Organise Your Life

How to Organize Your Life: 25 Lists You Need to Make

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Is your life all over the place? Do you feel like you’re spinning around through the days, not really knowing what you’re doing? Are you struggling to organize your life? Does your day-to-day make you feel stressed and overwhelmed?

Being organized comes naturally to some but, at the same time, it’s a skill that can be learned – and that’s exactly what I’m about to teach you 😉

In this article, you’ll learn the 25 lists you need to keep your life organized. So, are you ready to organize your life for good? Then, let’s get started!

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25 Lists You Need to Organize Your Life

Below, you’ll find the 25 lists you must include in your life to best organize it and avoid feeling all over the place.

The lists are divided into different categories, such as:

  1. Time Management & Routines Lists
  2. Health & Fitness Lists
  3. Mindfulness Lists
  4. Personal Growth Lists
  5. Self-care & Self-love Lists

Time Management & Routines

  1. Daily to-do list – Start every day with a list of things you need to accomplish in your 24 hours. You can write your to-do list either the night before or early in the morning. Having a to-do list gives a sense of direction and purpose to your day-to-day.
  1. Weekly goals list – To make the most out of each week, start it with a clear intention. Develop a Sunday ritual, for which you set some time to think about all you want to accomplish within the next 7 days. Ideally, aim at setting no more than 3 weekly goals.
  1. Weekly reflections checklist – Make sure you end your week on the right note by highlighting your accomplishments, embracing new lessons, and planning for a new week ahead.

PS. Grab here your FREE Weekly Reflections Workbook:

  1. Monthly goals list – Each month is a fresh new start. Embrace the opportunities of a blank page by setting the right goals. Choose one area of focus per month, and then set your monthly goals accordingly.

Recommended: Read here “How to Plan a New Month for Success”

  1. Monthly reflection checklist – If you don’t take the time to look back – at what has worked and what hasn’t – you won’t ever make the right adjustments. Finish your months strong by setting aside some time for monthly reflections.

PS. Grab here your FREE Monthly Reflections Workbook:

  1. Morning routine checklist – The way you start your day has a huge impact on the rest of it. Create a personalized morning routine to make you feel good – and that you know you can stick to in the long run 😉 Do you want to be productive early in the morning, or do you prefer to start your day in a cozy way?
  1. Night routine checklist – You’ve heard this before: “The success of your day starts the night before”. If you want to easily wake up early in the morning, you need to create a wind-down nighttime routine that makes you feel instantly calm, relaxed, and ready to get a good night’s sleep. 

Health & Fitness

  1. Fitness workout schedule – Having your weekly workouts already planned is a golden rule to avoid procrastinating on your health goals. Include a balance of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises to ensure you’re targeting different muscle groups each day. 
  1. Weekly grocery shopping list – If you go to a grocery store already knowing what you need to get to prepare your meals and snacks for the whole week, you’ll end up: 
    • Saving money
    • Spending less time wondering around the supermarket aisles
    • Feeling less overwhelmed because of the paradox of choice
  1. Weekly meal plan – Stay on top of your nutrition game by planning your meals. A meal prep list includes easy, healthy recipes you can make in bulk to save time during busy weeks so that you can always have a nutritious snack on the go.
  1. Fitness goals list –  Not everyone trains for the same reason. Some might be training to run a 5K, others to lift a certain weight, or to improve flexibility and balance, or to win a competition. Make sure you clearly define your fitness goals and then break them down into smaller and achievable milestones. 
25 Lists to Organize Your Life


  1. Stress relievers list – What are your quick fixes for a bad mood? Knowing what helps you feel better when you’re having a bad day is fundamental to developing a sustained positive mindset. Your list could include:
    • Deep breathing exercises
    • Taking a walk in nature
    • Listening to your favorite playlist
    • Practicing meditation
    • Catching up with a friend
  1. Gratitude list – Consider writing a gratitude list every night, before bed, to end your day on a positive note. Or, you could write your gratitude list early in the morning, shortly after waking up, to start your day with good vibes. The important thing is that you express your gratitude daily – as there’s always something to be grateful for!

Personal Growth

  1. Life goals list – What are the goals you’d like to accomplish in your life? Whether it’s getting a promotion, traveling the world, starting a family, or mastering a new skill, writing down these aspirations helps clarify your long-term vision. Break each goal into smaller, actionable steps and revisit them regularly to track your progress and make adjustments as your priorities change.
  1. List of hobbies to try – Have you ever dreamed of playing the guitar? Rock climbing? Painting? Or maybe dancing? Whatever hobby you’ve wanted to try, I want you to put it on this list. Then, in those spare moments when you don’t know what to do with your life, pick one and try it!
  1. List of skills to learn – Is there something you’ve always wanted to learn and get better at? Maybe it’s a new language, improving your interpersonal skills, or learning to be more assertive – note it down on this list 😉 Then, one by one, start improving those skills.
  1. Creative projects’ list – Maybe you want to launch your blog, start selling your planners, or create the perfect portfolio to showcase your copywriting skills. Whatever creative passion or project you want to pursue, this is your safe space to do it!
  1. List of books to read – Keep track of the books you’re dying to read by writing a reading list to keep you inspired whenever you don’t know what next book you should dive into! 

Recommended: Read here “5 Self-Help Books That Will Completely Change Your Life”

25 Lists to Organise Your Life

Self-Care & Self-Love

  1. List of positive affirmations – A list of positive affirmations can be a powerful tool to stop your negative thoughts and boost your confidence. Repeat these affirmations daily or when needed, in order to reframe your mindset and perspective.
  1. List of inspirational quotes – What words of inspiration do others have to teach you? Make a collection of your favorite inspirational and motivational quotes to keep you going even – and especially – during challenging times.

Recommended: Read here “100 Motivational Quotes to Inspire You”

  1. List of mantras – A mantra is a simple phrase that grounds and empowers you when repeated regularly. Use these mantras as a calming anchor in stressful times or as part of your meditation practice to help you stay centered and positive.
  1. Self-care ideas list – Creating a self-care ideas list ensures you always have a go-to resource for nurturing your body and mind. Include activities like:
    • Journaling
    • Going on a walk
    • Practicing yoga
    • Enjoying a favorite hobby
    • Taking a relaxing bath
  1. List of things you love about yourself – Celebrate your unique qualities by writing down what you love about yourself. This list serves as a reminder to appreciate yourself as you are and to practice self-compassion on tough days.
  1. List of things that make you happy – Jot down the little and big things that bring joy to your life. This list is a powerful reminder of the simple pleasures that brighten your mood and can help lift your spirits when you’re feeling down.
  1. Self-love quotes’ list – Fill your self-love quotes list with empowering phrases that remind you of your worth and value. Turn to these quotes whenever you need a confidence boost or encouragement to practice self-care.
25 Lists to Keep Your Life Organised

Final Words on How to Organize Your Life

That’s all for me today!

I hope you’ve found some inspiration, reading these 25 list ideas, to help you best organize your life! 

Q: “What’s the ONE list you desperately need in your life now?” – Let me know in a comment! 🙂

Until next time,

Giada Crepaldi

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