Questions to Change Your Life

5 Meaningful Questions to Change Every Area of Your Life

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Do you want to change your life but don’t know where to start? Then, you’re on the right post – cause you’re about to discover how to transform your whole life with only 5 simple questions! 😉  

Before you make any change, you must get a clear picture of where you’re currently at. 

The 5 questions below are designed to help you gain more clarity about your current life situation so that, by identifying what’s going well and what isn’t, you’ll be able to make the right changes.

So, are you to create and live your dream life? Then, let’s get started!

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What Are the 12 Areas of Life You Can Change?

Your life can be split up into 12 categories:

  1. Body
  2. Mind
  3. Heart
  4. Soul
  5. Path
  6. Money
  7. Determination
  8. Discipline
  9. Dedication
  10. Time
  11. Goals
  12. Habits

Let’s delve into each one of these categories and see what they mean!


Your body is the driving machine of your being. Your physical health, therefore, is one of the most important areas of your life.

Without your health, you wouldn’t be able to do anything that you love doing.

Minnesota State University states a healthy body is essentially maintained by 3 elements:

  • good nutrition
  • regular exercise
  • high-quality sleep 

These are the foundations of your physical well-being. Let’s see what comes next! 😉


Powerful Questions to Change Every Area of Your Life


Your mental health is as important as your physical health. After all, your mind has an enormous power over your life.

It’s no secret that your thoughts shape your reality. 

From Ancient Rome until today, here are a few inspiring quotes said by some of the most inspirational figures:

“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature.” ― Marcus Aurelius

“With our thoughts, we make the world.” ― Gautama Buddha

“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” ― Lao Tzu

When you get the flu, you don’t think twice about doing whatever you need to do to recover fast – whether that’s getting more rest, seeing your doctor, or taking some medicine.

But, when it’s time to take care of mental health, so many of us have the toxic habit of postponing it. 

We don’t think it’s that big of a deal if we’re not mentally performing so well.

We think it will get better with time, by itself – until it doesn’t…

Don’t expect things to get worse before asking for help.

Take care of your mental health as you take care of your body – cause, if one of the two is suffering, the other will suffer too.


The heart is the sum of the relationships that make up your life. That includes your partner, family, friends, colleagues, and so on…

As social creatures, we go through our lives seeking connection – which is one underrated aspect of our well-being.

It’s no secret that one of the crucial elements of living a longer, more fulfilling life is having positive relationships in our lives.


Whether you’re Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, or Atheist – there’s a part of you that seeks spirituality.

It doesn’t matter if you call it God, Allah, Buddha, Destiny, or the Universe – you believe in something.

You believe that there are some forces behind it all, that guide you through your life and influence your life decisions


Your path is the academic or professional career you’re currently on. 

Although I’m a believer that your job doesn’t define you, it’s also true that’s where you spend  – or will end up spending – most of your lifetime. 


The financial area of your life includes not only how much money you have, but also what’s your relationship to money and how you treat it and spend it. 


Determination can be defined as your strength and willingness to overcome any challenges you face in life.

Determined people are resilient and committed to achieving their goals and pursuing their paths, no matter how many obstacles life throws in the way.

Life-Changing Questions


Who wouldn’t want to become a more disciplined person

But what does it mean to be disciplined in the first place? To me, a disciplined person is someone who keeps the promises to oneself and others. 

Whether you’re struggling to wake up early in the morning, stick to your healthy habits, or stay consistent with blogging – discipline is what separates the average person from the most successful people in the world.


Is there something that gets you ‘in the flow’?

What’s the one activity, passion, or project that you could do for hours and hours, without getting tired? 

Being dedicated – which means being committed – to a task or purpose is one of the things that can bring you the most fulfillment and joy in life.


Time is the most precious resource in your life. Why? Because you don’t really know how much time you have. 

It can feel like time is a limitless resource; but the truth is that every second you spend doing something you hate, it’s a waste of time.

We all have the same 24 hours in a day, yet some of us go to sleep feeling like we haven’t accomplished anything, and others can peacefully rest knowing they did the best they could with the time they had.

Learning how to manage your time more effectively is one of the most important skills you could ever acquire in your life.


A life without goals is like going on a journey without knowing the destination – you’ll end up spinning in circles! 

Setting the right goals in life is one crucial aspect of self-growth. Why? Only by setting the right goals you can end up becoming your best self and living your dream life


“The quality of our lives depends on the quality of our habits.” ― James Clear

We are not what we say we are going to do, but what we do.

That’s why, habit-formation is the key to achieving excellence and success in any – or every – area of your life.

Habits have the power to take you closer to where you want to go or hold you back from who you want to become. 

5 Questions to Change Your Life

These are the 5 questions you need to ask yourself in each area of your life, to create the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Powerful Life-Changing Questions

1. What are my beliefs?

There’s a reason why you feel like you’re living the same thing over and over again.

If you feel like you keep repeating the same mistake, chances are that you are – but there’s a reason for it! 

You’ll have to face the same challenges, problems, and difficulties until you learn the lessons they’re meant to teach you. 

Usually, you’ll keep re-living situations that feel comfortable and are familiar to you…

Are you wondering why you keep finding yourself stuck at jobs you hate, feeling unworthy of love, and skipping the gym for the millionth time this month?

Start with checking your current beliefs. 

Maybe, you’ll realize that the situations above keep happening only because you’re wired to think that:

  • Work is not supposed to be fun and it’s not meant to be enjoyed
  • You expect others to love you the way you don’t love yourself
  • You’ve never been a consistent person

“Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny.”

– Gandhi

Are these beliefs helping me or holding me back? 

Now that you’ve identified the beliefs that are shaping your reality, for each of them you need to ask yourself one simple and clear question:

“Is this belief helping or blocking me?”

You’ll discover that, for those areas of life you aren’t satisfied with, your beliefs are usually preventing you from tapping into your full potential.

It makes sense, after all – that’s exactly why you feel so unhappy with that area of your life!

Where do these beliefs come from?

The next thing to do is to understand where such beliefs come from. 

Everything you believe in is something you’ve learned, either because you’ve learned it from others or experience.

So, now you must identify the root cause behind your limiting beliefs.

Here are some examples:

  • You keep finding jobs you hate doing only because you grew up in a household where your dad was constantly complaining about his job, so you think that real work can’t be fun
  • You’ve seen your mother accept the miserable love of your dad, so you welcome toxic partners into your life because you believe that any love is better than no love at all
  • After hitting the gym for 2 days in a row you feel the compelling need to skip it only to confirm the belief you have of not being a consistent person, as you grew up hearing your teachers complain about your inconsistent results at school

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.” ― Henry Ford

2. What do I want to achieve?

Without a clear vision, you’ll end up feeling lost.

After identifying your beliefs, whether they’re limiting you or not, and where they come from – you’re ready for the next step!

There is one crucial question you should ask yourself if you want to change your life, and that is:

“What do I want to achieve, exactly?”

You must get crystal clear about what’s the outcome you’re hoping for.

The more detailed your vision is, the better.

Your life vision will guide you through challenging times, uncertainties, and important life-changing decisions.

So, set a timer and spend some intentional time reflecting on what it is – exactly – that you want to achieve in every area of your life.

Questions That Will Change Your Life

3. What’s my ‘why’?

As you develop your life vision, you must keep in mind the driving force behind it.

What’s your ‘why’? What’s the reason behind your goals, dreams, and aspirations? 

It all starts with your ‘why’ – without it, your goals don’t make any sense.

For each of the 12 areas of your life, you must ask yourself:

“Why do I want to achieve [insert your goal here]?”

The truth is that we don’t all have the same goals; and if we do, we don’t share the same motives.

Some might want to get in shape to have the energy to do the things they love, while others might need to do it to address some health-related problems. 

Some people prefer the financial security that a 9-5 provides, while others might chase financial freedom pursuing their creative projects – despite all the uncertainties and challenges that come with it.

Finally, someone might want to pursue a freelance career to have the flexibility to spend more time with loved ones, while others are chasing the freedom that comes with it – and that allows them to travel anywhere, anytime.

Luckily, we’re all different!

Naturally, we don’t want all the same things – and, again, if we do, it’s normal that we don’t want them for the same reasons!

But, if you want to truly change your life, you must understand why you want to make the changes you’re seeking in the first place.

Otherwise, you’ll never make it if you don’t know why you’re doing it! 

4. What skills do I need to acquire to achieve it?

There is a version of you that has everything you wish for.

I repeat, there is a version of you that already has everything you wish for.

Embrace this universal truth, and be ready for your life to change for the better!

But, it’s also true that your life won’t change only by wishing and praying – you must be willing to make the necessary changes!

How will you get there? That’s only for you to uncover.

Think about ‘future you’ – what do they do? How do they behave? What do they think? What skills do they have?

You can bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to go only if you’re willing to put in the work

If you picture yourself as a confident person, you must be willing to learn what it takes to become more confident.

Are you dreaming of becoming a successful blogger? Then you must learn the skills that all successful bloggers have and the lessons they have to share.

Maybe you want to have a better relationship with yourself because you’ve learned the hard way that you can’t hate yourself into a better you. To get better, you must commit to learning how to truly love yourself.

I’m 100% confident that you’re capable of creating your dream life – otherwise, you wouldn’t have that vision in the first place.

That dream was planted in your heart for a reason!

It’s normal to be scared, confused or lost. But, I’m here to remind you that you can feel the fear and do it anyway.

You can become who you’ve always wanted to be – but only if you’re willing to learn what it takes to become the best version of yourself!

5. What habits do I need to achieve it?

“We become what we repeatedly do.” ― Sean Covey

You can change your life, one habit at a time. Why? Cause your daily habits are the secrets to your success!

Any goal you have in life can be achieved if you have strong, solid habits that help you bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to go.

For example, if your goal is to get in the best shape of your life, you can set the following habits:

  • Hit a certain step count every day
  • Add fruits or veggies to any of your meals
  • Drink 1,5L of water every day

Or if your goal is to write your first book, you might include in your daily routine some habits such as:

  • Write a certain amount of words
  • Read 10 pages of a book to get you inspired
  • Pursue creative hobbies to boost your creativity

If you want to achieve your goals, you must ask yourself this important question:

“What habit(s) will help me get there?”

Then, get started! 

Slow but steady, I’m sure you’ll achieve everything you’ve always dreamed of! 


Deep Questions to Completely Change Your Life


That’s all for me today!

To recap, here are the 5 questions that can help you change your life:

  1. What beliefs do you have in every area of your life? Are they helping you or blocking you?
  2. What do you want to achieve in every area of your life?
  3. What’s the reason behind the goals you want to pursue in life? 
  4. What skills do you need to achieve what you desire in life?
  5. What habits will allow you to bridge the gap between who you are and who you aspire to be?

I’m not gonna lie to you – this process is not a fast one!

But, while it might take you some time to gain clarity, you can rest assured that the time you spend reflecting on these questions is time well spent.

You’re investing in yourself to create a better future! After all, you’re your greatest investment 😉

Q: “What’s the area of your life you’d like to change the most?” – Let me know in a comment! 🙂

Until next time,

Giada Crepaldi

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