Here we go again: it’s 4 PM on a Sunday and you can feel your anxiety rising, as you dread the thought of starting a new week. Every week is the same old story – you just can’t let go of those “Sunday Scaries”. But, what if you could make your Sundays more enjoyable? What if it became a day you actually look forward to? Enter the era of a Sunday reset!
In this blog post, you’ll discover the 6 steps you can take to finally live a stress-free Sunday so that you can hit the road on Monday feeling relaxed, recharged, and refreshed.
So, are you ready for the ultimate Sunday reset routine? Then, let’s get started!
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Why Do You Need A Sunday Weekly Reset?
I feel you – it’s Sunday morning and the last thing you want to do is get out of bed…
You want to have a lazy Sunday – or “bed rot day” – to mentally prepare for the week ahead.
Is it really the best thing to do to recharge your batteries, though?
The truth is that there is so much potential in using Sunday as a reset day. Here are some of the benefits you can get:
- Feeling less stressed and anxious
- Saying *finally* goodbye to those Monday Blues
- Having more clarity
- A better focus
- Feeling more energetic
- Having a structured plan for the week ahead

Top 6 Steps For The Perfect Sunday Reset Routine
Make a Brain Dump
The first step for a proper reset is to make a brain dump.
Doing a brain dump session will allow you to get out of your head and finally get moving.
When you put your thoughts onto paper, the chaos in your head starts making more sense.
Personally, I feel like grabbing a pen and paper and writing my thoughts down is more effective than doing it digitally; but you do you.
What’s important? That you jot down every single:
- Thought
- Idea
- Emotion
- Project
- Task
- Deadline
- Appointment
Don’t worry about making it look pretty, colorful, or organized.
Its only purpose is to free up some of your headspace.
If you start your weekly reset with a massive brain dump session, you’ll feel less:
- Stressed
- Overwhelmed
- Confused
- Lazy (so you won’t procrastinate as much)
- Anxious
So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to get writing!
Automatize & Plan
Once you’ve jotted it all down on paper – or your phone -, the very next thing to do is to plan it more in detail.
In particular, you’ll want to automatize any minor decision so you can reduce the decision fatigue you’ll experience throughout the week.
Research suggests that we make an average of 35.000 decisions per day. No wonder why most of our poorest decisions are taken at night 😉
Throughout the week, you’ll be forced to face several challenges and make some important decisions, so…why not automate the ones that don’t really matter?
On Sunday, you could already plan your:
- Workouts
- Meals
- Social plans
- Outfits
- Savings
- Social media posts
If those small decisions are now out of the way, don’t you think you’d have much more mental space and energy to focus on what’s important?
Consider planning your whole week ahead of time – your future self will thank you for it 😉
PS. Grab your FREE “Weekly Planner”! 😉
Make Fun Plans
One of the best ways to get rid of those “Sunday Scaries” is to plan something fun for the week ahead.
I mean, after all, you’re experiencing those “Sunday Scaries” only because your mind is spinning around already thinking about your never-ending to-do list, right?
Well, now I want you to look at that list and ask yourself this question:
“On this list, is there something I enjoy doing?”
If not, you’ve got to do something about it!
How can you add more joy to your days? What would make you happier? How can you romanticize this season of your life a little more?
Don’t just think about it – I want you to put it on your agenda! Why? Because we all know that if it’s not on your agenda then it’ll never happen!
Make it a habit to add to your Sunday reset routine the task of making fun plans for the week ahead. Whether it’s a:
- Solo date
- Romantic date
- Friends gathering
- Weekend getaway
- Workout class
The best way to make sure you actually follow through it’s by putting it on paper.

Listen to Your Body
There is a lot of pressure on Sundays…
If there’s something I want you to take away from this post is that only you know what’s best for you.
Sure, there will always be a new trend on TikTok; but the point is not to follow trends only for the sake of it – especially if they don’t make you feel good about yourself.
Is anxiety keeping you stuck in bed? It’s ok.
Do you feel like hitting the gym at 6 AM because it’s the best way for you to get out of your head? Amazing.
Do you want to get drunk over mimosa with your besties? Go for it.
Have you been socializing too much and are now in need of a “bed rot day”? Take the day off.
To have the best weekly reset, the healthiest thing you could do for yourself is to listen to your body.
Take care of it. Give what it needs.
Catch Up
How many people have you left on read? What’s the number of emails in your inbox? Who have you forgotten to reach out to?
As you get sucked into the busyness of your routine, it’s easy to let things pile up.
The project you had to work on takes over texting back to your friend.
You feel too tired in the evening to call your mom, so she hasn’t heard from you in weeks.
Sometimes you just want to chill and watch Netflix after a long day, instead of hanging out with your friends.
It happens to everyone. (I’m a veeery bad texter myself!)
You might think it’s easier to just leave people on read or not reach out because, I mean, – what’s the point if you know you’ll forget to answer their next message anyways?
Well, catching up with whatever plan, message, call, or email you haven’t been able to follow through during the week is a perfect task to add to your Sunday reset checklist!
So, even if one of the last things you want to do on Sunday is to be on your phone, I’m inviting you to use it wisely. (Like texting back your friend. Or calling your mom. ;))
Weekly Review
Finally, a good Sunday reset isn’t complete without a review of your week!
Here are some questions you could ask yourself:
- What are 3 things I’m grateful for?
- What did I learn?
- Who influenced me the most?
- What area of my life do I want to improve?
- What could I have done better?
After you’ve done your weekly review, there is a final but crucial step you must take: reflecting and planning for the new week.
Here are steps that can best help you set up your week:
- Come up with a weekly intention
- List your top 3 goals
- Reflect on how you want to feel
- Be grateful for the past
- Find a meaningful activity you can do for yourself
PS. Grab here your FREE “Weekly Reflections Journal” to help you review, reflect, and restart in the best way – every single week!
Final Words
That’s all for me today!
I hope that this post gave you some ideas and inspiration for having the perfect Sunday reset!
The 6 steps above are what works best for me, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all kind of thing.
So, just remember: create a routine that feels good to you and makes you happy – that’s the ultimate goal!

Q: “Do you have a Sunday reset routine? If yes, what does it look like?” – Let me know in a comment! 🙂
Until next time,

these are really great ideas
I love this detailed post! My Sunday reset mainly consists of cleaning and mentally preparing for a new week.
Nothing makes you feel more ready for a new week than a good Sunday cleaning session 🙂 Good job!
I don’t usually do the Sunday reet but when I do it, it feels amazing. So, this is great reminder for us to do it.
Yes, it’s easier to just lay on the couch all day…But when you put the energy and effort to actively do something on a Sunday, you can rest assured that you’re setting yourself up for real success 🙂