This morning, you woke up feeling “meh”. Immediately, you knew it was going to be one of those days. Yes, you guessed it: you’re having a bad day! (Not just a bad hair day)
You have to know that, today, I woke up feeling just like you. The temptation to crawl back to bed and do nothing was high but, this time, I decided to do a little experiment with myself.
I wanted to crack the code on how to fix a bad day – and, to be honest, it turned out to be a pretty good one!
In this article, you’ll find a step-by-step guide on how you can turn your bad day around.
The following steps are what has worked for me, but they might not work for you. Not everyone is the same – so, feel free to try and adjust them as you wish. Experiment a little with yourself and, most importantly, have fun while you’re at it!
Are you ready to improve your day? Then, let’s get started!

Split up your days
This mindset shift will save you from spiraling down and making your bad day get worse.
You have to know that, what we tell ourselves becomes our reality.
So, if you wake up thinking you’re going to have a bad day…guess what will you obtain as a result?
Why is that?
It’s because of the self-fulfilling prophecy.
As you thought “Ugh, today I’m exhausted and in a bad mood”, you’ve wired your brain to be on the lookout for things that will contribute to feeling like you’re having a bad day.
Your toast gets burned, and now you’re left on an empty stomach as you rush to school or work.
On your way, you get stuck in traffic and end up being late.
In a rush this morning, you forgot to pack your lunch so you spend half of your break standing in line to grab a sandwich instead of working on your side hustle.
Later that night, you get back home thinking “Finally, this day is over!”, as you go over all the terrible events that occurred.
Well, should you be surprised though?
I mean, didn’t you wake up thinking “Today is going to be a bad day”? So, why are you acting surprised if you’re getting no different results?
Luckily, it doesn’t have to be like this.
I would like to give a shoutout to the content creator who first made me discover the technique of splitting my days up, but I cannot recall who it was. (If you know it, please share it in the comments below!)
The Four Quarters Method
Splitting your days up is so powerful and…it works!
Why does it work and how?
So, you have to divide your day into four timeframes:
- Morning (6 am – 10 am)
- Mid-day (10 am – 4 pm)
- Evening (4 pm – 8 pm)
- Night (9 pm onward)
It works because you’re giving yourself the chance to start over multiple times.
Yeah, maybe you burned your toast and you got stuck in traffic – so what? That doesn’t mean you had a bad day, you just had a rough morning!
The rest of your day can still run smoothly. Why would you let one minor accident (or two) define your whole day?
This is a great method to pick yourself up and get over your bad day as soon as you realize you’re having one, later than postponing everything to tomorrow thinking “Nevermind, I’ve already screwed up!”.
Get an outdoor walk
When you’re having a bad day – if you’re like me – you wish you hadn’t to see anyone or go anywhere.
You probably just want to hide in the comfort of your four walls – right?
Although that does sound good, there’s something more beneficial you could do both for your mental and physical health: that is spending time outside!
I know you don’t feel like it, but you’ve gotta practice a little of “tough love” here and force yourself to get out of the house. Even for 10 minutes.
Put on your shoes, wear a nice outfit that makes you feel good, and get out of the door.
It’s so simple (not easy, I know).
My advice would be to go on a silent walk so that you can think more clearly.
Be an observer of the world.
What’s around you? What noises do you hear? How do you feel?
But, if you feel uncomfortable going on a walk without your loved headphones, then feel free to bring them along! (Which brings me to my next tip 😉 )
Play some uplifting music
Sometimes you have to feel the emotions and sit with them. That’s why you eat ice cream while listening to Taylor Swift as you go through your breakup.
Other times, you have to…shake it off! (Did you get it? 😉 Because we were talking about Taylor Swift so…okay, I’ll shut up)
If you’re having a bad day, you must stay away from any kind of negative energy or bad vibes.
Guess what? Listening to sad songs won’t make you feel happier!
On the other hand, listening to uplifting music (maybe while doing a little dance while you’re at it) can significantly improve your mood!
So, whether you’re having a dance party in your room or blasting some music as you go on your ‘hot girl walk’, just make sure that the songs you choose are positive and happy.
Treat yourself with grace
With point #2 (going on a walk), you practiced some “tough love”.
But, what if you’ve followed all the points above but still feel like sh*t, for no reason?
If you’ve tried your best to turn your bad day around with no success, then it’s time to take extra care of yourself.
There’s no reason to beat yourself up for having a bad day.
Learn to treat yourself with grace and kindness, instead of hate and judgment.
Being gentler to yourself will look different for everyone.
For me, what usually works best is:
- Taking a relaxing, hot shower
- Making myself a warm meal or drink
- Watching my comfort show (it’s Friends – what’s yours?)
- Lighting up a candle and reading
- Journaling
Feel free to give any of these a try and, if they don’t feel right for you, try something else.
At the end of the day, only you can know what makes you feel better.
Writing has always been a passion of mine.
No day goes by without me writing – whether that’s for this blog or just through journaling.
Journaling is one of my favorite activities, as it helps me in:
- Getting more clarity
- Letting go of negative thoughts
- Understanding myself better
- Processing my emotions in a healthy way
- Improving my mood whenever I feel down
So, if you’re having a bad day, I challenge you to grab a notebook and a pen and just start letting your thoughts out.
It doesn’t have to look pretty. Nor organized.
Just pour your heart out.
I promise that, once you step back from your journal, you will feel much better and lighter.
PS. Grab below my free “30-Day Journaling Prompts for Self-Discovery”
There’s always tomorrow…
Finally, if you really can’t get out of your funk state, the last thing I want you to remember is that: there’s always tomorrow.
It’s okay – and totally normal – to have bad days.
In a world where you’re constantly comparing your lows with someone else’s highlights, it’s important to keep in mind that you see only what they want you to see.
You don’t always have to be the “best” version of yourself, or be productive, or have a positive mindset.
It’s okay if today didn’t go as planned and you didn’t make much progress.
Doing your best will look different every day.
One day it means waking up at 6 am to hit the gym.
Other days it means giving yourself that extra hour of sleep that your body really needs.
Maybe today your best looked like staying in bed all day, reading inspiring blog posts like this one.
That’s still your best.
That still counts.
Every day, you’re doing the best you can do while figuring out how to navigate through this journey called life.
No matter how much – or how little – you accomplished today, I’m proud of you for being…you. For being here.
So, even if today wasn’t your best day…remember: there’s still tomorrow! Tomorrow is another day. Tomorrow is another chance for you to try again…
I am proud of you. You got this!
Hopefully, if you read this far I was able to help you turn your bad day into a good (or at least better) one!
Q: “What’s your go-to remedy to turn a bad day around?” Share your answer in the comments! Also, if you liked the article don’t forget to share it 😉
Until next time,

Great tips! Love it! This all can also be adapted for moms to do with their children and give the day another mood. Thanks for sharing! 🤗
Yesss indeed! Glad you found it helpful 🙂
Correct! Spending even 10 minutes outside refreshes your mood, and you are back to accept the reality 😉
Sounds about right! 🙂
Great info.
Thank you!
Great tips!
I appreciate your perspective. Uplifting music and walking outdoors work for me. 🙂
You gotta do what works for you 🙂
I love the idea of splitting your day. You can start with a mind set change and make your day the best one yet.
Exactly! Let me know if you try it out 🙂
I like the message about seeing bad situations that happen as a moment and not the entire day. It’s a habit and mindset switch we need to practice daily. Just because one or two things didn’t go as plan it does not sour the rest of the day.
Preach – that’s exactly it! It’s not easy but, like any other behaviour, it can become a habit if we put consistent effort into it 🙂
Great post! Bad days are inevitable but having the right. mindset can change everything. I belief in the quote tomorrow will be better.
Tomorrow will be better, but you can always start making today better too! There’s no need to wait until tomorrow 🙂
The Four Quarters Method! Game changer! I think always in the morning that darn, the day is already a goner – but now I’m going to implement this one! It sounds so simple that it has to work. As always got things to think about Giada, thanks!
Blue Tea Tile
Thank you!
Very helpful tips, Giada! – Penny x |