It’s that time of the year again – the time to set your New Year’s resolutions! 😉
Will 2025 be the year in which you finally live by the “new year, new you” motto, or will it be the same old story?
New Year’s resolutions can be tricky: one moment, you’re all excited about your new life goals; the next one, you’re asking yourself what you had in mind when you were planning for the new year, as your goals are unachievable and unrealistic.
Don’t worry though – I got you! 😉 This year, you’re going to set New Year’s resolutions that make you feel excited and not overwhelmed – which is the key to actually achieving them 😉
So, are you ready to get inspired for your 2025 New Year’s resolutions? Then, let’s get started!
DISCLAIMER: This blog is reader-supported. When you buy through links on this site, I may earn an affiliate commission (which won’t affect your final price). I only promote products that I consider valuable and beneficial for you. If you decide to purchase something – Thank you for buying me a cup of coffee! xx

What Are New Year’s Resolutions?
As the tradition wants, as you get closer to December, you might get all fired up thinking about new goals and aspirations for the upcoming year.
Taking advantage of the “fresh start effect”, you might use the month of January as an external motivator to dream big and plan even bigger.
New Year’s resolutions are important because they represent a way to constantly improve yourself, by having something bigger to work towards.
The aspirations you set should act like a compass – guiding you throughout the year.
But now, down to the important question…
Do New Year’s Resolutions Work?
Sorry to discourage you, but there’s a high chance you’ll never accomplish your New Year’s resolutions.
In 2023, only 22% of people stuck to their resolutions. But, if so many people fail, why do we keep setting them?
Setting New Year’s resolutions provides:
- A sense of direction and purpose
- More clarity (for example when making important decisions)
- Higher motivation to achieve your goals
Some common pitfalls make it more likely for you to never stick to your long-term aspirations.
If you want to avoid them and make 2025 the year in which you finally accomplish your goals, you can’t miss out on this 90-Day Goal Action Plan 😉
Get your 90-Day Goal Planner for 2025
25 New Year’s Resolutions for 2025
It’s not about how many resolutions you set, but the type of resolutions you decide to go for.
Below, you’ll find 25 ideas for your 2025 goals. You can adopt them all, a few, or even just one.
New Year’s Resolutions for Health & Wellness
1. Focus on how you feel, not the way you look
Considering the most common resolution is to “lose weight”, I wanted to go against the grain and inspire you to set a goal that has nothing to do with your physical appearance.
The solution is never to change the way you look to fit society’s standards.
The real goal should be to feel good in your skin. To look in the mirror and be happy with what you see. To accept and be proud of your flaws, as you recognize they’re what make you unique.
What’s the purpose of chasing an apparent perfection if that makes you feel empty and completely dead on the inside?
Focus on how you feel, not the way you look.
Does your body feel strong and full of energy? Are your eyes full of joy? Do you feel content and at peace with yourself?
That is what matters.
2. Move for fun, not punishment
Together with losing weight, going to the gym is another popular New Year’s resolution.
It’s not a bad goal itself, the problem lies with your approach to fitness.
Why do you want to exercise?
Is it because you hate the way you look, or because it puts you in a good headspace?
Do you allow yourself to have some rest days, or do you feel guilty for not exercising?
Are you always looking for the most intensive workout, or are you listening and honoring your body’s needs?
Let go of all the “shoulds” around working out, and prioritize finding a form of movement you enjoy.
When you learn to move for fun and not punishment, you’ll be more likely to stick to your healthy habits.
You’ll see working out as a way to honor your body, not as another chore to add to your daily to-do list.
3. Learn to enjoy your rest time
In a world that preaches constant productivity, a good New Year’s resolution would be to rest more and not feel guilty about it.
When you give yourself the proper time to rest, relax, and recharge, you’ll actually be more productive in the long run.
You’re a human being – your purpose on this Earth isn’t to do more, but simply to be.
Why should you feel guilty about honoring a basic need?
Would you feel guilty for drinking water when you’re thirsty? Or going to the restroom when you need to pee? Or dressing up more when you’re cold?
Then, why do you feel guilty for resting when you’re tired?
Honor your need for rest like you would with any other basic need. Take care of yourself – mentally, spiritually, and physically.
Are you struggling to enjoy some guilt-free downtime? Read the article: “How to Enjoy Rest Without Feeling Guilty for It”
4. Stick to a morning routine
The morning time is the most important part of the day.
You don’t have to wake up at 5 AM to be successful, but having a clear structure as you start your day will certainly make you feel calmer and “put together”.
A morning routine is a set of steps you follow every day.
You could opt for a productive morning routine, or a slower and cozy one – that’s totally up to you.
When choosing what practices to do in the morning, ask yourself: “How do I want to feel?”. Then, act accordingly.
For example, if you want to feel:
- Relaxed → Read
- Productive → Plan your day
- Focused → Meditate
- Inspired → Write
- Energized → Exercise
5. Create a nighttime ritual
Not only a morning routine, but also a nighttime ritual is good to have in place.
Most people fail to take proper care of themselves after their 9-5…
Without a good nighttime routine, you risk wasting so much of your free time engaging in unhealthy and bad habits.
On the other hand, when you provide a structure to your evenings, you’ll end up feeling much more relaxed, recharged, and ready to face the day ahead.
Your nighttime routine doesn’t have to take hours – it could be as simple as getting into bed by 10 PM and reading a chapter of a book.
What’s important is that you do activities that can best help you to wind down.
Whether it’s reading, journaling, doing a quick stretching, or listening to relaxing music – make sure you engage in whatever makes you feel calm at night.

New Year’s Resolutions for Mindset
6. Practice mindfulness
Mindfulness is one of the most underrated practices that will completely change your life.
It’s so simple and easy, yet not many are ready to embrace the initial discomfort that comes with it.
There are many mindfulness exercises you can engage in. My favorite forms of mindfulness are:
- Meditation
- The 5-senses exercise
- Yoga
This year, embrace the art of learning how to be in the here and now.
Focus on what matters, by focusing on the present moment.
Let go of your past and stop worrying about the future. This moment is all you have – live it.
7. Express your gratitude
Choosing to focus on the good things in life means choosing to see the beauty of life.
When you distance yourself from a scarcity mindset and embrace the abundance of your life, you’ll have a reason – or more – to celebrate every day.
Here are some ways you could express your gratitude:
- Start a gratitude journal
- Keep a gratitude jar
- Mentally list 3 things you’re grateful for each day
- Get the 5-minute journal for daily gratitude
- Say ‘thank you’ more often
8. Journal daily
One of the best New Year’s resolutions would be to get in touch with your real self, this year.
How can you do that? Through journaling, of course!
Having a daily journaling practice can help you:
- Process your emotions
- Get a fresh new perspective on personal matters
- Organize your thoughts
- Keep a memory of important moments in your life
- Discover yourself
If you don’t know where to start, get these FREE “50 Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery”
Whether you have only five minutes in your day or can write for one hour straight, make journaling one of your daily priorities.
9. Have a core memories list
How many times have you found yourself doing your usual year recap, only to not remember anything that happened in the past 12 months?
To avoid this, a good idea for your New Year’s resolutions is to create a core memories list.
You can create a new note on your phone, open a document on your laptop, or do it the old-fashioned way by using a journal.
Every Sunday, think about the week you’ve just lived and find a moment you don’t want to forget.
By the end of the year, you’ll have collected 52 core memories that will make you feel like you’ve lived unforgettable experiences.
There is always something special happening, but you must train yourself to be on the lookout for it.
Not only do the big occasions deserve to be celebrated, but the small moments too can be super special – if you only pay attention…
10. Expect the best
If your mind is always thinking about the worst negative scenario, the following New Year’s resolution will transform your life.
Since negative thinking hasn’t led you anywhere, what if, this year, you tried something different?
What if, instead of preparing for the worst to happen, you expected the best?
Instead of thinking about all that could go wrong, why don’t you ask yourself: “What if it all works out?”.
When you start thinking more positively, you’ll be surprised by the subtle shifts you’ll notice in your daily life.
Suddenly, a new encounter excites you instead of scaring you.
A new opportunity thrills you, instead of making you feel worried.
And you will finally start seeing uncertainty as the road to endless possibilities rather than the cause of your stress and problems.
Expect the best, and you might get lucky enough for it to happen 😉

New Year’s Resolutions for Personal Growth
11. Invest in everyday learning
Learning doesn’t have to end as you finish high school or graduate from college.
Today, there are many ways you can access unlimited knowledge and learn new skills:
- YouTube
- Blogs
- Podcasts
- Books
- Online platforms, such as Skillshare
Investing in everyday learning doesn’t mean you have to study for several hours a day.
It can be as simple and quick as setting aside 15 minutes, each day, to learn something new.
12. Launch your dream project
If you’ve been dreaming of launching your podcast, blog, YouTube channel, or online store – what are you still waiting for?
Why wait when you could make it happen today?
It’s never too early or too late to start your dream project.
The perfect moment doesn’t exist. The right moment is now!
Aspiring to run a successful blog? Grab your FREE Blog Launch Plan and…make it happen! 😉
13. Set a reading challenge
This year, start a reading challenge as one of your New Year’s resolutions.
Setting a reading goal can help you waste less time on unhealthy habits, such as procrastinating and spending too much time on social media.
You can tailor this reading challenge to your preferences – maybe you want to read a book per month or one per week. It’s up to you!
Looking for other fun challenges? Read here “30-Day Challenge Ideas”
14. Plan your time
If there’s one skill you’ll never regret getting better at is time management.
You know it – time is the most invaluable resource you have, so why not make the most of it?
We all have the same 24 hours available in a day, yet there’s someone out there who accomplishes so much while maybe you can’t stop procrastinating even on the smallest tasks.
If that sounds like you, consider investing your time by learning how to manage it better. Whether you want to:
- Time-batch your tasks
- Stick to an hourly daily plan
- Use productivity strategies, such as the Pomodoro technique
…make sure you stop wasting your time!
Become a PRO at planning with this FREE Dream Life Planner for 2025!
15. Come up with a daily intention
If you want your days to be not like one another, another good New Year’s resolution idea is to set a daily intention.
A daily intention helps you go through your day with purpose and clarity.
For example, if you set the daily intention of prioritizing rest, you’ll know what to do when your friend asks you whether you want to go to the gym or not.
If you set the intention of socializing, you’ll be more drawn to pick up the phone and reach out to a friend you haven’t heard from in a while – right?
It all comes down to your daily intention.
It’s deciding how you want to spend your day, what kind of person you want to be, and how you’ll face what life throws at you.
Bring more intention to each day, and your life will assume a whole new meaning.
New Year’s Resolutions for Relationships
16. Improve the relationship with yourself
The relationship with yourself is the most important one you’ll ever have. You’re your most important investment in life – why not take good care of yourself?
Improving the relationship with yourself means many things. It’s:
- Indulging in regular self-care
- Going on solo dates
- Loving yourself more
- Treating yourself with compassion
- Getting rid of your negative self-talk
If you choose to set only one among the New Year’s resolutions I provided you in this article, I hope it’s this one.
You owe it to yourself – and no one else – to be your most supporting fan.
17. Take the initiative more often
How many times have you waited for others to invite you somewhere you’d been dying to go to?
How often have you let others come up with a plan and make all the decisions?
And how many times have you decided to not speak up, only to follow what others suggested?
Let me ask you: “Why don’t you take the initiative more often, this year?”.
When you think of something you’d like to do, ask others to join you!
Be the one who makes plans instead of waiting for others!
Be the one who invites others instead of expecting an invitation!
Someone has to take the initiative – why can’t that be you? 😉
18. Find the right people
Surround yourself with people who talk about their dreams, goals, passions – not other people.
“You’re the average of the five people you spend most time with” – Jim Rohn
Gossiping is not an option when you could talk about ideas, plans, and aspirations.
Why waste your time talking sh*t about other people, when you could invest it to get closer to the life of your dreams?

19. Do random acts of kindness
It doesn’t take that much to lighten someone’s day.
Sometimes, it could be as simple as:
- Keeping the door open
- Paying a coffee forward
- Smiling
- Preparing a meal for your loved one
- Writing a kind note
- Saying ‘thank you’
If all it takes to make someone happier is a random act of kindness – why not set the goal to be kinder, this year?
20. Get better at listening
When someone talks to you, do you pay attention to their words or are you already thinking about what you’ll say?
Improving your listening skills will make you a better friend, partner, and colleague.
This year, try to practice active listening by focusing more on what people say rather than how you’re going to respond.
Another tip that will make you a better listener is to ask the person why they’re opening up with you. Are they looking for support or solutions?
Giving someone your total and undivided attention is one of the greatest gifts you could ever give.
Be there for others – not only with your body but with your mind too.
New Year’s Goals for Fun
21. Have themed days
Embrace fun in your daily routine by having themed days for the week!
Inspired by Eli Rallo’S BYCF (Buy Your Coffee Friday), why don’t you create your own traditions?
How do you want to celebrate your life?
Turn your everyday into something special!
Transform your regular weeks into something exciting and eventful. For example, you could turn:
- Monday into “Manifestation Monday” – spending some extra time visualizing your dream life
- Tuesday into “Treat Yourself Tuesday” – buying anything your heart desires. Whether that’s fresh flowers, a new candle, or a pair of shoes 😉
- Wednesday into “Wind down Wednesday” – indulging in a longer nighttime routine for relaxation
- Thursday into “Thankful Thursday” – doing something kind for someone you love
- Friday into “Buy Your Coffee Friday” – getting a flavored coffee at your favorite café
- Saturday into “Social Saturday” – spending time with family, friends, or your partner
- Sunday into “Self-care Sunday” – setting aside some time to indulge in extra self-care
You have the power to make your weeks more exciting and fun!

22. Embrace a new hobby
Who said that you should limit the amount of hobbies you have? No one!
So, why are you (most likely) limiting yourself?
Allow yourself to experiment with new hobbies to see what you like doing. Your next passion could be:
- Coloring adult books
- Knitting
- Baking
- Dancing
- Doing crosswords
- Skating
- Doing puzzles
- Painting
- Scrapbooking
…But, you’ll never know it – unless you give it a try! 😉
23. Try something new each week
The routine gets boring after a while. That’s why, this year, you should consider trying something new each week.
You have total freedom! You could try a new:
- Recipe
- Hobby
- Workout
- Route to work
- Outfit
- Type of movies to watch
- Book genre
- Morning routine
- Place to eat
Add novelty to your life by experimenting with new things every week – and each week will be more fun! 😉
24. Have planless days
Learn to go with the flow.
Life can be planned to the detail, but not everything will go as you expected.
A good New Year’s resolution is to have planless days, this year.
What are planless days? Days in which you wake up with an empty schedule and a whole lot of ideas on how you could spend the day ahead!
Do this once per week, monthly, or whenever you feel too overwhelmed – but make sure to have no-plan days in your life 😉
Doesn’t it sound amazing to wake up and have an entire day to do whatever you want?
25. Don’t be so serious 😉
Life isn’t a never-ending wave of chores and to-dos. Life is also fun!
But, are you letting fun into your life? Or do you think only kids can take life playfully?
The final – and probably the best – idea for your New Year’s resolution is to be less serious, this year.
Smile more! Laugh! Dance! Sing along! Do something silly!
Adulting doesn’t mean leaving out all the fun.
Becoming a responsible person doesn’t mean taking everything seriously.
Life is pure joy, adventure, and excitement!
Let yourself feel it, and…live it!

That’s all for me today!
I hope this post gave you some inspiration to set your New Year’s resolutions!
Q: “What’s your #1 resolution for 2025?” – Share it in a comment! 🙂
Until next time,