Start”, I focused on the importance that the ‘Fresh Start Effect’ has on your consistency level when trying to adopt new, healthier habits.

January 2023 now seems far away, doesn’t it?

The first burst of motivation vanished.

The feeling that ‘anything is possible’ faded.

You look at your long list of New Year’s resolutions wondering if you will be able to accomplish at least one by the end of the year.

You feel defeated for the broken promises to yourself.

And you think “If half a year has already passed, then what’s the point of starting now?”

If you start thinking in this way, your perspective is way off the wagon!


Seriously, stop it.

Consider July as a blank new page: what has been or hasn’t doesn’t matter, just focus on the story you can write starting now.

6 months is a huge chunk of time – anything can happen during it!

To stimulate the ‘Fresh Start Effect’ and build stronger motivation and consistency, consider July the perfect month to conduct a mid-year reset that will allow you to make more progress, or get back on track if you’ve fallen off.

So, what do you say? Did I convince you enough?



One of the things you must do before stepping forward is to look backward. (No, I’m not talking about overthinking or regretting past experiences)

In the healthiest way, I want you to review Q2 before moving on to the next quarter.

The first half of 2023 is gone. What do you remember of it? How did it go?

You might have the tendency to remember all the bad things – as it is instilled in our brain to recall better negative experiences -, but I’m sure that it wasn’t all bad.

So, whether you decide to do this mid-year reset digitally or on paper, now it’s time to take out the chosen tool and start reflecting and writing.

Here are some questions you could answer when reviewing the previous quarter:

  • What habits were you able to adopt and stick to?
  • What processes and routines helped you the most with being consistent?
  • What habits did you want to adopt, but couldn’t? Why not?
  • What goals did you achieve?
  • What challenges did you face?
  • What areas of your life witnessed the major changes?
  • Are you happy with the way your life changed?
  • What are some small wins to celebrate?
  • What are some 3 core memories of the past quarter?
  • If you could live again the past 3 months, what would you do differently?


Now that you’ve looked backward, it’s time to move forward.

I’m talking long-term, like months and years ahead.

If you want to live your dream life, you should get extra clear about what your dream life exactly looks like.

So here, there’s a list of inspiring questions you could ask yourself to figure out what your dream life is made of:

  • What’s your dream job?
  • Where do you live?
  • What kind of people are you surrounded by?
  • How do you picture the ‘future you’?
  • What kind of habits or routines does the best version of you have?
  • What does your ideal day look like?
  • What does “success” mean to you?
  • What are the three core values in your life?
  • What daily actions are you doing to live aligned with your core values? Or, what steps could you start taking?
  • What are the people you look at thinking “Wow, I want to live like them!”? What does make you say so?

Answering the questions above is the first step toward your dream life; but, if you’re already panicking because it feels like you’ll never get there…I’ve got the solution!

Check out FREE “DREAM LIFE” QUIZ: 8 questions to help you figure out what’s stopping you from creating and living your DREAM LIFE!


Now that you’ve got clear about your dream life, it’s time to: visualize it!

Whether you’re into manifesting, the law of attraction, and other spiritual things or you don’t believe in any of this – there is one thing that we all love doing: daydreaming.

Sure, you’ve already written about the ideal version of yourself and your life, but…what do you see? How do you picture it?

Are you the expression of a beach town girl, living wildly and freely?

Or are you a businesswoman who’s always working on securing the next deal?

Are you a world traveler – always catching flights and not feelings?

I don’t know about you, but seeing that the version of my dream life already exists for someone else gives me a huge boost of motivation and faith in the Universe.

If it is already someone else’s reality, it can be yours as well! Right?!

This is your ✨sign✨ to surf on Pinterest, write ‘DREAM LIFE’, and pin and download every image that speaks to your soul and just feels right to you!

BONUS: If you’re all about the beachy lifestyle, living life doing what you love, inspiring people online, and loving your freaking life, then feel free to check out my Pinterest board called “DREAM LIFE” – you might find some good vibes and inspiration there!

Make that vision board, and then put it everywhere: on your walls, on your phone, on your laptop, inside of your books!

Remind yourself of where you’re headed, and you’ll get closer to it day after day.

BONUS x2: And if you’re wondering what my vision board looks like at the moment…here it is! (If it looks like your dream life too and you’d like to receive some of the pictures or the whole vision board, leave a comment “DREAM LIFE” below and I’ll send it to you straight away!)


Let’s do a little recap:

  1. You looked backward, reviewing Q2 to celebrate any wins and accomplishments but also to understand what didn’t go well
  2. You jumped ahead, right into your future dream life to define exactly what it would look like
  3. You created a vision board, that functions as your daily dose of motivation and reminder that you can actually create and live your dream life
  4. Now, it’s time to plan for the near future!

So, once again, grab either your digital or paper planner, and let’s dive into the planning session of Q3!

The rule of thumb when planning for the near future is to not get too overboard, but also not to sit too comfortably.

You need to find your sweet spot.

Personally, my sweet spot for quarterly planning is following the ‘number 3 rule’.

Since a quarter is made of 3 months, I like to focus on 3 areas each quarter.

For each month, then, I like to find one habit that’s related to one of the 3 areas.

In this way, I make some progress without overwhelming myself.

Too complicated? Ok, I’ll give you a real-life example to make it easier.

Last quarter (Q2), I decided that the 3 areas I wanted to work on were:

  1. Fitness
  2. Mindfulness
  3. Blogging

For each category, I focus on why I want to improve it. For example:

  • Fitness ➪ I wanted to feel better in my skin other than more energic, and I knew that I could’ve reached this outcome by exercising regularly
  • Mindfulness ➪ I aspired to feel more at peace and present
  • Blogging ➪ I wanted to show up consistently for my readers, and I needed to build the right consistency for that

How to achieve this, though?

Of course, through habits!

They turned out to be:

  • Fitness ➪ Exercise at least 30 minutes and 5 times per week
  • Mindfulness ➪ Meditate every morning, before breakfast, for at least 5 minutes
  • Blogging ➪ Write a new article by Friday of every week, to be able to edit it on the weekend and hit ‘publish’ on Monday of next week

Yes, it’s that simple! (Not easy, but simple)


Next, you need to set up a good system to hold yourself accountable.

If you’re making progress but not tracking it, then how can you know how far you’ve got?

There is a variety of accountability systems you could use, such as:

  • Accountability partner
  • Digital reminders
  • Making your goals public
  • Taking on a challenge
  • Habit tracker

🎁 FREE GIFT 🎁 Download below my habit tracker – no email required!

The choice is totally up to you. Partly, it depends on your personality and partly also on the goal you’re aiming to.

For example, if you want to exercise more, you could enroll in a workout class with a friend or sign up for a marathon.

On the other hand, if you’re a content creator whose goal is to be more consistent online, then you could share with your audience this goal of yours – so that they will know, and they will hold you accountable. Or, you could set a timer every day at 5 PM to remind you to post something.

As you track the progress made, you’ll feel more confident about yourself and your capabilities. Not only, your motivation will increase as you build momentum.

So, what are you waiting for? Create an accountability system that works for you!

PS: Hey! If you don’t know who to ask, feel free to ask me to be your accountability buddy😊


The last step of your mid-year reset is to develop new routines.

As your goals changed and you set new habits to stick to, you also need to create the right routines to make it the easiest for you to be successful.

Take a look at the areas you want to work on for the next three months and the habits that will help you get the desired outcome. When can you perform those habits?

If you’re a night owl, scheduling a 6 AM workout class would be counterproductive – don’t you think?

Or, if it’s impossible for you to squeeze in 5 minutes of meditation once you get out of the door, then it might be wiser to do it first thing in the morning (instead of scrolling your phone).

Are you more creative in the morning or later in the night? That will affect whether you decide to write your new article as the sun rises or when everybody is already asleep.

You have complete freedom about your routines. So do what works best for you.

If there is one thing that I might suggest, though, is to really spend time to intentionally develop 3 different routines.

You need a:

  • Morning Routine
  • Night Routine
  • Self-care Routine…because yes, you need a good strategy to decompress also!

I hope that this post inspired you enough to do your own mid-year reset!

Also, I’m curious to know: “Have you ever conducted a mid-year reset before? What steps did it involve?

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below! And, If you think this post was helpful…share it with the world to inspire even more people! 😉

Until next time,

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    1. That’s the new year when if you don’t plan well in terms of spending you will find yourself in a mess because in Kenya we are being paid in the midst of June until the 1st or 2nd week of August.

  1. You have no idea how bad I needed to read this blog and yours was the first one I picked to open! I totally can relate that the only time we EVER hear of new year, new me or resolutions is in late dec or early Jan. And then we never hear about or reflect about it again. Thank you for reignited that fire!

    1. I’m SO, SO grateful and happy to hear this! I hope this post inspired you to keep pushing forward 🙂 You have all it takes to achieve your goals and live your dream life <3

  2. Love this so much! I’ve been going through a mid year clean out and drastically reducing the amount of things in my home, it has been wonderful! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I always do a fall and spring reset but never thought about mid year! Definitely gave me some ideas i going g to implement.

  4. Thank you for the reminder to reset for the rest of the year…I love your points and the reminder to review what worked in Q2 and what didn’t

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