
Plan Your Next 90 Days Worth of Content in Just 1 Hour

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As a blogger, content creator, or influencer, the last quarter of the year is one of the most chaotic times: you want to stay on top of your content strategy but, at the same time, don’t want to miss out on the fun of the holiday season. Right? Well, that’s exactly where a 90-day content plan comes into play!

Imagine this: what if you could spend as much time as you want with family and friends while knowing that your business is growing and thriving on its own? Sounds too good to be true, right?

Well, in this blog post, you’re going to learn how to do just that!

Here’s what you’ll be guided through:

  • Why you need a 90-day content plan
  • The 4 steps to creating a solid plan in no more than 1 hour
  • 3 bonus tips to make creating your content easy, peasy

Are you ready? Then, let’s get started!

Why Do You Need A Content Strategy?

A content strategy is the backbone of any piece of content you post online – from draft to published.

Whether it’s a video, a blog post, or an email, that piece of content is the result of hours and hours of work.

If you’re trying to grow your blog, or any other business, having a content strategy will help you do that faster than ever!

Here are the 3 main reasons why you need a content strategy:

  1. It helps you set and track your goals
  2. You’ll create more content in less time
  3. It allows you to assess the value of each piece of content you produce

Let’s take a closer look!

1. Set and track your goals

Before developing your content strategy, you need to define clear goals you want to reach with your business.

The ideal time frame is setting quarterly goals: that gives you both structure but also allows for flexibility.

You should set SMART goals for your business, which are:

S – Specific

M – Measurable

A – Attainable

R – Relevant

T – Timely

Ideally, you want to set one goal per quarter – with a maximum of 3 goals.

Anything above that is just going to put too much on your plate, leading to burnout and spirals of negative thoughts in case you won’t achieve all your goals.

Related: Read here “How to Get Rid of Your Negative Self-Talk in 5 Easy Steps”

2. More content in less time

One of the perks of creating a content plan is that it facilitates the process of batching your content and scheduling it ahead of time.

So, if you’re worried that, to be consistent online, you’ll have to miss out on important social occasions …let me assure you: that’s way far from the truth!

While developing a content strategy might require a lot of time in the short term, the benefits of it in the long term outweigh the initial effort.

You don’t want to be constantly stressing over your content, don’t you? But at the same, you want to see that exponential growth, right?

That’s perfect – stick around here because we’re about to dive into that!

3. Content value

If you aren’t sold on the idea of creating a content strategy yet, I want you to think of the bigger picture.

It’s not a secret that the bloggers and content creators who see the most rapid growth are the ones who provide the biggest value to their audience.

One risk you could encounter if you’re not planning out your content is that…it might not add up.

Sure, every piece of content will provide added value to some extent – but your readers might have a hard time capturing the bigger picture.

That’s why a content strategy will help you just with that: it will allow you to assess – before hitting ‘publish’ – if the message you’re sending is in line with your overall strategy and what its benefits are.


Plan Your Next 90 Days' Content in Under 1 Hour

The 4 Steps to Creating a Solid 90-Day Content Plan

Without further due, it’s time to dig into the 4 steps to creating the perfect content plan.

Are you ready to find out how to plan 90 days’ worth of content in just 1 hour? Then, let’s get started!

Step 1. Set a goal

Hopefully, you’ve already understood the importance of setting quarterly goals for your business.

One thing you might be wondering, although, is: “What kind of goal should I set?”.

Well, I’m glad you’re asking that.

Your goals can be divided into 4 categories:

  • Awareness goals
  • Creation goals
  • Engagement goals
  • Growth goals

Your business will naturally move through all the different categories at some point.

Each category has different objectives and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) you should track.


In the awareness stage, you’re focused on attracting the right audience to your blog or business.

You need to know:

  • Who you’re talking to – that’s your buyer persona
  • What’s the message you’re trying to convey
  • Where to find your ideal audience

Once you’re clear on those points, you can set your awareness goal.

For example, it could be: “Get 1,000 monthly impressions on my blog by the end of the year”.

Some KPIs that are helpful to keep track of awareness goals are:

  • Impressions
  • Reach
  • Bounce Rate
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Ranking


When you’re in the creation phase, you’re focusing on building a solid base for your business.

You’re not focusing on external metrics.

You’re investing your time and energy into creating something that will give you results in the future, not immediately.

One example of creation goals could be: “Idealize and create one freebie – to successively link to a product – by the end of 2024”.


Engagement goals are usually adopted when you want to strengthen your relationship with your audience.

Some examples of KPIs you can track during this phase are:

  • Comments
  • Likes
  • Shares
  • Click rates
  • Open rates on emails


Finally, the last category is growth goals.

When you’re in this stage, you are looking for ways to grow your brand.

An example could be: “Have 30 new subscribers to the weekly newsletter by the end of the year”.

How can you measure those kind of goals? By keeping track of the:

  • Number of leads
  • Subscribers’ growth
  • Number of sales
  • Followers’ count

Step 2. Choose one channel of support

Now that you’ve decided on a goal, the key question is: “How will you make it happen?”

Based on your goal, you need to choose at least one channel of support.

The channel of support you choose to promote your content will depend on:

  • Your audience
  • Your format – the type of content you plan on producing for the next 90 days
  • Your quarterly goal

As a general rule of thumb, this is how you should use the following social media:

  • Instagram – for engagement
  • Pinterest – for growth
  • TikTok – for awareness
  • Facebook – for engagement
  • X (ex-Twitter) – for awareness and engagement

At least in the beginning, stick to one social media together with your chosen platform.

Step 3. Decide on a frequency

Before you start creating a plan for the next 90 days’ content, you must decide on the frequency you’re going to post.


The frequency you’ll choose will directly impact the amount of content you need to prepare, and will also influence your ability to reach your goals within a set time frame.

See? It all adds up.

If you chose a growth goal, you cannot expect to post once per week and see exponential growth.

On the other hand, limiting your content to one weekly post might help you avoid burnout if you’re in the middle of the creation process.

So, when you’re choosing the frequency, always keep in the back of your mind what’s your goal for the quarter.

If everything aligns, you’re ready to put your plan into action: it’s time to create your content for the next 90 days!

Step 4. Batch and schedule your content

Okay, now it’s time to finally get creative!

You have a supporting platform and a frequency – so you can easily develop a calendar from that!

The best way to ensure you stick to your content calendar is to batch your content in advance.

Batching your content allows you to:

  • Save time in the long run
  • Deliver valuable content consistently
  • Ensure that your content aligns with your overall strategy

Related: Read here “7 Best Time Management Tips to Get It All Done”

Once you’ve created your content – it’s time to schedule it!

So, pull out your calendar system of choice – whether that’s Trello, Notion, Asana, or a Google spreadsheet – and make it happen!

Bonus Tips

Many bloggers and creators feel like planning out content in advance is complicated and overwhelming.

Well, it doesn’t have to be like that!

I won’t stress this enough but, when developing your content plan for the next 90 days, please keep these 3 rules in mind:

  1. Keep it SIMPLE!
  2. Don’t miss out on TRENDS!
  3. Produce content you also LIKE to consume!

That’s it!

If you’ve come this far, now you should have a content plan for the next 90 days – isn’t that amazing?!

Let’s do a final recap of the 4 steps to creating a solid 90-day content plan:

  1. Set a quarterly goal – awareness, creation, engagement, or growth
  2. Choose one channel of support – Instagram, Pinterest, X, or Facebook
  3. Decide on a frequency
  4. Batch and schedule your content

There you have it! 🙂

Q: “What’s your favorite and least favorite part of planning your content?” – Feel free to share your thoughts in a comment! 🙂

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27 Comments on “Plan Your Next 90 Days Worth of Content in Just 1 Hour

  1. I love this idea! I’ve been feeling like I need to be more unified in my content strategy and so the idea of batching and creating goals to work from is so helpful. Thank you for sharing!

  2. I strongly believe that planning out content gives assurance that we don’t have to scratch our heads on what to write/post for every week whenever it’s time to create/write something. Valuable tips on creating a content plan. Thanks for this awesome resource.

    1. My top 3 tips are:
      – Have themed days so that you can easily batch your content (Ex. Monday is for writing, Tuesday is for promotion, Wednesday is for networking, etc)
      – Use apps like Notion or Trello to help you keep your content organised
      – Forget about perfectionism: done is better than perfect!

      If you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out 🙂

    1. – Drive more blog traffic (by publishing fresh, daily Pins and new blog posts)
      – Increase my conversion rate (in terms of email subscribers)
      – Build a stronger community on IG

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