Mindset Shifts to Live Your Dream Life Notebook

How to Change Your Mindset to Finally Live Your Dream Life This Year

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You know why you’re here. You’re here because you aren’t living your dream life. You aren’t tapping into your full potential. There is so much more you could do, yet you feel stuck. What’s keeping you stuck? It’s this one thing: your mindset. So, how can you make your mindset work for you – instead of against you – and finally live your dream life?

What does your mindset have to do with your dreams?

Shouldn’t you worry about picking the right goals and creating the right action plan, rather than bothering over mindset work?

Great question.

I’m glad you’re asking because that’s going to be our starting point for today’s article – where you’ll learn how to change the one thing that has the biggest impact on your life and success: your mindset!

Why Your Mindset Is Everything

You see, you could be taking consistent actions toward your goals (which you should do), but the truth is that: if your mindset is working against you, your hard work is purposeless.

If deep down you believe you don’t have what it takes to be successful in life, then you’ll never feel good enough – no matter what you achieve.

Your mindset has tremendous power over your beliefs. You act based on your beliefs. Your actions determine (almost in all cases) your outcomes.

So, if you want to live your dream life you’ve gotta start from the root: which is your mindset.

It’s what can make you or break you.

It’s what can help you easily get closer to your best life, or what can make your life feel like hell on Earth.

Why is it that two people might have the same starting point, live the same experiences, and yet end up at two completely different points in life?

If everything visible on the outside was the same, then there must have been something different going on internally. Clue: their thoughts!

Fixed vs. Growth Mindset

We all have a choice.

A) You can believe that who you are now is who you’re destined to be for the rest of your life. You were born with defined skills, talents (or no talents at all), and a level of knowledge that won’t change much, despite what you go through.

B) Or, you can believe that who you are now is a result of who you’ve been in the past but that doesn’t determine your future. The skills, talents, and knowledge you have today aren’t set in stone. You can always learn more, do more, and improve.

What do you resonate the most with? Option A) or B)?

In the first case, you have what’s called a “fixed mindset”. With the latter, you have a “growth mindset”, instead.

Do You Have a Fixed or Growth Mindset?

What are some common thoughts people with these two different mindsets have?

“That person is successful because they are or have X, Y, Z”“That person became so successful at [____] because of effort and work”
“I’m not good at…”“I recognize my limit now, but I can always learn more”
“It’s who I am”“I am always evolving; that’s what humans do”
“I’ve failed, once again”“Failure means there’s still room for improvement”
“If I can’t do it perfectly and be the best at it, why bother?”“Practice makes perfect”

These are only a few examples, but you get the gist of it.

There’s another important truth that you must realize: you might have a fixed mindset in some areas of your life and a growth mindset in others.

Both fixed and growth mindsets can coexist and affect your life.

We are all guilty of this. We all have areas in our lives where we’re holding back because of our mindsets.

For example, I have a fixed mindset in investing – and it’s been a limit that has held me back for quite some time now.

#Q: In what areas of your life do you have a fixed mindset? Share it with a comment!

The key is recognizing in which areas of your life you’re adopting a fixed mindset. That’s the first step to change.

Spoiler: it won’t be easy! (Especially if you mostly have a fixed mindset, so you’ve been convincing yourself all this time that you can’t change…)

But, just because it’s not easy that doesn’t mean it’s impossible!

The fact that you’re here, reading this article, is already a positive sign!

It means you know you can create and live your dream life, but there’s some mindset work you must do first to make that happen.

The Impact of Mindset

The type of mindset you adopt can positively or negatively impact your behaviors.

If you have a fixed mindset, you will be less keen to take on challenges.

Let’s say you’re like me: you have no clue how to start investing. Here is how your mindset can influence your actions – leading you to different outcomes:

  • If you think that “Investing is not for me because I’m not good with numbers and don’t like math”, you will unconsciously run away from all situations that might help you learn more about it
  • Whereas, if you recognize your current limits while also acknowledging that there’s plenty of room for improvement, you’ll be more likely to get your feet wet the next time you approach the subject

In the first scenario, you might avoid even walking through the “Finance” section during your next library stop.

In the latter, you might keep an ear out the next time you hear your friend talk about their financial plans and strategies.

So, what will be your outcome?

That’s up to you – and the mindset you choose to opt for!

How Do You Change Your Mindset?

Ok, what if you’ve now realized you indeed have a fixed mindset?!

No worries, there’s nothing wrong with you and nothing to feel bad about!

As I mentioned earlier, we’re all guilty of this (yet not everyone is brave enough to admit it πŸ˜‰ )

Are you ready to discover the 6 steps to make your mindset work for and with you – not against you? Then, let’s get started!

Here is your game plan to improve your mindset for the best!


6 Tips to Change Your Mindset and Finally Live Your Dream Life

The 6 Mindset Changes to Adopt to Live Your Dream Life

Get Brutally Honest

You’re already down the right path as you’ve admitted to yourself that you might have a fixed mindset.

Now, it’s time to get brutally honest and highly specific!

Divide your life into different areas and identify in which areas you have a fixed mindset.

Side note: Not all areas of your life are equally important! Define which areas are your top priority and which ones you can work on later on.

Next, you need to identify the current self-limiting thoughts you have:

  • What are some sentences that come up often in your life?
  • What are some recurring thoughts?
  • Which obstacles do you feel like you’re facing over and over again?

Recognizing your weak areas is a good starting point that will allow you to create a mindset that can help you finally live your dream life!

Challenge Your Beliefs

Choose the most pressing area of your life you’d like to improve first and start challenging your recurring thoughts.

Every time you catch yourself falling into the trap of your old, negative thinking pattern, try to distance yourself from your thoughts.

Your thoughts and feelings are not facts.

Is how you’re feeling now and what you’ve been believing the absolute truth?

Ok, so you’ve been telling yourself “I’m not good at math” for your whole life. What is this statement based on? What are the proofs?

Do you want to keep believing in this fairytale only because you had an F in algebra when you were in sixth grade?

Do you want to give all this power over your life to a singular episode that occurred so far in the past?

I’m sure you don’t – yet, unconsciously, it’s what you’ve been doing this whole time.

So, your next step is to take a look at the fixed thoughts you’ve jotted down in your notepad and start questioning them.

Should you really believe in them?

Change Your Narrative

A piece of good advice is to develop a new affirmation for every fixed thought you’ve identified in the earlier stage.

For example:

  • “I’m not good at math” can turn into “My knowledge of math is limited but I can expand it”
  • “I’m not smart nor skilled enough to invest” can turn into “Although investing might feel overwhelming, I know it’s a skill I can learn”

And remember: it’s a marathon, not a sprint!

You might get upset when you don’t see instant results, but hang in there.

You’ve been telling yourself the same old stories for your whole life, so how do you expect to believe in something completely different overnight?

With time and patience, though, you’ll be able to make your new affirmations your natural thinking pattern.

Get Crystal Clear On What You Want

If you want to live your dream life, you need to first know what that looks like! (After all, your mindset can only help you that far…)

The more specific you are, the better!

Describe everything to the minimum detail:

  • When are you waking up in the morning?
  • What does your morning routine look like?
  • What clothes do you wear?
  • How do you feel as you go through the day?
  • What do you do on a random Tuesday afternoon?
  • Who are your friends?
  • What kind of content do you consume?
  • What food do you eat?
  • How do you like spending your evenings?
  • What do you do on the weekend?

Get clear on the dream life you aspire to live, and then make sure to adopt a growth mindset that can help you get there fast!

After getting crystal clear on what you want, there’s only one thing left to do: make your dreams come true! So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to make it happen with the FREE 2024 Dream Life Planner!

Embrace the Beginner Mindset

We all have to start somewhere.

Even the most successful people didn’t get there overnight (even if the Internet now makes you believe the opposite).

Recently, there’s a quote I came across that hit me hard:

“Time will pass anyway”

These four simple words ignited something inside of me.

It’s common knowledge, and the meaning might not seem that deep to many.

But to me, it was the realization that – as cheesy as it sounds – it’s never too late to start. Why? Because time will pass anyway. Whether you start or not.

What does differentiate a beginner from an expert?

It’s not knowledge. It’s practice.

If you start being a beginner today, you can be the next expert of tomorrow. If you don’t, you’ll still be in the same place in a year.

And, while it’s true that you might not currently be where you’d like to be, it’s also true that you won’t get there without being a beginner first.

Embracing the beginner mindset, today, and recognizing that you might not have all the answers yet – while also acknowledging that you can work your way up – is the only way to live your dream life, tomorrow.

You can’t reach the destination if you don’t start your journey first.

Trust The Journey

One challenge you will face when designing your dream life is looking at where you want to be and where you are now.

The gap is huge!

The present moment is just a reminder of all you’re lacking – so how can you not feel miserable about it?!

How can you enjoy where you are now while making sure you’re taking actionable steps that will get you where you want to be?

Should your mindset focus on the ‘here and now’ or the dream life you can’t wait to live?

It might be hard to balance both the present moment and what the future might hold, but there’s a way of doing it.

You can do both by having total trust in the journey.

By fully trusting that where you are now is exactly where you’re meant to be, you’ll never feel like you’re on the wrong path.

As there are multiple roads to reach the same destination, the same goes for your goals.

You might have a clear picture of what your dream life looks like, but that doesn’t mean there’s only one way to get there.

There’s no wrong path, there’s just your path.

Whatever journey you’re on, it’s the right one.

I am 100% confident you have what it takes to create your dream life.

Do the mindset work, take aligned actions, and you’ll soon live the life you desire!

Have trust.

#Q: What’s the first area of your life you’d like to improve first, this year? How has your mindset been holding you back? Share your thoughts with a comment! πŸ™‚

Until next time!


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  1. Your quote “time will pass anyway” is the exact reason I’ve started pushing myself out of my fixed mindset. In six months, I can either be exactly where I was, or take a chance to be somewhere even better. I’m choosing the second option! Great article!

  2. Great article, the most important and hardest thing to do for ourselves it be honest about who we are. We will never change if we are unwilling to take that first step.

    1. I don’t mind at all – actually, I am so grateful for you, taking the time to read this article and taking one step toward your self-improvement πŸ™‚ Keep up the good work, I believe in you!

  3. Great article! Getting out of a fixed mindset can be so difficult at times and easy at other πŸ˜‚ but it’s true. We have to get out of that if we want to be able to open up and truly explore the world, our relationship, and more.

    1. It’s never too late! Be proud of yourself for getting started in the first place πŸ™‚ And please, feel free to share your feedback about the planner – I hope it can help you throughout 2024!

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