Cozy Morning Routine

The Perfect Cozy Morning Routine to Feel at Your Best

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I am a firm believer that there is a season for everything in life… Crisp air and orange leaves falling onto the ground? That means it’s time to start your days with a cozy morning routine that will make you feel balanced and mindful, yet somewhat productive.

I believe it’s essential to switch up your routines and daily habits and tailor them to the season of your life – and year – that best suits you and your needs.

Although we would all love to maintain the “get up and go, go, go” mindset and discipline throughout the winter, many of us find it difficult to be consistent and highly motivated when it gets dark by 5 p.m.

If that feels like you, that’s probably the signal that you should embrace the new season of your life, even if that means going to a slower pace.

In this article, you’ll learn how to design the perfect cozy morning routine that will make you feel at your best during the cold season.

Are you ready to start your days on the right foot – no matter what’s the weather like? Grab a warm beverage of your choice, and let’s get started!



Have mindful rituals

Start your days slowly and intentionally by savoring every moment of your morning, turning into a ritual every gesture you do.

One of the best gifts you could give to yourself – and someone else in your life – is your total, undivided attention.

Yet, most of the time we rush through the motions of life.

We are so focused on the end goal that we forget to enjoy the journey to get there…

Perhaps, we should all follow nature’s footprints, and learn to embrace the moments of life forgetting about speed.

In nature, there’s no rush. There’s no such thing as too early or too late.

So why do we have to feel like that about our lives?

This season, I invite you to be mindful of everything you do.

While you’re preparing your morning cup of coffee, be there not only with your body – but also with your mind.

Savor the taste of your hot coffee.

Sit quietly and still while you enjoy that moment of peace.

Just you and your coffee.

The world outside hasn’t bothered you yet.

While you wash your empty cup, be there.

Feel it in your hands.

You can find so much beauty once you start looking for it in the small things you do daily.

Turn the mundane tasks into a mindful ritual, and you’ll find so much more joy in your everyday life.

Related: Read “6 Simple Ways to Find More Joy in Your Everyday Life

Daily reading

Whether you’re already an avid reader or can’t remember the last time you touched a book, it can’t hurt to make reading a daily habit this winter.

I mean: is there anything better than curling up under a blanket with your favorite book to start your day? To me, that’s the perfect definition of a ‘cozy’ morning routine!

So, why not start your day by setting aside 10 or 20 minutes to expand your knowledge with a good book?

If you’re looking for inspiration, TheEveryGirl wrote an article about the coziest books that will get you all wrapped up this autumn!

So, there’s no excuse for you to not embrace reading as your daily morning ritual!

PS. What book are you currently reading? Leave a comment down below! 🙂

Cozy meditation

One of the best habits that I’ve mastered and that I’ll always swear by is daily meditation.

It was thanks to meditation, after all, that I was able to turn other small, mundane gestures into mindful rituals (see point #1).

I know. I know.

It’s hard to get out of bed when it’s dark and freezing outside.

The only idea of getting up and having your body sit on the freezing, wooden floor of your bedroom gets you goosebumps.

I get it.

That’s why we’re adapting good, healthy habits to the season.

So, my suggestion is to avoid practicing meditation while still lying on your bed…but also, you could simply sit upright.

Afraid of falling back to sleep? Try meditating not first thing in the morning, but after reading for example – so that (at least) your brain is already up and running (unlike your body).

Turn your meditation ritual into a cozy moment of your morning routine.

Find a way to practice healthy habits easily, without dreading the idea of only getting out of bed.

Journal your thoughts

After you’ve tuned in with your body, it’s the perfect moment to let go of whatever is on your mind.

Ruminating is only doing more harm than good.

When you’re lacking clarity and focus because of your thoughts, you need to declutter your mind.

The best way of doing so is by journaling your thoughts.

Putting your worries, stresses, and problems on a blank sheet of paper indirectly gives you a better perspective on them.

You stop recognizing yourself as your thoughts.

You realize they’re just thoughts. It’s not you.

By journaling and distancing yourself from your thoughts you’re then able to switch on your problem-solving mode.

That’s when you go from thinking to action.

It’s also when the magic usually happens.

So, make journaling a daily habit and start your day more lightly, and with a fresh perspective of whatever situation you’re currently dealing with.

List your big 3

After concluding your journaling session, it’s time to start planning for the day.

If you get easily overwhelmed by your to-do list – especially now that your motivation is lacking because of the shorter, darker days – I recommend you keep it sweet and short.

To ensure you’re your most productive while also keeping a cozy lifestyle, you should make it part of your morning routine to jot down your big 3.

Your big 3 are the most important tasks to accomplish in a given day.

Your list could include 10 different to-do’s but, as long as you get those 3 things done, you can consider your day successful!

By limiting your important actions to 3, you’re avoiding setting too ambitious and high expectations of yourself.

So, what are your big 3 for today? Write them down!

Practice gentle movement

Last but not least, the perfect way to end a cozy morning routine is with some gentle movement.

Because yes, at some point you will have to eventually get out of bed…(I’m sorry!)

With this last habit, though, by no means I’m saying that you should force yourself to break a sweat in the morning – unless you want to!

Gentle movement looks different for everyone.

Some people might love to get their heart rate up in the morning, so they feel drawn to leave the house and go for a brisk walk or jog around the neighborhood.

Others might find it more beneficial to slowly and gently wake up their bodies, by doing some yoga or pilates to make the night aches go away.

You do you.

There’s no right or wrong.

Just do what feels best for your body.

But please, gift your body with some gentle movement in the morning (even if you really don’t feel like it).

Trust me: you’ll see the benefits later on in the day!

So, there you have it!

You now know what 6 daily habits you could add to your morning routine to make it cozy, yet still productive!

#Q: “How do you like to adapt your routines when transitioning to the new season?” – Feel free to share your thoughts in a comment! 🙂

Until next time!

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    1. Nothing wrong with being a “go, go, go” morning kinda gal, but it’s for sure good to slow down at times 🙂

  1. Beautiful post, thank you for sharing. Lately my husband and I have been into meditating and it’s really great!

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