Spring Reset Routine
Habits & Routines

Spring Reset Routine: 7 Ways to Refresh Your Life

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Whether you’re ready for it, spring is knocking at your door. If you aren’t, don’t worry – this 7-step spring reset routine is exactly what you need to step into the new season!

There’s a new, vibrant energy entering your life – be ready to welcome it! Spring can be a wonderful time to get motivated to work on your goals, organize your life, and set the habits that will make you feel your best.

Are you ready to start the new season as a brand-new you? Then, let’s get started!

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What is a reset routine and why do you need one in spring?

A reset routine is a list of activities and tasks to help you:

  • Clear your mind 
  • Feel more in control of your time
  • Organize your life
  • Get out of that funk
  • Set the right habits and systems for success

During winter, motivation isn’t usually high – except for that spike during New Year’s Eve, when everyone is setting resolutions.

Research shows that 92% of people fail to commit to their yearly goals by February – that’s why a good Spring reset routine can come to help!

Whether you’re part of that 92% or you’re just looking for a way to boost your motivation – you’re in the right place.

Without further ado, let’s dive in!

The 7-step reset routine to refresh your life this Spring

Here’s the 7-step routine you should follow if you want to hit the ‘reset’ button for your life, this spring:

Ultimate Spring Reset Routine

1. Set an intention for Spring

The new season brings that exciting feeling of a fresh start.

It’s the perfect time to set a new intention for your life. Ask yourself: “What do I want to welcome into the season?”.

Is it novelty? Peace? Health? Friendship? Love? Purpose? Joy? Freedom?

What are you craving? What do you feel like you need the most in your life, right now?

There is no wrong answer here. Choose what works for you.

My intention for this Spring, for example, is to be fully present – whatever I’m doing, wherever I am.

But, if you’re having a hard time setting your intention, it might be a sign you need to reassess your values and life priorities. Luckily, I can help you do just that! 😉

Download your FREE “Core Values Workbook” to discover what’s most important to you in life:

2. Refresh your goals (or set some new ones)

Remember those goals you set at the beginning of the year? It’s time to take a look back at them, and see whether they’re still aligned with your future.

Do those goals reflect the life you’re trying to create for yourself? Or are they tied to a past version of yourself that no longer wants what you want now?

Springtime is the perfect time to:

  1. Get motivated again to work toward your goals
  2. Set some new goals

You do you. Both are fine.

Ideally, if you decide to set new goals, they should align with the intention you’ve just set for the new season.

Going back to my spring intention, some goals I could set for myself are:

  • Doing one thing at a time (especially work-related)
  • Meditating daily (even if it’s just for 2 minutes)
  • Reducing my screen time (and not using my phone when I’m with others)

PSST. If you’re struggling to achieve your goals – let me help you! Get your “90-Day Goal Action Plan” to stop wishing and start doing – because that’s the only way you’ll make your dreams come true! 😉

3. Switch up your daily routines

Spring is the perfect time to change up your life, starting with your routine. Let’s be honest – after a while, routines get boring.

It’s time to ditch your cozy morning routine for winter to a more productive one! Or, to stick to that relaxing night routine you’ve always skipped, preferring to scroll on TikTok.

Take advantage of this fresh start to set the healthy habits and routines you’d like to commit to in your life. Some ideas could be:

If you used to work out late in the afternoon, why not try working out first thing in the morning? What if you go to a new café rather than your usual one? What if you decide to meditate during your lunch break rather than in the evening?

Experiment with your routines and see what works best for you. 

4. Do something for your mind

One important step of this spring reset routine is taking care of your mind.

When we refer to health, we usually just think about our bodies – but we’re much, much more than just a body.

That’s why, this season, I want you to take care of your mental health. That might look different to everyone, but some general ideas are:

Your mindset affects your reality – so make sure it’s a positive place to live in!

Steps for a Good Spring Reset Routine

5. Take care of your body

As you improve your well-being and mental health, don’t forget about your body too.

Taking care of your body means treating it from a place of self-respect and self-love. How do you care for your body?

There are many ways to give your body what it needs, and it goes beyond exercising and eating a rich-nutrient diet. 

Other simple yet powerful ways to take care of your body are:

Treat your body as a temple because it’s the only home you’ll forever live in.

6. Find joys “small joys”

If there’s one key message I want you to take away from this spring reset routine is the following: “Do more of what brings you joy”.

Find some “small joys” in your daily life. It could be as simple as:

  • Listening to your favorite music as you get ready for the day
  • Spending the first hour of your day working on your dream project
  • Going out for a daily walk around your neighborhood
  • Cooking your favorite meal
  • Having a 20-minute reading session before going to sleep

How can you make every day lighter? How can you add fun to your life and feel excited throughout the day rather than dreading what’s next?

Spring Reset Routine for Success

7. Disconnect to reconnect

Finally, the last step of this spring reset routine is to distance yourself from the online world.

Disconnect from your socials to reconnect with people. Step away from that toxic environment, and look at the beauty of the world around you.

Spending less time online will allow you to:

  • Have more time to spend on your hobbies, passions, and projects
  • Build better and deeper relationships
  • Take care of your mental health
  • Spend more time in nature
  • Be more mindful in your day-to-day

It’s not about being left out from the world; it’s actually ensuring you get to see the real world with your eyes, and not through a screen. 

BONUS: Free Spring Reset Routine Checklist & Ideas

Grab your FREE Spring reset routine checklist and start the new season feeling organized, put together, and as your best self! 😉

Spring Reset Routine Checklist


That’s all for me today!

I hope this post gave you some inspiration on how you can take advantage of springtime to refresh your life and goals. 

Q: “What’s your life reset routine for Spring?” – Share yours in a comment! 🙂

Until next time,

Giada Crepaldi

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2 Comments on “Spring Reset Routine: 7 Ways to Refresh Your Life

  1. This is exactly what I needed! There’s something about spring that makes me crave a fresh start, and your 7-step reset routine is such a perfect guide to make that happen. I especially love the idea of switching up daily routines. It’s so easy to get stuck in autopilot, and a little change can make a huge difference in energy and motivation.

    Also, finding small joys really spoke to me. It’s a reminder that resetting doesn’t have to mean huge life changes; sometimes, it’s just about appreciating the little moments that bring happiness.

    Can’t wait to grab the Spring Reset Routine Checklist. Thank you for writing this!

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