Personal Development Topics

17 Personal Development Topics to Boom Your Blog Traffic

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Personal development is one of the hottest topics right now – which makes it a great niche for bloggers who want to rapidly grow their blogs and turn them into profitable businesses.

In this article, you’ll discover the 17 topics you can cover in your personal development blog to skyrocket your traffic.

So, are you ready to get serious about blogging? Then, let’s get started!

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What Is Personal Development?

Personal development is a broad term that refers to all the knowledge and activities one can learn and engage in to improve oneself and one’s life.

Self-improvement is the key to leading a more successful and satisfying life, in which one feels fulfilled and accomplished.

Why Is Personal Development Important?

Personal development isn’t easy – especially because everyone has a different starting point and it’s hard to find a one-fits-all strategy for success (spoiler: it doesn’t even exist!).

If you’re on a personal growth journey and feel a bit discouraged because you haven’t progressed as much as you’d imagined – this is your sign to not give up!

Many benefits are linked to self-improvement, making it worth “suffering”. To name a few:

  • Higher self-confidence
  • Greater resilience
  • Higher-quality relationships
  • Better communication skills
  • Increased self-awareness (aka you get to know yourself better)

The 5 Areas of Personal Development

Personal development is a general and broad term that can be divided into 5 more specific topics. 

Mental Growth

It refers to the practical, technical, and soft skills one can learn and acquire through:

  • Reading books
  • Listening to podcasts
  • Watching YouTube videos
  • Therapy
  • Coaching
  • Taking classes

Physical Growth

It’s no secret that the body and mind work together. After all, many refer to our gut as our “second brain”. 

You can learn it all and be the most resourceful person in the world but, if you don’t have a healthy body to sustain you through, it will be a challenge to share your knowledge with the world.

Physical growth includes proper:

  • Sleep
  • Nutrition
  • Movement
  • Hydration

Spiritual Growth

This ain’t nothing to do with religion but, you must understand that: you’re not only a body and brain – you also have a soul!

Whatever your religion is, spirituality is something different but universal. Being spiritual means investing in a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you. 

It involves some intentional practices, such as:

  • Meditation
  • Breathing techniques
  • Gratitude
  • Self-discovery
  • Values setting

Emotional Growth

It’s not surprising that, in the last decades, emotional intelligence has become even more important than IQ.

You can have all the knowledge in the world, but it will all be purposeless if you don’t know how to relate and approach others. 

Why? Because what makes the world a special place is the people it’s made of.

Increasing one’s emotional quotient can be done through:

Social Growth

Humans are social creatures.

Whether you’re more of an introvert or extrovert, you must pay attention to your relationships – as they’re a determining factor in your overall happiness.

Quality beats quantity, all the time.

So, as you evolve and grow into a better person, also make sure to have some friends along the ride who cheer for you! 

List of 17 Personal Development Topics to Grow Your Blog

Now, let’s move on to the nitty-gritty of this article: the 17 personal development topics you can discuss on your blog to boost your monthly traffic!

Time Management

One aspect most people need help with is procrastination and how to manage time efficiently.

People are always looking for tips and strategies to get more done in less time


Did you know that 92% of people fail to stick to their New Year’s resolutions already by February?

Or, in general, have you ever noticed how many dreams and goals everyone has, yet only a few can accomplish them? 

A Harvard case study highlighted that people are more likely to achieve their goals if they write them down.

Discussing how to achieve goals, and setting up the right strategies to do so is an evergreen topic you’ll want to talk about on your blog!


It’s no secret that mindset plays the most important role in life – that’s why it is one of the trendiest topics in the personal development world.

Why? Because mindset can either set you up for success or failure. It all depends on the kind of thoughts you decide to have.

From developing a more positive mindset to using your mindset as a tool to attract your dream life – mindset is a key aspect in your self-improvement journey!


Many of the most successful people in the world confessed that their success was partly due to their morning routines

Whether you’re more of an early bird or a night owl, having a solid and consistent routine that allows you to be the most productive is fundamental in your personal growth journey!


You’ve seen it many times: it was all about “becoming her”, then “becoming that girl”, and finally “becoming your dream self”.

People love a good guide – so why not give them a fixed set of rules they can follow to solve most of their problems? 

PS. I’ve already mentioned in this article that, to me, the real glow-up happens from the inside out. You’ve gotta do the inner work first if you want to see some tangible results 😉


Since the world of personal development is so broad, many books cover different topics and aspects of it.

If you’re new to it and feel overwhelmed by the amount of information you can access (me too, me too), – don’t panic!

I’ve gathered the 5 best self-help books you should read if you want to become a better version of yourself!


“The quality of our lives depends on the quality of our habits”

– James Clear

Consistency is the key element to success.

If your daily actions don’t support who you want to be, it will be way harder to end up where you want to go…

Let your actions be a reflection of the kind of person you want to become, rather than who you have been so far.

Read here: “5 Proven Tips to Create Healthy Habits You Can Stick to in the Long Run”.


Confidence is one of the most important topics you’ll encounter during your personal development journey. 

It’s proven that confident people benefit of:

  • Faster career advancement
  • Lower setbacks
  • Higher success rates

So, you really cannot skip this – you’ve gotta learn how to be more confident!


Let’s be honest here – we all have those days when we want to be lazy potatoes and lay on the couch all day long. 

Even if it’s your dream project, you won’t always feel motivated to work long hours on it.

Or, even if you love exercising, you won’t always feel like moving your body.

And even if you love writing, you won’t always feel like pulling out pen and paper.

The difference between those who dream about something and those who make it happen lies in doing it even when the motivation is gone.

No one has unlimited motivation. Everyone is just trying to do the best they can. 


If you don’t know yourself, how can you expect to become your best self?

Self-discovery is one of the most popular topics in the personal development world because, if you have no clue about who you are and what you want, it will be (almost) impossible to lead an authentic life.

Self-discovery is not a one-time thing – it’s a whole journey! 

There are three important steps you might consider taking during this process. First of all, you need to tune in with your inner self. 

These 50 journal prompts for self-discovery are a good place to start!

Secondly, you need to be honest about your core values. Why? Because your values can help you make better decisions in life

Grab below your FREE Value Compass Workbook!

Finally, the last step involves getting clear about your dream life. You can achieve anything, but you need to know where you’re headed.


The most important asset you have is your time. To be precise, it’s how you decide to spend it – which translates into where you decide to put your focus on.

In an overstimulating world, your attention has so much power and value. And, let me tell you: what you focus on matters.

As you pay attention to what you eat and who you spend most of your time with, you should also be selective of the:

  • People you follow on social media
  • Books you read
  • Shows you watch
  • Social media you engage in
  • News you listen to

Be conscious of how you spend your time: you can either invest it or waste it.

Your choice, your focus.


You can learn about all the topics of personal development but, without self-love, you won’t go far.

Why? You cannot change yourself from a place of hate and shame. You can only grow into a better person from a place of self-love.

Loving yourself doesn’t mean you can’t ever grow and evolve into a better human being. It simply means that you accept yourself for who you are, as you work toward becoming who you want to be.

You know you can be and do better, but you know you’re also as good as you are right now.

Life Changes

People like to believe that the only way they can change their lives is through major life changes – like quitting a job they hate, traveling to the other side of the world, or cutting off bridges with anyone they know.

While these life changes are sometimes much needed and can truly change one’s life; it’s also true that we often forget about the impact that small, minor shifts can have on our daily lives.

If you’re on your personal development journey, you must understand that you won’t find real happiness in a different job, partner, or country. 

Your happiness is already within you. 


We’re all on our pursuit of happiness. You’re lying if you say otherwise…

We all want to be happy, yet so few of us know what happiness really means to us.

What does a happy life look like to you? What does your happiest self look like?

If you don’t know what happiness looks like for you, then you’ll never find it.

So, happiness is one of the hottest personal development topics because we are all going through our lives with the desire to be happy – yet so little do we know about real happiness.

We believe that major life changes will bring us the biggest joy when it’s the small, mundane, and apparently insignificant gestures that bring us the greatest joy in life.

Read here: “10 Tips to Be Happier Every Day”

Slow & Intentional Living

Slow and intentional living is a lifestyle that has recently become more and more common, as it opposes the fast-moving pace of our society – which asks us to always be productive and “on the go”.

On the contrary, slow living invites you to press on the brake pedal, to enjoy where you are now before the moment passes you by.

It’s all about savoring those small moments of life, which also make it so incredible, such as:

  • Sipping your morning coffee in silence
  • Meditating every day
  • Looking up at the sky more often
  • Going for silent, nature walks
  • Doing one thing at a time
  • Showing love to the most important people in your life

Once you become more intentional with your life, you’ll feel more fulfilled and happy with who you are.


Finally, one of the hottest topics in the personal development world is manifestation. Often seen as too “woo-woo”, the concept of manifesting has been trending in the past years.

Personally, to me it’s not all a “fluff” – but it depends on how you approach it. 

Manifesting your dream life is not just making a wish and then waiting for the Universe to work its magic.

If you want to manifest your dream life, you need to:

  • Overcome your limiting beliefs
  • Connect with your inner self
  • Get clear on your vision
  • Take consistent action toward your goals

It doesn’t happen by chance.

But it is you, and only you, that can make it happen. 


Last but not least, the final way you can drive more traffic to your personal development blog is by offering extra value to your readers – which comes in the form of freebies. Your freebies can be about all kinds of topics (the one mentioned above and more)

The only rule? Offer something you’re proud of and that you think could benefit the lives of those who stumble across your blog.

What can I offer you? If you want to have a complete overview of how I can help you change your life, then check the “Free Resources” page!


Personal Development Topics to Grow Your Blog Traffic


That’s all for me today!

I know it: at times it will feel like there’s nothing more you can add to the personal development world but, through this post, you’ve (hopefully) realized that there are countless topics you can write about! 😉

So, don’t overthink it – and start writing!

Q: “What are your favorite personal development topics?” – Let me know in a comment! 🙂

Until next time,

Giada Crepaldi

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    1. Thank you for the compliment 🙂 I love those two topics as well – there’s always something new we can learn about ourselves!

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