How to Break Unhealthy Habits

List of Unhealthy Habits to Break: 9 Unhelpful Things You Must Stop Doing

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Whether you’re out there living your best life or dread waking up every morning, – it’s because of your habits. You are the byproduct of your habits, as they represent the foundation of your current reality. So, the question now is: “Are your habits serving you, or are you engaging in unhealthy habits you need to break to finally become the best version of yourself?”

Habits are subtle – yet their impact is massive. 

It is what you do regularly that contributes to shaping your life.

So, whether you’re aware of your bad habits or have no clue how you’re unconsciously self-sabotaging – that’s what I’m here for!

In this article, you’ll discover:

  • The reason why you need to remove instead of adding new habits…
  • A list of 9 habits you must quit ASAP
  • The one and holy rule to permanently break those unhealthy habits (once and for all!)

So, are you ready to break your unhealthy patterns and form new habits? Then, let’s get started!

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Why You Should Focus on Removing Instead of Adding New Habits

In a hyper-consumerist society where the standard messaging you get is: “The more, the better” – it’s not easy to swim against the tide and decide to remove things from your life rather than add.

Whenever you set a new goal, the tendency is to think you need to do more to obtain it. But, what if doing less of the wrong things could already be enough?

What if focusing on how to break unhealthy habits could take you further than trying to add 24 new positive habits to your daily routine?

Cause, let’s be honest here – you’ve tried a thousand times to:

  • Eat healthier
  • Go to the gym more often
  • Hang out with your friends more
  • Meditate
  • Wake up early

Yet, those healthy habits never lasted in the long run

Maybe now you got so discouraged that you even started to think that a certain goal, path, or desire isn’t the right one for you…

But what if there was nothing wrong with your goal, and you were just using the wrong approach?

To reach the goals mentioned above, you’ve probably tried:

  • Adding new, healthier recipes to your weekly meal-planning
  • Buying cute workout sets to motivate you to hit the gym
  • Making more plans with your friends (even if they didn’t sound fun in the first place)
  • Searching for guided meditations on YouTube
  • Creating a 10-step productive morning routine to start your days on the right foot

Do you notice a pattern?

You were focusing on doing more. You were trying to add, rather than remove. 

So, if that has never worked out for you – why don’t you consider changing your approach a bit? 

Enter the era of improving yourself and your life by removing toxic habits, instead of adding healthy ones!

(By the way, by removing what’s bad you’re naturally making more room for what’s good for you…But we’ll talk about that at the very end of the article – so make sure to stick around! 😉 )


Toxic Habits You Need to Break for a Good Life

Ultimate List of Unhealthy Habits You Must Break (Now)

Take a moment to reflect on whether you regularly engage in these behaviors or not. 

If you don’t – awesome!

But, if you do, it’s best if you try to break the following 9 unhealthy habits ASAP! The result will be a happier you and a better life 😉


If there’s a habit that’s hurting you the most on your path to becoming a better you, it would be this one: complaining

When you complain, your vibrations are low – perhaps, at the lowest.

You’re sending out bad vibes to the Universe and, guess how the Universe will pay you back? By sending your way even more of all the things you keep complaining about!

Have you ever noticed how, when you start your day on the wrong side of the bed, even the smallest things can get you all steamed up? 

Do you think it’s a coincidence that when you’re already running late, you get stuck in traffic, then you argue on the phone with your partner, and you stain your shirt sipping on a hot coffee?

Your bad vibrations are bringing out the worst things in every situation.

Complaining won’t do anything. 

It won’t solve the problem.

Complaining about traffic won’t make the cars go any faster. Your partner won’t say “Sorry” if you keep being rude. And complaining about your stain won’t make it magically disappear.

So, what can you do? How can you turn a bad day around?

How can you raise your vibrations, sending more good energy into the Universe?

It’s quite simple: stop complaining and try looking at things from a different perspective.

For example, being stuck in traffic means you have the time to call your partner instead of arguing over messages so you can hopefully fix things up.

When you’re not worried about running late, a longer commute gives you the time to listen to your favorite motivational podcast. Or, before an important presentation, it gives you more time to mentally rehearse it.

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”

– Dr. Wayne Dyer


Complaining won’t fix your problems.

But so won’t looking at the bright side of things…

But, if you engage in the first, one thing’s for sure: you’ll go to sleep cursing the entire world for the bad day you’ve had. 

If you do the latter, you can sleep peacefully knowing that, despite adversities, some good things happened too! And you know that, no matter how “bad” today was, tomorrow is another day.


“If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.”

– Lao Tzu

You might think that worrying about something or someone means that you care deeply about that thing or person.

Worrying simply means you’re projecting your fears into the future – stressing over something bad that might happen, or might not.

Whether you worry or not, it’s not going to change the outcome.

But, being in a state of worrisome surely does this: it takes away your peace from the present moment.

The feeling of worrisome itself is not bad. After all, all feelings serve a purpose.

For example, worrying about your future job interview will motivate you to do extensive research about the company you’re interviewing for. By doing so, you increase the chances of nailing the interview and getting the job offer. But, once you’ve done your research, prepared for the interview, and decided on the outfit you’re going to wear – does worrying about it make any more sense?

Worrying too much, especially about the things you can’t control, is one of the unhealthy habits you must break.

If the outcome is not under your control, why waste your time worrying about it?

Unhealthy Habits You Must Quit


“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.”

– Eleanor Roosevelt

If there’s one thing I won’t tolerate anymore – and you should quit cold turkey too – is gossiping.

What’s so fun about making rude comments about others? Why judge the way they look or dress up? Why judge their choices?

This is what I think about gossiping:

  • Belittling someone else won’t make you any bigger or better
  • Talking about someone means you’re somewhat jealous and envy what they have, who they are, or what they do

Unless you’re using gossiping as a signal of what you truly desire, it is a waste of time.

Isn’t it sad to not have anything better to do than to watch what others are doing and comment on how they’re living life?

Let me tell you: at least they’re out there living their lives! While you’re out there, watching others’! 

And, if you find yourself in a group of friends that the only thing they can do is to talk s*it about others – step away from them!

Don’t spend your time with toxic people only not to be alone.

At this point, it’s better to embrace loneliness for a while and trust that you’ll meet the right people, at the right time.


We both know it: you’re guilty of this as much as I am! 😉

Not even the strongest discipline can get you away from watching some Netflix after a long day, even if you’d promised yourself to work on your side hustle…(Yep, guilty!)

It’s ok (and normal) to not always do the right things…We’re only humans.

The problem arises when procrastination is your default mode. When you realize you’re the one preventing you from living your dream life

If your inaction is holding you back, you need to learn how to get rid of procrastination (and quickly!).

Sure, it’s not easy to put your head down and simply do the work but let me ask you this straight: “20 years from now, will you be more disappointed by what you have or haven’t done?”.

The right way to approach your procrastination is to:

  • Understand why you’re procrastinating in the first place (YES, even your procrastination is serving you a purpose)
  • Create a game plan to finally get things done!

So, what is it that you’ve been dreaming of doing but keep postponing? Is it:

Procrastination is one of the worst habits to have – but you can break it!

RELATED: Read here “7 Ways to Finally Stop Procrastinating (Once and for All!)”

Unhealthy habits to Quit Now

Mindless Scrolling

You know you should be doing something else, yet you cannot stop: it’s like your thumb has a life of its own!

Whether you do it right after waking up or before falling asleep,  you need to break one of the most unhealthy habits of the 21st century: mindless scrolling!

What is being addicted to your phone giving you?

Maybe a much-needed boost of dopamine, an easy way to escape your problems, or a quick form of entertainment…

But, is this worth it if you compare it to the fact that you’re essentially wasting your time (and life)?

You’re spending it watching others live their lives, rather than living your own. Is that worth it? Is it how you want to live?

Just like any other addiction, your social media addiction is not an easy one to break. I know it too – and I’m definitely not perfect! (Sometimes I spend 4 hours online too…)

But, when I realized that I was prioritizing doom scrolling over taking control of my time (and life) – I decided it was time to stop! So, what did I do about it?

I became more intentional with the way I spend my time.

Thankfully, now I have an average of less than 3 hours of screen time (which I know, it’s still a lot – but it’s better than before!) 😉

Here are some small tips and tricks you can use to break your phone addiction that I’ve personally used to reduce my screen time:

  • No phone first thing in the morning! (I turn off my alarm, then I put down the phone and get up!)
  • Whenever I’m tempted to pick up my phone, I ask myself “What do I want to use it for?”. If there’s not a clear answer, then it’s not worth it
  • One device at a time! (Yes, no more mindless scrolling while playing a movie in the background)
  • At the dinner table, I’m only allowed to have my laptop to watch a show, movie, or video on YouTube but phone and social media are banned
  • No phone last thing at night, as I try to put it down at least 30 minutes before bedtime so that I can journal and read

None of these hacks are life-changing, but their benefits do compound. 

Comparing Yourself

Whether you’re aware of it or not, as you spend more time online your subconscious is also engaging in another of the most unhealthy habits: comparison!

Maybe you’re not fully aware of it, but:

  • Your self-confidence has a dramatic decrease every time you see a picture of another model wearing a bikini
  • You get mad and upset as you see everyone is out there “vacationing” as you’re working your a** off to save some money
  • Your loneliness gets louder as you see the picture of two of your friends hanging out

You’re comparing your life to the one of others you see online.

But, is it doing you any favor?

“Comparison is the thief of joy”

– Theodore Roosevelt

Every time you open the Instagram feed, I want you to remind yourself that you’re only seeing what they want you to see.

You’re only seeing the good parts (which doesn’t mean there isn’t any bad)

Maybe you see the perfect body, but not the struggles behind it.

You see the nice vacation, but you don’t know how much that person had to work to afford it.

Or you see your friends hanging out, but you cannot know it wasn’t planned and they simply bumped into each other while doing groceries and spontaneously decided to grab a coffee.

The online world is not a total portrait of the real world.

You see the picture, but not the frame. 

How to Break Unhealthy Habits

Fixing Yourself

As I am passionate about personal development, sometimes I need to remind myself that I’m not a project to fix.

I don’t need to be fixed.

Maybe you’re familiar with this feeling too…As you’re constantly:

I mean, I love doing these things too; but, it can also become a bit toxic and extreme.

It all depends on the way you approach your personal development journey. It’s important to ask:

“Am I doing all the work to improve myself from a place of self-love and respect, or because I don’t like who I am now?”

Your life will be a hell of a journey if you want to get better only because you hate your current self.

Why? Cause you’ll never feel content and satisfied – no matter your success and achievements.

If, on the other hand, you approach the self-help world because you know you’re not tapping into your full potential – yet you acknowledge that you’re already doing your best now – is a whole different story.

It means you want to improve yourself because you know you can get better, but you also know that there’s nothing essentially wrong with you now. You appreciate how far you’ve come while knowing that you can go even further.

Only by embracing your current self from a place of self-love, you’ll be able to make long-lasting, real change.

Improving yourself and your life won’t feel like a battle, but it will be the most natural thing you’ll be drawn to.


  • Eat healthy and exercise not as a way to restrict or punish your body, but because you want to do what’s best for your health
  • Journal and meditate not because they’re tasks you need to check off from your to-do list, but because those habits truly make you feel better daily
  • Choose to work on your blog instead of hanging out with your friends not because you’ve become “the boring friend” but because you have a vision you deeply believe in

Working on yourself will assume a completely different meaning once you learn how to love yourself as you are in all the steps of your journey. 

Neglecting Your Needs

No one will give you a medal for holding on and keep going until you reach your lowest. 

So, if you’re pushing yourself only because you don’t know how to stop…this is your healthy sign to push on the brake pedal.

Maybe you’re a people pleaser and can’t say no to your friends when they ask you to hang out, even if what you really need is a cozy night-in.

Or maybe you’re a hard worker and your boss has started taking advantage of it, as you don’t know how to stop staying for longer at the office once your shift is over.

Perhaps, you have an unhealthy relationship with your parents, and you don’t really know how to set healthy boundaries as an adult.

One of the most unhealthy habits you can have – and so you must do something immediately to break it – is to neglect your needs.

Every time you’re not giving yourself what you really need, you’re strengthening the belief that others and their needs are more important than your own.

Remember that others will treat you the same way you treat yourself. And, if you don’t have any self-respect, how do you expect others to respect you? 

You must stop neglecting your needs, and start listening and tuning in with yourself. Learn that it’s okay to:

  • Say “no” to hanging out with your friends if your social battery is empty
  • Get some distance from that family member who only brings out the worst in you
  • Do what is asked you to do at work, without having to “overdo” every time

If you don’t give yourself what you need, no one else will. 

Bad Habits to Get Rid of

Focusing on the Wrong Things

Finally, one of the worst habits you shouldn’t engage in is focusing on the wrong things.

You must understand that your reality is what you make it.

You create your life in your head, then it becomes your reality.

Two people might go through the same challenges, yet one could get out of it becoming more resilient and the other feeling defeated.

Why? Because it’s not what happens itself that’s “good” or “bad”.

What matters the most is your reaction to what happens. And, your reaction is highly influenced by your perception.

So, let me ask you this straight:

“Is the way you see things helping you or not?”

For example, let’s say you’re trying​ to get your side hustle off the ground so that you can quit your tedious 9-5.

You’re not anywhere near financial freedom so, at least for the next year, you have to suck it up and keep your job. Now, you have two options:

  1. You can dread every single day, hour, and minute spent at your job until you can finally quit it
  2. Or, you can still be grateful that you have this 9-5 because it allows you to have a safe income and grow your savings, while you work on your project on the side 

Same scenario. Two different mindsets. 

So, really try to see things from the right perspective. From a positive perspective.

Why? Cause it’s only going to benefit you – and make your life a whole lot easier! 

The Number #1 Rule to Break Your Unhealthy Habits

As mentioned above, this article focuses on the importance of removing instead of adding.

Why? Because doing less of the wrong things will help you do more of the right ones. 

If you want to get rid of some habits in the long run, though, you cannot expect to simply quit cold turkey your toxic behaviors.

When you remove some unhealthy habits, you’ll soon be tempted to fill that “emptiness” with the same bad behaviors you’re so desperately trying to break.

So, you must have a plan: a way to fill those empty spaces with healthier habits and routines. 

Enter the era of focusing on removing and replacing. How does it work? 

Here are some examples:

  • To stop doom-scrolling at night, replace it with 30 minutes of reading
  • If boredom makes you reach out for unhealthy snacks, try instead calling a friend or going on a walk
  • When you’re tempted to pick up your phone while working, why not stand up and grab a glass of water instead?

So, here’s the rule: remove what doesn’t serve you and replace it with something better and healthier. 


That’s all for me today!

Remember that we all have unhealthy habits we need to break, so you’re not alone!

You’ve got this!

Q: “What unhealthy habits are you – or want – to quit?” – Let me know in a comment! 🙂

Until next time,

Giada Crepaldi

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