How to Get Out of a Funk in 5 Quick Steps and Feel Like Yourself Again

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We’ve all been there: one morning you just wake up and feel bleah. The only thing that sounds good is crawling back to bed and watching Friends for the umpteenth time. It’s official: you’re stuck in a funk!

While it might sound tempting to not do anything about it, if you’re reading this post it’s a sign that you no longer want to feel sluggish and demotivated about life.

Yeah sure, maybe you indulged in a couple of Friends episodes, but now you’re ready for your great comeback!

So, without further ado, it’s time for you to get it together and come back stronger than ever!

Are you ready to learn the 5 quick ways to get out of a rut and feel like yourself again? Then, let’s get started!


One of the few things you want to do when you feel like doing nothing is spending hours watching Netflix or scrolling on TikTok.

While it might feel good at the moment – as you get that instant dopamine rush -it feels so awful to put down your phone or close your laptop only to realize that you’ve spent the day away doing…well, nothing.

When you’re stuck in a rut, your body doesn’t need a quick overwhelm of stimuli. Actually, it needs a break from easy, repetitive, and mindless tasks.

So yeah, it’s safe to say that Netflix and social media aren’t exactly what you should be doing when you’re feeling meh.

Yet, since you’re feeling not-so-good, it is exactly all you want to do.

It is a vicious cycle.

But you have the power to break it! You only need a little bit of willpower, discipline, and self-love.

To get out of a funk, one of the best things you could do for your body and mind is to chase delayed gratification.

What’s delayed gratification?

Tony Robbins explains it wonderfully in this article, but to give you a short answer:

Delayed gratification is the ability to resist the impulse to dulge into something only to get an immediate reward, in order to hopefully benefit from a bigger reward in the future.

So, even if it feels good now to eat a whole bag of chips only because you’re sad and on your period, why don’t you try making a fun snack plate that involves some chips but also other nutrients so that you won’t feel sick later?

Or, why don’t you work on your side hustle for at least 30 minutes before turning on Netflix?

Find within yourself the strength to do what will make you feel better in the long run, even if that means you’ll have to deal with a bit of discomfort first.

Last update: March 05, 2024


5 Ways to Get Out of a Funk And Feel Like Yourself Again


When you’re stuck in a rut, your dream life seems thousands of miles away from you.

So impossible to reach and achieve.

Well, there are no better times than when you’re trying to get out of a funk to hold tight to that vision board of yours!

If you’re not feeling excited about life, you can still count on your dream life to make your heart jump – right?!

And, if even looking at your vision board doesn’t make you feel instantly more motivated, it means that it’s time for a makeover…

So, grab your physical or digital vision board, and…let’s spruce things up!

Vision boards are not static pieces of art you create and forget about.

They change, just as you do.

You’re allowed to change your goals, dreams, and future! So, make sure that your vision board follows your change accordingly.

Personally, sprucing my vision board up when I’m trying to get out of a funk always does wonders for my motivation and creativity.

I know exactly how I envision my dream life:

  • waking up to the sound of the ocean
  • seeing the first rays of the sun peaking through the windows of my beach house
  • enjoying a slow, intentional morning routine
  • living off my passion for writing
  • traveling anywhere I want, anytime I desire
  • being truly connected to my deepest self and core values
  • treating my body gently
  • having a great circle of inspiring people that I love and love me back
  • filling my days with great places, people, experiences, and memories

While it’s easy for me to say that this is my dream life, I know many people who do not know what they envision for themselves.

The problem? They lack a clear set of values.

If you’re one of them, don’t worry because I’m here to help you out!

RELATED: Grab below the FREE “Value Compass Workbook” to understand what your dream life looks like!


If you’re feeling stuck in a rut, chances are that you’re doing too much of what you don’t like and too little of what set a spark in your soul.

When that’s the case, the best thing you can do to get out of your funk is to analyze the good and the bad in your life.

How can you do so?

Well, I want you to take out a paper and pen.

Then, draw a vertical line in the middle of your paper – dividing it into two columns.

On the left, write on top “The Good”; on the right, write on top “The Bad”.

How will you fill the paper?

First, you’re going to write all the good things in your life – the people, places, habits, and experiences – that make you feel good.

That’s what adds value to your life.

Secondly, you’re going to write all the bad things in your life – the circumstances, people, things, and experiences – that don’t make you feel that good.

Those are your energy-suckers.

Now, compare the two columns and analyze how much of the good and the bad is your life made of.

If you spend 70% of your time with party-poppers, chasing instant gratification, doing things you don’t like – no wonder you’re in a rut!

Doing this exercise is an eye-opening process that will help you make the proper adjustments to your life.

How can you add, right now, more of the good things in your life?

And how can you reduce the amount of bad things in your life?

By reducing the gap between the two, you’re carving your path to living your dream life!

RELATED: Read “5-Step Hack to Get Rid of Your Negative Thoughts”


You have no idea of what impact the daily content you expose yourself to has on your vision of life.

When you’re in a funk, it’s easy to also get trapped in the rabbit hole of social media. The problem?

Comparing your lowest with someone else’s highest won’t make you feel good about yourself…AT ALL!

So, if you want to get out of a funk quickly, ditch social media.

Actually, I’d like to take it a step further: “Don’t you think it’s the perfect time for a massive social media check?”

What kind of content are you being daily exposed to?

Do the people you follow make you feel good about yourself, or miserable?

What is the unconscious message you’re getting from seeing their posts?

Whether you like it or not, social media now plays a fundamental role in our everyday lives. There’s nothing you can do about that.

Something you have power on, on the other hand, is the effect you want social media to have in your life.

Unfollow any account that makes you feel miserable, and follow the ones that inspire you to be and do better.

Let your social media be a reflection of all you aspire to be and have, rather than what you’re trying to escape from.


Tips to Get Out of a Funk


The last step to getting out of a funk is to simply journal it all out.

Chances are that you feel stuck in a rut because you have too many, uncontrolled thoughts.

Instead of you being in control of your thoughts, you’re letting them take the driver’s seat.

One of the best ways to make sense of what doesn’t make sense in your head is to see it all written down.

Here is a list of 12 questions I like to ask myself whenever I feel in a rut:

  1. On a scale from 1 to 10, how satisfied am I with my current state of life?
  2. Have I been treating my body properly?
  3. When was a time I felt at my absolute best? Who was I with? Where was I? What was I doing?
  4. If my best friend was feeling the way I feel, what would I tell her?
  5. What’s one habit that I’d like to develop and stick to in the near future?
  6. What’s one small goal I’d like to achieve?
  7. What’s one fun thing I can plan to have something to look forward to?
  8. If I could wake up tomorrow already living my dream life, how would I spend my day?
  9. What can I add to my current routine to get closer to that dream life?
  10. Who are the 3 people in my life who always make me feel good after spending time with them? Reach out to one of them.
  11. What are 10 things that make me feel good? Pick one and do it now.
  12. What is it that I am avoiding or escaping from by feeling in this way?

RELATED: Feeling lost in life? Wondering who you really are? What is it that you truly like? Find the answer to all these questions by grabbing this FREE 30 Journaling Prompts for Self-Discovery!

So here you have it: those are the 5 proven steps that will get you out of your funk!

How do I know that? Well, because before writing this post I was in a funk too…and now I’m not anymore 馃槈

Q: “What do you usually do to get out of a funk?” – Feel free to share your tips in a comment below! I’d love to chat 馃檪

Until next time,

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  1. Really good tips and practical. I felt out of it yesterday and will take these as a reminder for the future. I love tip 1

      1. These are all really great and very helpful tips. I鈥檓 gonna keep this in mind! Thanks for sharing this with us

  2. Delayed gratification is so true. I feel much better when I go for a walk to get in shape or work on my blog rather than plop down on the couch with Netflix, chips and salsa!

  3. Love all your suggestions, what always helps me is to journal it all out. Thanks so much for sharing, much appreciated!!

  4. These are some great tips, now in days it’s so easy to get in a funk. I find myself journaling and revamping things to help me get out of it.

  5. These are all such great ideas. I’m sure any of these would be really helpful. We all get in a bit of a funk sometimes.

  6. These 5 quick steps to get out of a funk and feel like yourself again are a total game-changer! It’s so helpful to have a practical guide for those moments when we need a boost.

  7. I want so badly to quit my job. replacing my income isn’t easy though, so at least 30 minutes a day on a side hustle is necessary.

  8. It’s one of the most interesting topics I’ve ever heard about! The information you provided is beneficial. Thanks for sharing it with me.

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