How You Can Achieve Your Goals

How Can You Achieve Your Goals With the 90/90/1 Rule

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Setting new goals is all fun and games until it’s time to actually do something about it! Whether it’s because of time constraints, unexpected setbacks, or life that just gets in the way (per usual), you might be wondering: how can you actually achieve your goals, once and for all?

Well, I’m glad you asked because, in this post, you’ll discover one rule that can completely change the way you approach goal setting…Enter the 90/90/1 rule! 

So, are you ready to finally make some progress on your long-term goals? Then, let’s get started!

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What Is the 90/90/1 Rule?

The 90/90/1 rule was created by Robin Sharma, also known as the bestselling author of “The 5 AM Club”

The 90/90/1 method can help you achieve any goals and resolutions – which is why it’s a key ingredient in the most successful people’s routines

But, what is it exactly?

The logic behind it is simple: you focus on one goal – or project -, for the first 90 minutes of your day for the next 90 days.

RELATED: Not sure what goal to set? Read here “100 Personal Development Goals You Should Set and Achieve in Your Life”

How Does the 90/90/1 Rule Work?

If you’re wondering why the magic number seems to be 90, let me explain it to you.

Based on the ultradian rhythm, humans rule their lives in timeslots of 90 minutes. The human brain can focus for no longer than 90 minutes, after which it needs a break. Same thing when we sleep: our sleeping patterns are governed by the number 90.

There are two main reasons why the 90/90/1 rule works in helping you achieve your goals.

First, studies reveal that you’re at the peak of your energy shortly after waking up – so you’ll be the most productive in the first 90 minutes of your day.

Secondly, setting a 90-day deadline will empower you to work “harder” toward achieving your goal.

Why? Cause a 90-day timeframe is not too far in the future, but also not too close. It’s just the sweet spot that can motivate you enough to work on your goal.

After all, you can do anything for just 90 days, right?

How to Add the 90/90/1 Method to Your Routine

Now, are you ready to try this approach for yourself?

If you’re already panicking – thinking about how you’re going to squeeze in those 90 minutes -, here are some tips and tricks I’d like to make this work for you! 


Rule to Achieve Your Goals

State the Clear Outcome

Before you start implementing the 90/90/1 rule into your life, you should be crystal clear on your desired outcome.

What do you want to achieve in the next 90 days?

If you want this to work, you need to focus only on one area of your life where you’d like to make some progress and then dig even deeper by setting a specific goal.

Don’t just say you want to be healthier. What does “being healthy” mean, to you? Some clear outcomes you could work towards are:

  • Having a steady sleep schedule that allows you to get at least 7 hours of sleep per night
  • Running your first 5k
  • Drinking 2L of water every day

Maybe your goal is to finally launch your blog.

Or to be an early riser and be up by 5 AM.

Maybe you want to finish writing your first book.

Or to read 4 novels. 

Whatever your goal is, make sure it’s specific enough – so that every day you’ll be reminded of what you’re working towards.

Try Out Increments of Time

90 minutes sounds like a very long time to do something – especially if you’re starting from zero. 

Although the original method ideated by Sharma was to work on achieving your goals for 90 minutes, if the number 90 is scaring you off so much to not even consider giving this technique a try, then let me assure you: you don’t have to do 90 minutes!

You could create your own rule of working on one of your goals for 5, 15, or 30 minutes a day.

Do what works for you! After all, the important thing is that you make some progress. 

Small progress is better than none!

So, if you already know that you won’t be able to work on your goal for 90 minutes, why not opt for less?

You can make your own rules.

It’s your goal. Do what works best for you!

Create a Detailed Plan

There’s no worse thing than waking up early to have no clue what you need to work on – right?

I mean, what’s the purpose of waking up bright and early if you don’t even know your next step? 

The strategy to achieving your goals with the 90/90/1 rule is to create a detailed plan around your goal. How will you achieve it, exactly?

For example: if you want to launch your blog, not every day will look the same! Some days you’ll be busy writing and doing research, others reaching out to fellow bloggers, and others promoting your content.

Not only that but, as you create a detailed plan on how you’re going to achieve your goal, you’ll want to consider any possible obstacles and setbacks that might hold you back from your desired outcome.

For example, going back to the blog launch, some challenges you might face are: limited knowledge in website designing, difficulty in doing keyword research and SEO, etc.

RELATED: Grab here your “Free Goal-Setting Template” to achieve your goals easily! 😉 

Play Around With Your Routine

As mentioned above, the first 90 minutes of your day is usually when you’re most productive.

That being said, the 90/90/1 rule is not doable for everybody.

What if you start working at 6 AM every day – does that mean you’d have to be up at 3 in the morning to make sure you have enough time to dedicate 90 minutes to working on your goal, then getting ready and commuting to your job?

What if you have night shifts?

Or what if your current schedule simply doesn’t allow you to work non-stop on your goal for the first 90 minutes of the day?

I mean, everyone has different schedules, priorities, and habits.

For this reason, you should incorporate the 90/90/1 rule into your life keeping flexibility in mind.

Give yourself the flexibility to try different options and see what works best for you.

Maybe you realize that you make more progress when you spend the last 90 minutes of the day on your passion project.

Or maybe you realize that you can’t focus for 90 minutes straight, so you prefer breaking it down into 30-minute timeslots.

Once again, allow yourself to be flexible and play around in order to find the solution that best works for you.

Set Your Boundaries

Finally, if you want the 90/90/1 rule to really work, you shouldn’t be afraid to set some boundaries in your life.

Make it clear to the people in your life!

Tell your friends that, for the next 90 days, you can hang out but stay only until 11 PM – cause then you can get enough sleep and make sure you get up early enough to stick to your 90 minutes of deep work.

Tell your workout buddy that, for the next 3 months, you’d prefer working out in the evening rather than early in the morning.

Other than telling your family and friends about these changes in your routine, you should also set some clear boundaries with yourself.

If you want to wake up early, it’s time to replace your doom-scrolling with a better, healthier habit that can help you wind down for a good night’s sleep. 

Or, if you know that you struggle to get out of bed in the morning, you could start placing your phone in another room – so that you’re forced to get out of your room as the alarm goes off.

How You Can Achieve Your Goals With the 90/90/1 Rule

How Am I Adopting the 90/90/1 Rule

I am a living proof example of how you don’t need to strictly stick to the rigid rule of the 90/90/1 method, but that you can play with it in order to achieve your goals.

How will I make it work for me? This is how I plan to incorporate the 90/90/1 approach into my life:

  • My area of focus will be my blog
  • What’s my clear outcome? I want to level up my posting schedule – writing and publishing two new articles each week
  • It will be more of a 90/30/1, as I will focus on this for the next 30 days (and then decide if I will keep going or not)
  • I will be flexible regarding the time when to tackle those 90 minutes of deep work
  • The detailed plan I created for myself is the following:
    • Monday is my writing day
    • Tuesday is for content promotion
    • Wednesday will be spent learning
    • Thursday is my second writing day
    • Friday is for content promotion
    • Saturday will be spent updating old blog posts
    • Sunday is for collaborating, networking, and pitching myself

Goals Setting Worksheet

WHAT?! You haven’t grabbed it yet?! What are you still waiting for? Grab below your free “Goal Setting Worksheet” and start taking consistent action toward achieving your goals!

Final Words on the 90/90/1 Rule

That’s all for me today!

Working toward your goals won’t be all sunshine and rainbows but, with the 90/90/1 rule, you’re for sure on the right path to achieve them.

So, what do you say? I say: let’s go and make our dreams come true! 

Q: “What is the one goal – or project – you’re going to achieve thanks to the 90/90/1 rule?” – Let me know in a comment! 🙂

Until next time,

Giada Crepaldi

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