How to Change Your Life for the Better

How to Change Your Life for the Better (Starting Today)

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If you believe that the only way to change your life is to quit your job, cut out toxic people from your life, and book a one-way ticket to your dream destination…well, you’ll keep feeling stuck and unhappy!

Changing your life for the better doesn’t have to be complicated – so don’t make it that way!

Start with the simple, small things. After all, the quality of your life is the sum of your daily actions – so why not start from there?

Are you ready to completely change your life for the better, starting today, without having to make any big and scary changes?  Then, let’s get started!

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Is It Time to Change Your Life?

Are you wondering whether it’s the right time to level up in life?

Looking for signs that it’s finally time to tap into your full potential?

How do you know when “enough is enough”?

While it might not be the same for everyone, these are the most common signs you need to change your life:

  1. Your days feel all the same (aka boring)
  2. You feel stuck in life
  3. Your stress levels are at an all-time high
  4. You’re stuck inside of your comfort zone
  5. You’re always tired
  6. The past is more exciting than the future
  7. Life feels like a chore
  8. You compare too much
  9. You forgot what happiness looks like
  10. Your body feels something is wrong
  11. You can’t be mindfully present

Are you experiencing any of these? Then this is a must-read: “11 Crucial Signs It’s Time for a Change in Life”!

Steps to Change Your Life

Some tiny, (almost) invisible shifts can lead to a massive and positive change. Here are the 5 ways you can easily change your life for the better:


How to Change Your Life

Embrace the Art of Non-Attachment

The only constant in life is change. 

You can try your best to hold on to people, careers, situations, places, material things, and past versions of yourself…but if something is not meant to be in your life, it simply won’t stay in your life.

Holding onto it will feel harder than letting go.

That is your sign that something is not meant for you.

The biggest shift you can make in your life to change it for the better is to embrace the non-attachment mentality.

What is non-attachment? 

Also known as detachment or nonattachment, it’s a philosophy commonly linked to Buddhism for which you embrace the simple (but not easy) art of letting go.

It happens when you finally let go of wanting to control everything and embrace the spontaneity of life.

It’s knowing that, even when life doesn’t go according to your plan, that’s still part of the plan – a greater plan.

Being unattached doesn’t mean you feel apathetic or that you don’t care about your life.

It simply means that you are finally able to go through the motions of life, swimming with the current and not against it.

Research shows that there are several benefits linked to this zen lifestyle, such as:

  • Reduced depression
  • Decreased anxiety
  • Higher empathy

So, if you want to feel happier – just embrace the unpredictability of life! 

Embrace change, rather than fight against it.

Think in Future Terms 

You might be attached to a goal, dream, desire, or past version of yourself that no longer serves you – and therefore can’t be in your life anymore.

If this is the case, you need to let go of your past and start thinking in future terms

How? By not letting your past dictate your future choices

Realize that you are not who you were yesterday

You don’t have to keep doing the same things, hang out with the same people, or have the same negative thoughts – especially if they’re preventing you from changing your life.

Why do you let your past self have so much power and control over your future?

Real change happens only when you start forward-thinking.

The best way to maintain positive change – and cultivate long-lasting habits – is to think about how your future self would act.

You won’t become a better version of yourself if you look back, at who you were, more than you look ahead – at who you want to become.

Only because you have never been to the gym, don’t say “I am not a healthy and sportive person”. Why? Because you can become it, if you want to.

Maybe you’re used to answering angrily at your mom, but you don’t have to keep doing it if you want to behave like a loving and caring daughter. 

Or perhaps, you’ve never believed in yourself enough to go after the life of your dreams but feel ready to take that leap of faith and just go for it…cause, why not?!

Who you were is not who you are.

Who you are is not who you’ll be.

Isn’t that beautiful?

Change Your Perspective

How often do you look up, at the blue sky above you?

Glued up to a screen and sucked up into your own stories and limiting beliefs, you might have forgotten that life is much more than this.

How can looking up at the sky more often change your life for the better? Well, it helps you put things into perspective.

You realize that your problems are not that complicated if looked through different lenses.

What you’re stressing over doesn’t matter that much.

Life can be easy – maybe you’re the one who’s overcomplicating it 😉

When you’re too self-absorbed, life loses its playfulness and lightness. Not everything has to be that big or deep.

Putting things into perspective is crucial – especially if you’re going through a rough patch in life.


Tips to Improve Your Life

Did you lose your job? I’m sorry, it sucks. But there’s a whole world full of possibilities out there, only waiting for you to explore it!

Dealing with a breakup? Poor you. But it also means that there’s someone out there who’s going to love you even more!

Did you choose the wrong career path? I know what you’re thinking and feeling – like you’ve wasted precious time! But also realize that, without even trying, you wouldn’t have known.

Everything happens for a reason. The good and the bad. All of it.

And, if you think about it, there’s not even a good nor a bad! 

There’s only what happens, and what meaning we decide to give to it. 

Practice Mindfulness

There are many good habits that can help you change your life for the better. Some of them include:

  • Journaling
  • Reading
  • Drinking more water
  • Exercising regularly
  • Sleeping enough hours

Read here: “The 5 Self-Help Books that Will Change Your Life for the Better”

But, if I had to point out the habit that improved my life the most, that is – no doubt – mindfulness.  

Mindfulness is the art of staying grounded.

Connecting with the present moment, because the present is all you have.

There are many ways you could bring more mindfulness into your days. For example, you could:

  • Meditate daily, even only for a couple of minutes
  • Adopt mindful eating
  • Take slow, deep breaths every hour
  • Engage your senses and tune in with your body
  • Practice some forms of gentle movement
  • Adopt single-tasking

Learn how to be where your feet are. That’s one of the biggest changes you could make in your life. 

Surround Yourself with Good People

Finally, the last step to changing your life for the better is to surround yourself with good people – the right people.

You don’t choose your family. You can’t choose where you’re born and when.

But, you can choose who you want to live your life with.

Luckily, you can choose your friends. Your partner. Your community. 

Being surrounded by the right people(aka right for you) – is one of the secrets to happiness.

When you have the right people around you, life feels better. Funnier. Lighter.

Find people who make you feel like you want to improve yourself and your life.

People who support your dreams and believe in you – even if, and especially, when you don’t even believe in yourself.

Spend your time with people who make you laugh, and with whom you can be your most authentic self.

Stay with people who make you forget about time, rather than with those who constantly make you check your phone.

“You are the average of the 5 people you spend most of your time with.”

– Jim Rohn

Choose good people. The right people. Your people.

That’s all for me today!

Remember that, to change your life for the better, you don’t have to completely transform yourself and reinvent your routine.

Hopefully, this post helped you realize that your life can be changed also through small and simple actions, such as:

  1. Being non-attached
  2. Acting like your future self
  3. Putting things into perspective
  4. Embracing mindfulness
  5. Finding the right people

Of course, you can only make your life better after you get clear about what a good life looks like to you. For more inspiration, grab these free “50 Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery” and get started on your life-changing journey!

Q: “Which of these 5 changes do you need to master the most, at this stage in your life?” – Let me know in a comment! 🙂

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