Forming New Habits

3 Life-Changing Hacks for Forming New Habits

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In the hustle of our daily lives, forming new habits can feel like an uphill battle.

We’ve all been there – the initial burst of motivation fades, and before we know it, our well-intentioned habits slip through the cracks.

But what if there was a secret formula that could anchor these habits in your routine? Forming new habits can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be.

The success of a new habit comes down to the mindset you approach them in.

Before getting into the 3 hacks for forming new habits, you have to better understand habits and mindset.

Good vs Bad Habits

There are many ways to categorize your habits, one is “good” vs “bad”.

While habits don’t exactly have a moral compass, your intention behind them does.

We can think of good habits as habits that are healthy, benefit your growth, and push you in the right direction.

A bad habit is a habit that holds you back, is unhealthy, or hinders your productivity.

You may not be able to identify your habit’s type at first glance.

For example: you might think checking your email in the morning is a good habit. But, if doom scrolling in bed first thing in the morning gives you anxiety, then it’s a bad habit.

Assessing how something makes you feel afterward is a good way to measure if a habit is good or bad for you.


Your mindset can be thought of as a set of attitudes and beliefs that shape your perception of both yourself and the world.

When forming a new habit, your mindset plays a crucial role because it influences your ability to embrace change, overcome challenges, and stay motivated.

You operate with either a growth or fixed mindset.

A growth mindset is expansive: you’re able to find solutions and have a more optimistic approach overall.

If you have a fixed mindset, you’re more rigid and pessimistic, and may hold yourself back.

Approaching your habits with a growth mindset increases the likelihood of successfully adopting and maintaining these new habits.



3 Hacks for Forming New Habits


If you’re approaching your habits and goals with a fixed mindset, you likely have some limiting beliefs that are standing in your way.

Smashing through your limiting beliefs will create a massive shift when it comes to making your habits stick.

A limiting belief is a thought that holds you back from realizing your full potential.

It often stems from negative self-perceptions, fear of failure, or past experiences.

To smash through limiting beliefs, it’s essential to first identify them through self-reflection.

Once you’ve identified the beliefs, challenge them by looking for evidence that proves they’re wrong.

For example: maybe you believe you’re unlovable and that belief is holding you back from finding a partner. You can prove this is wrong by identifying the love you do have in your life from friends or family.

Once you find the evidence you can write a new thought or belief that you want to instill and use it as a daily affirmation.


The myth about motivation is that you either have it or you don’t.

If you’re “failing” to make your new habit stick it’s not because you lack motivation, you’re just lacking momentum.

To create motivation you need to build momentum, and the only way to do that is by starting.

Make a conscious effort to add your new habit to your daily calendar or checklist.

After a few days of checking it off your list, you’ll begin to build momentum which will fuel your motivation.

You’re not lazy, you just need to start!


Gratitude is an excellent way to make your new habits stick because what you appreciate expands.

When you approach your new habits with a grateful mindset, you shift your focus from what’s challenging to what’s working.

This mindset shift creates momentum and motivation around committing to these new habits.

Gratitude is an expansive emotion and it allows you to create more of what you want in your life.

If you’re on a journey to form new habits, remember that it all comes down to your mindset.


Tips for Forming New Habits

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  1. Mindset is so important. When I am in a negative space my habits sometimes get thrown out. Also, momentum! When I am on a fitness kick and see the definition or number on the scale, it keeps me going. Thanks for this inspirational post!

    1. That’s great! Personal advice: don’t focus too much on the number on the scale – it might turn into a toxic addiction…
      Find other measurable ways to track you fitness journey: how energetic you feel throughout the day, the distance you can walk/run, the weights you can lift, etc 🙂

  2. As a coach for over 20 years I LOVE the 3rd one gratitude is so under rated but gratitude makes a 6+powerful shift in how we approach everything in our life

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